/** @file hog.c ** @brief Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) - Definition ** @author Andrea Vedaldi **/ /* Copyright (C) 2007-12 Andrea Vedaldi and Brian Fulkerson. All rights reserved. This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file). */ #include "hog.h" #include "mathop.h" #include /** @page hog Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) features @author Andrea Vedaldi @ref hog.h implements the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) features in the variants of Dalal Triggs @cite{dalal05histograms} and of UOCTTI @cite{felzenszwalb09object}. Applications include object detection and deformable object detection. - @ref hog-overview - @ref hog-tech @section hog-overview Overview HOG is a standard image feature used, among others, in object detection and deformable object detection. It decomposes the image into square cells of a given size (typically eight pixels), compute a histogram of oriented gradient in each cell (similar to @ref sift), and then renormalizes the cells by looking into adjacent blocks. VLFeat implements two HOG variants: the original one of Dalal-Triggs @cite{dalal05histograms} and the one proposed in Felzenszwalb et al. @cite{felzenszwalb09object}. In order to use HOG, start by creating a new HOG object, set the desired parameters, pass a (color or grayscale) image, and read off the results. @code VlHog * hog = vl_hog_new(VlHogVariantDalalTriggs, numOrientations, VL_FALSE) ; vl_hog_put_image(hog, image, height, width, numChannels, cellSize) ; hogWidth = vl_hog_get_width(hog) ; hogHeight = vl_hog_get_height(hog) ; hogDimenison = vl_hog_get_dimension(hog) ; hogArray = vl_malloc(hogWidth*hogHeight*hogDimension*sizeof(float)) ; vl_hog_extract(hog, hogArray) ; vl_hog_delete(hog) ; @endcode HOG is a feature array of the dimension returned by ::vl_hog_get_width, ::vl_hog_get_height, with each feature (histogram) having dimension ::vl_hog_get_dimension. The array is stored in row major order, with the slowest varying dimension beying the dimension indexing the histogram elements. The number of entreis in the histogram as well as their meaning depends on the HOG variant and is detailed later. However, it is usually unnecessary to know such details. @ref hog.h provides support for creating an inconic representation of a HOG feature array: @code glyphSize = vl_hog_get_glyph_size(hog) ; imageHeight = glyphSize * hogArrayHeight ; imageWidth = glyphSize * hogArrayWidth ; image = vl_malloc(sizeof(float)*imageWidth*imageHeight) ; vl_hog_render(hog, image, hogArray) ; @endcode It is often convenient to mirror HOG features from left to right. This can be obtained by mirroring an array of HOG cells, but the content of each cell must also be rearranged. This can be done by the permutation obtaiend by ::vl_hog_get_permutation. Furthermore, @ref hog.h suppots computing HOG features not from images but from vector fields ::vl_ @section hog-tech Technical details HOG divdes the input image into square cells of size @c cellSize, fitting as many cells as possible, filling the image domain from the upper-left corner down to the right one. For each row and column, the last cell is at least half contained in the image. More precisely, the number of cells obtained in this manner is: @code hogWidth = (width + cellSize/2) / cellSize ; hogHeight = (height + cellSize/2) / cellSize ; @endcode Then the image gradient @f$ \nabla \ell(x,y) @f$ is computed by using central difference (for colour image the channel with the largest gradient at that pixel is used). The gradient @f$ \nabla \ell(x,y) @f$ is assigned to one of @c 2*numOrientations orientation in the range @f$ [0,2\pi) @f$ (see @ref hog-conventions for details). Contributions are then accumulated by using bilinear interpolation to four neigbhour cells, as in @ref sift. This results in an histogram @f$h_d@f$ of dimension 2*numOrientations, called of @e directed orientations since it accounts for the direction as well as