Documentation - C API
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
o*aib.cAIB - Definition
o*aib.hAIB (Agglomerative Information Bottleneck (AIB))
o*covdet.cCovariant feature detectors - Definition
o*covdet.hCovariant feature detectors (Covariant feature detectors)
o*dsift.cDense SIFT - Definition
o*dsift.hDense SIFT (Dense Scale Invariant Feature Transform (DSIFT))
o*fisher.cFisher - Declaration
o*fisher.hFisher encoding (Fisher Vector encoding (FV))
o*generic.cGeneric - Definition
o*generic.hGeneric (General support functionalities)
o*getopt_long.cGetopt_long - Definition
o*gmm.cGaussian Mixture Models - Implementation
o*gmm.hGMM (Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM))
o*heap-def.hHeap preprocessor metaprogram
o*hikmeans.cHierarchical Integer K-Means Clustering - Declaration
o*hikmeans.hHierarchical integer K-Means clustering
o*hog.cHistogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) - Definition
o*hog.hHistogram of Oriented Gradients (Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) features)
o*homkermap.cHomogeneous kernel map - Definition
o*homkermap.hHomogeneous kernel map (Homogeneous kernel map)
o*host.cHost - Definition
o*ikmeans.cInteger K-Means clustering - Definition
o*ikmeans.hInteger K-Means clustering
o*ikmeans_elkan.tcInteger K-Means - Elkan Algorithm - Definition
o*ikmeans_init.tcInteger K-Means - Initialization - Definition
o*ikmeans_lloyd.tcInteger K-Means - LLoyd Algorithm - Definition
o*imopv.cVectorized image operations - Definition
o*imopv.hVectorized image operations
o*imopv_sse2.cVectorized image operations - SSE2 - Definition
o*imopv_sse2.hVectorized image operations - SSE2
o*kdtree.cKD-tree - Definition
o*kdtree.hKD-tree (KD-trees and forests)
o*kmeans.cK-means - Declaration
o*kmeans.hK-means (K-means clustering)
o*lbp.cLocal Binary Patterns - Definition
o*lbp.hLocal Binary Patterns
o*liop.cLocal Intensity Order Pattern (LIOP) descriptor - Definition
o*liop.hLocal Intensity Order Pattern (LIOP) descriptor (Local Intensity Order Pattern (LIOP) descriptor)
o*mathop.cMath operations - Definition
o*mathop.hMath operations
o*mathop_avx.cMathop for AVX - Definition
o*mathop_avx.hMathop for avx
o*mathop_sse2.cMathop for SSE2 - Definition
o*mathop_sse2.hMathop for sse2
o*mexutils.hMEX utilities
o*mser.cMSER - Definition
o*mser.hMSER (Maximally Stable Extremal Regions (MSER))
o*pgm.cPortable graymap format (PGM) parser - Definition
o*pgm.hPortable graymap format (PGM) parser
o*qsort-def.hQSort preprocessor metaprogram
o*quickshift.cQuick shift - Definition
o*quickshift.hQuick shift (Quick shift image segmentation)
o*random.cRandom number generator - Definition
o*random.hRandom number generator (Random number generator)
o*rodrigues.cRodrigues formulas - Definition
o*rodrigues.hRodrigues formulas
o*scalespace.cScale Space - Definition
o*scalespace.hScale Space (Gaussian Scale Space (GSS))
o*shuffle-def.hShuffle preprocessor metaprogram
o*sift.cSIFT - Definition
o*sift.hSIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT))
o*slic.cSLIC superpixels - Definition
o*slic.hSLIC superpixels (Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC))
o*stringop.cString operations - Definition
o*stringop.hString operations
o*svm.cSupport Vector Machines (SVM) - Implementation
o*svm.hSupport Vector Machines (Support Vector Machines (SVM))
o*svmdataset.cSVM Dataset - Definition
o*svmdataset.hSVM Dataset
o*vlad.cVLAD - Declaration
\*vlad.hVLAD encoding (Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors (VLAD) encoding)