function texturedVRML2(outputFname,vertex, face, textureUV, textureImageFile) %{ outputFname is the file name for VRML2 file. usualy it is *.wrl when it is done, open the file in meshlab vertex is 3xN points face is KxM faces (index for faces with K vertices and M face in total. K=3 for triangulated mesh. K=4 for rectangular mesh.) textureUV is KxMx2 uv coordinates for each vertice of the faces (all values should be from 0 to 1) texture coordinate system V (0,1) (1,1) ^ | | | +--------> U (1,0) (0,0) more document: %} fp = fopen(outputFname,'w'); fprintf(fp,'#VRML V2.0 utf8\n'); fprintf(fp,'Shape{ geometry IndexedFaceSet{\n'); fprintf(fp,'coord Coordinate{point[\n'); for i=1:size(vertex,2) fprintf(fp,'%f %f %f,\n',vertex(1,i),vertex(2,i),vertex(3,i)); end fprintf(fp,']}\n'); fprintf(fp,'coordIndex[\n'); for i=1:size(face,2) for j=1:size(face,1) fprintf(fp,'%d,',face(j,i)); end fprintf(fp,'-1,\n'); end fprintf(fp,']\n'); fprintf(fp,'texCoord TextureCoordinate{point[\n'); for i=1:size(textureUV,2) for j=1:size(textureUV,1) fprintf(fp,'%f %f\n',textureUV(j,i,1),textureUV(j,i,2)); end end fprintf(fp,']}\n'); fprintf(fp,'texCoordIndex[\n'); cnt =0; for i=1:size(textureUV,2) for j=1:size(textureUV,1) fprintf(fp,'%d ',cnt); cnt=cnt+1; end fprintf(fp,'-1\n'); end fprintf(fp,']\n'); fprintf(fp,'}\n'); fprintf(fp,'appearance Appearance{material Material{diffuseColor 1 1 1 } texture ImageTexture { url "%s" } }\n',textureImageFile); fprintf(fp,'}\n'); fclose(fp); end