the orientation of the gradient. A second histogram @f$h_u@f$ of undirected orientations of half the size is obtained by folding @f$ h_d @f$ into two. Let a block of cell be a @f$ 2\times 2 @f$ sub-array of cells. Let the norm of a block be the @f$ l^2 @f$ norm of the stacking of the respective unoriented histogram. Given a HOG cell, four normalisation factors are then obtained as the inverse of the norm of the four blocks that contain the cell. For the Dalal-Triggs variant, each histogram @f$ h_d @f$ is copied four times, normalised using the four different normalisation factors, the four vectors are stacked, saturated at 0.2, and finally stored as the descriptor of the cell. This results in a @c numOrientations * 4 dimensional cell descriptor. Blocks are visited from left to right and top to bottom when forming the final descriptor. For the UOCCTI descriptor, the same is done for both the undirected as well as the directed orientation histograms. This would yield a dimension of @c 4*(2+1)*numOrientations elements, but the resulting vector is projected down to @c (2+1)*numOrientations elements by averaging corresponding histogram dimensions. This was shown to be an algebraic approximation of PCA for descriptors computed on natural images. In addition, for the UOCTTI variant the l1 norm of each of the four l2 normalised undirected histograms is computed and stored as additional four dimensions, for a total of @c 4+3*numOrientations dimensions. @subsection hog-conventions Conventions The orientation of a gradient is expressed as the angle it forms with the horizontal axis of the image. Angles are measured clock-wise (as the vertical image axis points downards), and the null angle corresponds to an horizontal vector pointing right. The quantized directed orientations are @f$ \mathrm{k} \pi / \mathrm{numOrientations} @f$, where @c k is an index that varies in the ingeger range @f$ \{0, \dots, 2\mathrm{numOrientations} - 1\} @f$. Note that the orientations capture the orientation of the gradeint; image edges would be oriented at 90 degrees from these. **/ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @brief Create a new HOG object ** @param variant HOG descriptor variant. ** @param numOrientations number of distinguished orientations. ** @param transposed wether images are transposed (column major). ** @return the new HOG object. ** ** The function creates a new HOG object to extract descriptors of ** the prescribed @c variant. The angular resolution is set by ** @a numOrientations, which specifies the number of undirected ** orientations. The object can work with column major images ** by setting @a transposed to true. **/ VlHog * vl_hog_new (VlHogVariant variant, vl_size numOrientations, vl_bool transposed) { vl_index o, k ; VlHog * self = vl_calloc(1, sizeof(VlHog)) ; assert(numOrientations >= 1) ; self->variant = variant ; self->numOrientations = numOrientations ; self->glyphSize = 21 ; self->transposed = transposed ; self->useBilinearOrientationAssigment = VL_FALSE ; self->orientationX = vl_malloc(sizeof(float) * self->numOrientations) ; self->orientationY = vl_malloc(sizeof(float) * self->numOrientations) ; /* Create a vector along the center of each orientation bin. These are used to map gradients to bins. If the image is transposed, then this can be adjusted here by swapping X and Y in these vectors. */ for(o = 0 ; o < (signed)self->numOrientations ; ++o) { double angle = o * VL_PI / self->numOrientations ; if (!self->transposed) { self->orientationX[o] = (float) cos(angle) ; self->orientationY[o] = (float) sin(angle) ; } else { self->orientationX[o] = (float) sin(angle) ; self->orientationY[o] = (float) cos(angle) ; } } /* If the number of orientation is equal to 9, one gets: Uoccti:: 18 directed orientations + 9 undirected orientations + 4 texture DalalTriggs:: 9 undirected orientations x 4 blocks. */ switch (self->variant) { case VlHogVariantUoctti: self->dimension = 3*self->numOrientations + 4 ; break ; case VlHogVariantDalalTriggs: self->dimension = 4*self->numOrientations ; break ; default: assert(0) ; } /* A permutation specifies how to permute elements in a HOG descriptor to flip it horizontally. Since the first orientation of index 0 points to the right, this must be swapped with orientation self->numOrientation that points to the left (for the directed case, and to itself for the undirected one). */ self->permutation = vl_malloc(self->dimension * sizeof(vl_index)) ; switch (self->variant) { case VlHogVariantUoctti: for(o = 0 ; o < (signed)self->numOrientations ; ++o) { vl_index op = self->numOrientations - o ; self->permutation[o] = op ; self->permutation[o + self->numOrientations] = (op + self->numOrientations) % (2*self->numOrientations) ; self->permutation[o + 2*self->numOrientations] = (op % self->numOrientations) + 2*self->numOrientations ; } for (k = 0 ; k < 4 ; ++k) { /* The texture features correspond to four displaced block around a cell. These permute with a lr flip as for DalalTriggs. */ vl_index blockx = k % 2 ; vl_index blocky = k / 2 ; vl_index q = (1 - blockx) + blocky * 2 ; self->permutation[k + self->numOrientations * 3] = q + self->numOrientations * 3 ; } break ; case VlHogVariantDalalTriggs: for(k = 0 ; k < 4 ; ++k) { /* Find the corresponding block. Blocks are listed in order 1,2,3,4,... from left to right and top to bottom */ vl_index blockx = k % 2 ; vl_index blocky = k / 2 ; vl_index q = (1 - blockx) + blocky * 2 ; for(o = 0 ; o < (signed)self->numOrientations ; ++o) { vl_index op = self->numOrientations - o ; self->permutation[o + k*self->numOrientations] = (op % self->numOrientations) + q*self->numOrientations ; } } break ; default: assert(0) ; } /* Create glyphs for representing the HOG features/ filters. The glyphs are simple bars, oriented orthogonally to the gradients to represent image edges. If the object is configured to work on transposed image, the glyphs images are also stored in column-major. */ self->glyphs = vl_calloc(self->glyphSize * self->glyphSize * self->numOrientations, sizeof(float)) ; #define atglyph(x,y,k) self->glyphs[(x) + self->glyphSize * (y) + self->glyphSize * self->glyphSize * (k)] for (o = 0 ; o < (signed)self->numOrientations ; ++o) { double angle = fmod(o * VL_PI / self->numOrientations + VL_PI/2, VL_PI) ; double x2 = self->glyphSize * cos(angle) / 2 ; double y2 = self->glyphSize * sin(angle) / 2 ; if (angle <= VL_PI / 4 || angle >= VL_PI * 3 / 4) { /* along horizontal direction */ double slope = y2 / x2 ; double offset = (1 - slope) * (self->glyphSize - 1) / 2 ; vl_index skip = (1 - fabs(cos(angle))) / 2 * self->glyphSize ; vl_index i, j ; for (i = skip ; i < (signed)self->glyphSize - skip ; ++i) { j = vl_round_d(slope * i + offset) ; if (! self->transposed) { atglyph(i,j,o) = 1 ; } else { atglyph(j,i,o) = 1 ; } } } else { /* along vertical direction */ double slope = x2 / y2 ; double offset = (1 - slope) * (self->glyphSize - 1) / 2 ; vl_index skip = (1 - sin(angle)) / 2 * self->glyphSize ; vl_index i, j ; for (j = skip ; j < (signed)self->glyphSize - skip; ++j) { i = vl_round_d(slope * j + offset) ; if (! self->transposed) { atglyph(i,j,o) = 1 ; } else { atglyph(j,i,o) = 1 ; } } } } return self ; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @brief Delete a HOG object ** @param self HOG object to delete. **/ void vl_hog_delete (VlHog * self) { if (self->orientationX) { vl_free(self->orientationX) ; self->orientationX = NULL ; } if (self->orientationY) { vl_free(self->orientationY) ; self->orientationY = NULL ; } if (self->glyphs) { vl_free(self->glyphs) ; self->glyphs = NULL ; } if (self->permutation) { vl_free(self->permutation) ; self->permutation = NULL ; } if (self->hog) { vl_free(self->hog) ; self->hog = NULL ; } if (self->hogNorm) { vl_free(self->hogNorm) ; self->hogNorm = NULL ; } vl_free(self) ; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @brief Get HOG glyph size ** @param self HOG object. ** @return size (height and width) of