function [Rtilt,R] = rectify(XYZ) %% XYZ is HxWx3 matrix % X = XYZ(:,:,1);Y = XYZ(:,:,2);Z = XYZ(:,:,3); % XYZnew = Rtilt*[X(:),Y(:),Z(:)]' [Rtilt,R,world_center] = dominantAxes([eye(3) zeros(3,1)],XYZ); function [Rtilt,R,world_center] = dominantAxes(cameraRt, pts) XYZ = pts; S = 10; points = [reshape(XYZ(:,:,1),1,[]);reshape(XYZ(:,:,2),1,[]);reshape(XYZ(:,:,3),1,[])]; pointsOK = points(:,sum(isnan(points),1)==0); pointsOK = pointsOK(:,1:S:end); %tic;normals = points2normals_radius(pointsOK);toc; normals = points2normals(pointsOK); %{ figure, s =1; quiver3(pointsOK(1,1:S*s:end),pointsOK(2,1:S*s:end),pointsOK(3,1:S*s:end),normals(1,1:S*s:end),normals(2,1:S*s:end),normals(3,1:S*s:end)); quiver3(pointsOK(1,1:S*s:end),pointsOK(2,1:S*s:end),pointsOK(3,1:S*s:end),normals(1,1:s:end),normals(2,1:s:end),normals(3,1:s:end)); figure, indxxx = B == b; pointsOKxxx = pointsOK(:,1:S:end); quiver3(pointsOKxxx(1,indxxx),pointsOKxxx(2,indxxx),pointsOKxxx(3,indxxx),normals(1,indxxx),normals(2,indxxx),normals(3,indxxx)); hold on quiver3(pointsOK(1,1:S*s:end),pointsOK(2,1:S*s:end),pointsOK(3,1:S*s:end),nrm(1,1:s:end),nrm(2,1:s:end),nrm(3,1:s:end),'-.r'); figure, plot3(sphere(1,:),sphere(2,:),sphere(3,:),'.') %} % approximately 1313 bins sphere = icosahedron2sphere(4)'; bins = sphere(:, sphere(1, :) >= 0); %NSAMPLE = 1e5; %sampleind = randsample(1 : size(normals, 2), min(size(normals, 2), NSAMPLE)); %normals = normals(:,sampleind ); [D, B] = max(abs(bins' * normals), [], 1); H = accumarray(cat(2, B', repmat(1, [length(B) 1])), repmat(1, [length(B) 1])); A = eye(3); [~, I] = sort(-H); for j = 1 : 3 if ~isempty(I) b = I(1); % choose mean normal that falls into the biggest bin in_bin = normals(:, B == b); % flip mirrored normals dots = sum(in_bin .* repmat(bins(:, b), [1 size(in_bin, 2)]), 1); in_bin(:, (dots < 0)) = -in_bin(:, (dots < 0)); v = mean(in_bin, 2); v = v / norm(v); A(:, j) = v; fprintf('Bin: %d, Normal: %f %f %f. Contains %d points. Mean vector: %f %f %f\n', b, bins(:, b), H(b), v); % remove bins that are not ~90 degrees away dots = sum(bins(:, I) .* repmat(v, [1 length(I)]), 1); I = I((dots >= cos(deg2rad(110))) & (dots <= cos(deg2rad(70)))); end end axisI = A(:,1); axisII = A(:,2); axisII = axisII - (axisI'*axisII)*axisI; axisII =axisII/norm(axisII); axisIII = cross(axisI,axisII); AA =[axisI,axisII,axisIII -1*[axisI,axisII,axisIII]]; [~, zi] = max(squeeze(cameraRt(1:3, 3, :))'*AA); ZZ = AA(:, zi); [~, xi] = max(squeeze(cameraRt(1:3, 1, :))'*AA); XX = AA(:, xi); [~, yi] = max(squeeze(cameraRt(1:3, 2, :))'*AA); YY = AA(:, yi); %{ for i =1:3, hold on; quiver3(1,1,1,AA(1,i),AA(2,i),AA(3,i)); quiver3(0,0,0,A(1,i),A(2,i),A(3,i)); pause; end axis tight; %} R = [XX YY ZZ]'; q = quaternion.rotateutov(ZZ, [0;0;1]); Rtilt = RotationMatrix(q); world_center = nanmean(reshape(pts,3,[]),2); function rad = deg2rad(deg) rad = deg*pi/180; return; function [coor,tri] = icosahedron2sphere(level) % copyright by Jianxiong Xiao % this function use a icosahedron to sample uniformly on a sphere %{ Please cite this paper if you use this code in your publication: J. Xiao, T. Fang, P. Zhao, M. Lhuillier, and L. Quan Image-based Street-side City Modeling ACM Transaction on Graphics (TOG), Volume 28, Number 5 Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 %} a= 2/(1+sqrt(5)); M=[ 0 a -1 a 1 0 -a 1 0 0 a 1 -a 1 0 a 1 0 0 a 1 0 -a 1 -1 0 a 0 a 1 1 0 a 0 -a 1 0 a -1 0 -a -1 1 0 -a 0 a -1 -1 0 -a 0 -a -1 0 -a 1 a -1 0 -a -1 0 0 -a -1 -a -1 0 a -1 0 -a 1 0 -1 0 a -1 0 -a -a -1 0 -1 0 -a -1 0 a a 1 0 1 0 -a 1 0 a a -1 0 1 0 a 1 0 -a 0 a 1 -1 0 a -a 1 0 0 a 1 a 1 0 1 0 a 0 a -1 -a 1 0 -1 0 -a 0 a -1 1 0 -a a 1 0 0 -a -1 -1 0 -a -a -1 0 0 -a -1 a -1 0 1 0 -a 0 -a 1 -a -1 0 -1 0 a 0 -a 1 1 0 a a -1 0 ]; coor = reshape(M',3,60)'; %[M(:,[1 2 3]); M(:,[4 5 6]); M(:,[7 8 9])]; [coor, ~, idx] = unique(coor,'rows'); tri = reshape(idx,3,20)'; %{ for i=1:size(tri,1) x(1)=coor(tri(i,1),1); x(2)=coor(tri(i,2),1); x(3)=coor(tri(i,3),1); y(1)=coor(tri(i,1),2); y(2)=coor(tri(i,2),2); y(3)=coor(tri(i,3),2); z(1)=coor(tri(i,1),3); z(2)=coor(tri(i,2),3); z(3)=coor(tri(i,3),3); patch(x,y,z,'r'); end axis equal axis tight %} % extrude coor = coor ./ repmat(sqrt(sum(coor .* coor,2)),1, 3); for i=1:level m = 0; for t=1:size(tri,1) n = size(coor,1); coor(n+1,:) = ( coor(tri(t,1),:) + coor(tri(t,2),:) ) / 2; coor(n+2,:) = ( coor(tri(t,2),:) + coor(tri(t,3),:) ) / 2; coor(n+3,:) = ( coor(tri(t,3),:) + coor(tri(t,1),:) ) / 2; triN(m+1,:) = [n+1 tri(t,1) n+3]; triN(m+2,:) = [n+1 tri(t,2) n+2]; triN(m+3,:) = [n+2 tri(t,3) n+3]; triN(m+4,:) = [n+1 n+2 n+3]; n = n+3; m = m+4; end tri = triN; % uniquefy [coor, ~, idx] = unique(coor,'rows'); tri = idx(tri); % extrude coor = coor ./ repmat(sqrt(sum(coor .* coor,2)),1, 3); end % vertex number: 12 42 162 642