Documentation - C API
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
oCoptiongetopt_long option
oCVlAIBAIB algorithm data
oCVlArrayNumeric array
oCVlCovDetCovariant feature detector
oCVlCovDetFeatureA detected feature
oCVlDsiftDescriptorGeometryDense SIFT descriptor geometry
oCVlDsiftFilterDense SIFT filter
oCVlDsiftKeypointDense SIFT keypoint
oCVlEnumeratorMember of an enumeration
oCVlFileMetaSupport for command line drivers - Definition
oCVlFrameDiscDisc feature frame
oCVlFrameEllipseEllipse feature frame
oCVlFrameOrientedDiscOriented disc feature frame An upright frame has angle equal to zero
oCVlFrameOrientedEllipseOriented ellipse feature frame The affine transformation transforms the ellipse shape into a circular region
oCVlHIKMNodeHIKM tree node
oCVlIKMFiltIKM quantizer
oCVlKDForestKDForest object
oCVlKDForestNeighborNeighbor of a query point
oCVlKDForestSearcherKDForest searcher object
oCVlKMeansK-means quantizer
oCVlLbpLocal Binary Pattern extractor
oCVlLiopDescLIOP descriptor extractor object
oCVlMserExtrRegMSER: extremal region (declaration)
oCVlMserFiltMSER filter
oCVlMserRegMSER: basic region (declaration)
oCVlMserStatsMSER filter statistics definition
oCvlmxOptionMEX option
oCVlPgmImagePGM image meta data
oCVlQSQuick shift results
oCVlRandRandom numbber generator state
oCVlScaleSpaceScale space class
oCVlScaleSpaceGeometryGeometry of a scale space
oCVlScaleSpaceOctaveGeometryGeometry of one octave of a scale space
oCVlSiftFiltSIFT filter
oCVlSiftKeypointSIFT filter keypoint
\CVlSvmStatisticsSVM statistics This structure contains statistics characterising the state of the SVM solver, such as the current value of the objective function