a glyph. **/ vl_size vl_hog_get_glyph_size (VlHog const * self) { return self->glyphSize ; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @brief Get HOG left-right flip permutation ** @param self HOG object. ** @return left-right permutation. ** ** The function returns a pointer to an array @c permutation of ::vl_hog_get_dimension ** elements. Given a HOG descriptor (for a cell) @c hog, which is also ** a vector of ::vl_hog_get_dimension elements, the ** descriptor obtained for the same image flipped horizotnally is ** given by flippedHog[i] = hog[permutation[i]]. **/ vl_index const * vl_hog_get_permutation (VlHog const * self) { return self->permutation ; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @brief Turn bilinear interpolation of assignments on or off ** @param self HOG object. ** @param x @c true if orientations should be assigned with bilinear interpolation. **/ void vl_hog_set_use_bilinear_orientation_assignments (VlHog * self, vl_bool x) { self->useBilinearOrientationAssigment = x ; } /** @brief Tell whether assignments use bilinear interpolation or not ** @param self HOG object. ** @return @c true if orientations are be assigned with bilinear interpolation. **/ vl_bool vl_hog_get_use_bilinear_orientation_assignments (VlHog const * self) { return self->useBilinearOrientationAssigment ; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @brief Render a HOG descriptor to a glyph image ** @param self HOG object. ** @param image glyph image (output). ** @param descriptor HOG descriptor. ** @param width HOG descriptor width. ** @param height HOG descriptor height. ** ** The function renders the HOG descriptor or filter ** @a descriptor as an image (for visualization) and stores the result in ** the buffer @a image. This buffer ** must be an array of dimensions @c width*glyphSize ** by @c height*glyphSize elements, where @c glyphSize is ** obtained from ::vl_hog_get_glyph_size and is the size in pixels ** of the image element used to represent the descriptor of one ** HOG cell. **/ void vl_hog_render (VlHog const * self, float * image, float const * descriptor, vl_size width, vl_size height) { vl_index x, y, k, cx, cy ; vl_size hogStride = width * height ; assert(self) ; assert(image) ; assert(descriptor) ; assert(width > 0) ; assert(height > 0) ; for (y = 0 ; y < (signed)height ; ++y) { for (x = 0 ; x < (signed)width ; ++x) { float minWeight = 0 ; float maxWeight = 0 ; for (k = 0 ; k < (signed)self->numOrientations ; ++k) { float weight ; float const * glyph = self->glyphs + k * (self->glyphSize*self->glyphSize) ; float * glyphImage = image + self->glyphSize * x + y * width * (self->glyphSize*self->glyphSize) ; switch (self->variant) { case VlHogVariantUoctti: weight = descriptor[k * hogStride] + descriptor[(k + self->numOrientations) * hogStride] + descriptor[(k + 2 * self->numOrientations) * hogStride] ; break ; case VlHogVariantDalalTriggs: weight = descriptor[k * hogStride] + descriptor[(k + self->numOrientations) * hogStride] + descriptor[(k + 2 * self->numOrientations) * hogStride] + descriptor[(k + 3 * self->numOrientations) * hogStride] ; break ; default: abort() ; } maxWeight = VL_MAX(weight, maxWeight) ; minWeight = VL_MIN(weight, minWeight); for (cy = 0 ; cy < (signed)self->glyphSize ; ++cy) { for (cx = 0 ; cx < (signed)self->glyphSize ; ++cx) { *glyphImage++ += weight * (*glyph++) ; } glyphImage += (width - 1) * self->glyphSize ; } } /* next orientation */ { float * glyphImage = image + self->glyphSize * x + y * width * (self->glyphSize*self->glyphSize) ; for (cy = 0 ; cy < (signed)self->glyphSize ; ++cy) { for (cx = 0 ; cx < (signed)self->glyphSize ; ++cx) { float value = *glyphImage ; *glyphImage++ = VL_MAX(minWeight, VL_MIN(maxWeight, value)) ; } glyphImage += (width - 1) * self->glyphSize ; } } ++ descriptor ; } /* next column of cells (x) */ } /* next row of cells (y) */ } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @brief Get the dimension of the HOG features ** @param