function pick = nmsMe(boxes, overlap) % Non-maximum suppression. (FAST VERSION) % Greedily select high-scoring detections and skip detections % that are significantly covered by a previously selected % detection. % NOTE: This is adapted from Pedro Felzenszwalb's version (nms.m), % but an inner loop has been eliminated to significantly speed it % up in the case of a large number of boxes % modified based on Tomasz Malisiewicz's esvm code if isempty(boxes) pick = []; return; end x1 = boxes(:,1); y1 = boxes(:,2); x2 = boxes(:,3); y2 = boxes(:,4); s = boxes(:,end); area = (x2-x1+1) .* (y2-y1+1); [~, I] = sort(s); pick = s*0; counter = 1; while ~isempty(I) last = length(I); i = I(last); pick(counter) = i; counter = counter + 1; xx1 = max(x1(i), x1(I(1:last-1))); yy1 = max(y1(i), y1(I(1:last-1))); xx2 = min(x2(i), x2(I(1:last-1))); yy2 = min(y2(i), y2(I(1:last-1))); w = max(0.0, xx2-xx1+1); h = max(0.0, yy2-yy1+1); o = w.*h ./ area(I(1:last-1)); I([last; find(o>overlap)]) = []; end pick = pick(1:(counter-1));