Documentation - C API
VlCovDet Struct Reference

Covariant feature detector.

Data Fields

VlCovDetMethod method
double peakThreshold
double edgeThreshold
vl_size octaveResolution
vl_index firstOctave

Field Documentation

VlScaleSpace* VlCovDet::css

Cornerness scale space.

double VlCovDet::edgeThreshold

edge threshold.

vl_index VlCovDet::firstOctave

index of the first octave.

VlScaleSpace* VlCovDet::gss

Gaussian scale space.

VlCovDetMethod VlCovDet::method

feature extraction method.

vl_size VlCovDet::octaveResolution

resolution of each octave.

double VlCovDet::peakThreshold

peak threshold.

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