CONF = VL_ARGPARSE(CONF, ARGS) updates the structure CONF based on the specified parameter-value pairs ARGS={PAR1, VAL1, ... PARN, VALN}. The function produces an error if an unknown parameter name is passed in.
[CONF, ARGS] = VL_ARGPARSE(CONF, ARGS) copies any parameter in ARGS that does not match CONF back to ARGS instead of producing an error.
- Example
The function can be used to parse a list of arguments passed to a MATLAB functions:
function myFunction(x,y,z,varargin) conf.parameterName = defaultValue ; conf = vl_argparse(conf, varargin)
If only a subset of the options should be parsed, for example because the other options are interpreted by a subroutine, then use the form
[conf, varargin] = vl_argparse(conf, varargin)
that copies back to VARARGIN any unknown parameter.
See also: VL_OVERRIDE(), VL_HELP().