self HOG object. ** @return imension of a HOG cell descriptors. **/ vl_size vl_hog_get_dimension (VlHog const * self) { return self->dimension ; } /** @brief Get the width of the HOG cell array ** @param self HOG object. ** @return number of HOG cells in the horizontal direction. **/ vl_size vl_hog_get_width (VlHog * self) { return self->hogWidth ; } /** @brief Get the height of the HOG cell array ** @param self HOG object. ** @return number of HOG cells in the vertical direction. **/ vl_size vl_hog_get_height (VlHog * self) { return self->hogHeight ; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @internal @brief Prepare internal buffers ** @param self HOG object. ** @param width image width. ** @param height image height. ** @param cellSize size of a HOG cell. **/ static void vl_hog_prepare_buffers (VlHog * self, vl_size width, vl_size height, vl_size cellSize) { vl_size hogWidth = (width + cellSize/2) / cellSize ; vl_size hogHeight = (height + cellSize/2) / cellSize ; assert(width > 3) ; assert(height > 3) ; assert(hogWidth > 0) ; assert(hogHeight > 0) ; if (self->hog && self->hogWidth == hogWidth && self->hogHeight == hogHeight) { /* a suitable buffer is already allocated */ memset(self->hog, 0, sizeof(float) * hogWidth * hogHeight * self->numOrientations * 2) ; memset(self->hogNorm, 0, sizeof(float) * hogWidth * hogHeight) ; return ; } if (self->hog) { vl_free(self->hog) ; self->hog = NULL ; } if (self->hogNorm) { vl_free(self->hogNorm) ; self->hogNorm = NULL ; } self->hog = vl_calloc(hogWidth * hogHeight * self->numOrientations * 2, sizeof(float)) ; self->hogNorm = vl_calloc(hogWidth * hogHeight, sizeof(float)) ; self->hogWidth = hogWidth ; self->hogHeight = hogHeight ; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @brief Process features starting from an image ** @param self HOG object. ** @param image image to process. ** @param width image width. ** @param height image height. ** @param numChannels number of image channles. ** @param cellSize size of a HOG cell. ** ** The buffer @c hog must be a three-dimensional array. ** The first two dimensions are @c (width + cellSize/2)/cellSize and ** @c (height + cellSize/2)/cellSize, where divisions are integer. ** This is approximately @c width/cellSize and @c height/cellSize, ** adjusted so that the last cell is at least half contained in the ** image. ** ** The image @c width and @c height must be not smaller than three ** pixels and not smaller than @c cellSize. **/ void vl_hog_put_image (VlHog * self, float const * image, vl_size width, vl_size height, vl_size numChannels, vl_size cellSize) { vl_size hogStride ; vl_size channelStride = width * height ; vl_index x, y ; vl_uindex k ; assert(self) ; assert(image) ; /* clear features */ vl_hog_prepare_buffers(self, width, height, cellSize) ; hogStride = self->hogWidth * self->hogHeight ; #define at(x,y,k) (self->hog[(x) + (y) * self->hogWidth + (k) * hogStride]) /* compute gradients and map the to HOG cells by bilinear interpolation */ for (y = 1 ; y < (signed)height - 1 ; ++y) { for (x = 1 ; x < (signed)width - 1 ; ++x) { float gradx = 0 ; float grady = 0 ; float grad ; float orientationWeights [2] = {0,0} ; vl_index orientationBins [2] = {-1,-1} ; vl_index orientation = 0 ; float hx, hy, wx1, wx2, wy1, wy2 ; vl_index binx, biny, o ; /* Compute the gradient at (x,y). The image channel with the maximum gradient at each location is selected. */ { float const * iter = image + y * width + x ; float grad2 = 0 ; for (k = 0 ; k < numChannels ; ++k) { float gradx_ = *(iter + 1) - *(iter - 1) ; float grady_ = *(iter + width) - *(iter - width) ; float grad2_ = gradx_ * gradx_ + grady_ * grady_ ; if (grad2_ > grad2) { gradx = gradx_ ; grady = grady_ ; grad2 = grad2_ ; } iter += channelStride ; } grad = sqrtf(grad2) ; gradx /= VL_MAX(grad, 1e-10) ; grady /= VL_MAX(grad, 1e-10) ; } /* Map the gradient to the closest and second closets orientation bins. There are numOrientations orientation in the interval [0,pi). The