VL_PLOTSIFTDESCRIPTOR(D) plots the SIFT descriptors D, stored as columns of the matrix D. D has the same format used by VL_SIFT().
VL_PLOTSIFTDESCRIPTOR(D,F) plots the SIFT descriptors warped to the SIFT frames F, specified as columns of the matrix F. F has the same format used by VL_SIFT().
H=VL_PLOTSIFTDESCRIPTOR(...) returns the handle H to the line drawing representing the descriptors.
REMARK. By default, the function assumes descriptors with 4x4 spatial bins and 8 orientation bins (Lowe's default.)
The function supports the following options
- NumSpatialBins [4]
Number of spatial bins in each spatial direction.
- NumOrientBins [8]
Number of orientation bis.
- Magnif [3]
Magnification factor.