next numOriantations are the symmetric ones, for a total of 2*numOrientation directed orientations. */ for (k = 0 ; k < self->numOrientations ; ++k) { float orientationScore_ = gradx * self->orientationX[k] + grady * self->orientationY[k] ; vl_index orientationBin_ = k ; if (orientationScore_ < 0) { orientationScore_ = - orientationScore_ ; orientationBin_ += self->numOrientations ; } if (orientationScore_ > orientationWeights[0]) { orientationBins[1] = orientationBins[0] ; orientationWeights[1] = orientationWeights[0] ; orientationBins[0] = orientationBin_ ; ; orientationWeights[0] = orientationScore_ ; } else if (orientationScore_ > orientationWeights[1]) { orientationBins[1] = orientationBin_ ; orientationWeights[1] = orientationScore_ ; } } if (self->useBilinearOrientationAssigment) { /* min(1.0,...) guards against small overflows causing NaNs */ float angle0 = acosf(VL_MIN(orientationWeights[0],1.0)) ; orientationWeights[1] = angle0 / (VL_PI / self->numOrientations) ; orientationWeights[0] = 1 - orientationWeights[1] ; } else { orientationWeights[0] = 1 ; orientationBins[1] = -1 ; } for (o = 0 ; o < 2 ; ++o) { /* Accumulate the gradient. hx is the distance of the pixel x to the cell center at its left, in units of cellSize. With this parametrixation, a pixel on the cell center has hx = 0, which gradually increases to 1 moving to the next center. */ orientation = orientationBins[o] ; if (orientation < 0) continue ; /* (x - (w-1)/2) / w = (x + 0.5)/w - 0.5 */ hx = (x + 0.5) / cellSize - 0.5 ; hy = (y + 0.5) / cellSize - 0.5 ; binx = vl_floor_f(hx) ; biny = vl_floor_f(hy) ; wx2 = hx - binx ; wy2 = hy - biny ; wx1 = 1.0 - wx2 ; wy1 = 1.0 - wy2 ; wx1 *= orientationWeights[o] ; wx2 *= orientationWeights[o] ; wy1 *= orientationWeights[o] ; wy2 *= orientationWeights[o] ; /*VL_PRINTF("%d %d - %d %d %f %f - %f %f %f %f - %d \n ",x,y,binx,biny,hx,hy,wx1,wx2,wy1,wy2,o);*/ if (binx >= 0 && biny >=0) { at(binx,biny,orientation) += grad * wx1 * wy1 ; } if (binx < (signed)self->hogWidth - 1 && biny >=0) { at(binx+1,biny,orientation) += grad * wx2 * wy1 ; } if (binx < (signed)self->hogWidth - 1 && biny < (signed)self->hogHeight - 1) { at(binx+1,biny+1,orientation) += grad * wx2 * wy2 ; } if (binx >= 0 && biny < (signed)self->hogHeight - 1) { at(binx,biny+1,orientation) += grad * wx1 * wy2 ; } } /* next o */ } /* next x */ } /* next y */ } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @brief Process features starting from a field in polar notation ** @param self HOG object. ** @param modulus image gradient modulus. ** @param angle image gradient angle. ** @param directed wrap the gradient angles at 2pi (directed) or pi (undirected). ** @param width image width. ** @param height image height. ** @param cellSize size of a HOG cell. ** ** The function behaves like ::vl_hog_put_image, but foregoes the internal ** computation of the gradient field, allowing the user to specify ** their own. Angles are measure clockwise, the y axis pointing downwards, ** starting from the x axis (pointing to the right). **/ void vl_hog_put_polar_field (VlHog * self, float const * modulus, float const * angle, vl_bool directed, vl_size width, vl_size height, vl_size cellSize) { vl_size hogStride ; vl_index x, y, o ; vl_index period = self->numOrientations * (directed ? 2 : 1) ; double angleStep = VL_PI / self->numOrientations ; assert(self) ; assert(modulus) ; assert(angle) ; /* clear features */ vl_hog_prepare_buffers(self, width, height, cellSize) ; hogStride = self->hogWidth * self->hogHeight ; #define at(x,y,k) (self->hog[(x) + (y) * self->hogWidth + (k) * hogStride]) #define atNorm(x,y) (self->hogNorm[(x) + (y) * self->hogWidth]) /* fill HOG cells from gradient field */ for (y = 0 ; y < (signed)height ; ++y) { for (x = 0 ; x < (signed)width ; ++x) { float ho, hx, hy, wo1, wo2, wx1, wx2, wy1, wy2 ; vl_index bino, binx, biny ; float orientationWeights [2] = {0,0} ; vl_index orientationBins [2] = {-1,-1} ; vl_index orientation = 0 ; float thisAngle = *angle++ ; float thisModulus = *modulus++ ; if (thisModulus <= 0.0f) continue ; /* (x - (w-1)/2) / w = (x + 0.5)/w - 0.5 */ ho = (float)thisAngle / angleStep ; bino = vl_floor_f(ho) ; wo2 = ho - bino ; wo1 = 1.0f - wo2 ; while (bino < 0) { bino += self->numOrientations * 2 ; } if (self->useBilinearOrientationAssigment) { orientationBins[0] = bino % period ; orientationBins[1] = (bino + 1) % period ; orientationWeights[0] = wo1 ; orientationWeights[1] = wo2 ; } else { orientationBins[0] = (bino + ((wo1 > wo2) ? 0 : 1)) % period ; orientationWeights[0] = 1 ; orientationBins[1] = -1 ; } for (o = 0 ; o < 2 ; ++o) { /* Accumulate the gradient. hx is the distance of the pixel x to the cell center at its left, in units of cellSize. With this parametrixation, a pixel on the cell center has hx = 0, which gradually increases to 1 moving to the next center. */ orientation = orientationBins[o] ; if (orientation < 0) continue ; hx = (x + 0.5) / cellSize - 0.5 ; hy = (y + 0.5) / cellSize - 0.5 ; binx = vl_floor_f(hx) ; biny = vl_floor_f(hy) ; wx2 = hx - binx ; wy2 = hy - biny ; wx1 = 1.0 - wx2 ; wy1 = 1.0 - wy2 ; wx1 *= orientationWeights[o] ; wx2 *= orientationWeights[o] ; wy1 *= orientationWeights[o] ; wy2 *= orientationWeights[o] ; /*VL_PRINTF("%d %d - %d %d %f %f - %f %f %f %f - %d \n ",x,y,binx,biny,hx,hy,wx1,wx2,wy1,wy2,o);*/ if (binx >= 0 && biny >=0) { at(binx,biny,orientation) += thisModulus * wx1 * wy1 ; } if (binx < (signed)self->hogWidth - 1 && biny >=0) { at(binx+1,biny,orientation) += thisModulus * wx2 * wy1 ; } if (binx < (signed)self->hogWidth - 1 && biny < (signed)self->hogHeight - 1) { at(binx+1,biny+1,orientation) += thisModulus * wx2 * wy2 ; } if (binx >= 0 && biny < (signed)self->hogHeight - 1) { at(binx,biny+1,orientation) += thisModulus * wx1 * wy2 ; } } /* next o */ } /* next x */ } /* next y */ } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @brief Extract HOG features ** @param self HOG object. ** @param features HOG features (output). ** ** This method is called after ::vl_hog_put_image or ::vl_hog_put_polar_field ** in order to retrieve the computed HOG features. The buffer @c features must have the dimensions returned by ** ::vl_hog_get_width, ::vl_hog_get_height, and ::vl_hog_get_dimension. **/ void vl_hog_extract (VlHog * self, float * features) { vl_index x, y ; vl_uindex k ; vl_size hogStride = self->hogWidth * self->hogHeight ; assert(features) ; #define at(x,y,k) (self->hog[(x) + (y) * self->hogWidth + (k) * hogStride]) #define atNorm(x,y) (self->hogNorm[(x) + (y) * self->hogWidth]) /* Computes the squared L2 norm of each HOG cell. This is the norm of the undirected orientation histogram, counting only numOrientations. This histogram is obtained by folding the 2*numOrientations directed orientations that are computed. */ { float const * iter = self->hog ; for (k = 0 ; k < self->numOrientations ; ++k) { float * niter = self->hogNorm ; float * niterEnd = self->hogNorm + self->hogWidth * self->hogHeight ; vl_size stride = self->hogWidth*self->hogHeight*self->numOrientations ; while (niter != niterEnd) { float h1 = *iter ; float h2 = *(iter + stride) ; float h = h1 + h2 ; *niter += h * h ; niter++ ; iter++ ; } } } /* HOG block-normalisation. For each cell, there are four 2x2 blocks covering it. For example, the cell number 5 in the following scheme is covered by the four blocks 1245, 2356, 4578, 5689. +---+---+---+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | +---+---+---+ | 4 | 5 | 6 | +---+---+---+ | 7 | 8 | 9 | +---+---+---+ In the Dalal-Triggs implementation, one forms all possible 2x2 blocks of cells, computes a descriptor vector for each by stacking the corresponding 2x2 HOG cells, and L2 normalizes (and truncates) the result. Thus each HOG cell appears in four blocks. These are then decomposed again to produce descriptors for each cell. Each descriptor is simply the stacking of the portion of each block descriptor that arised from that cell. This process result in a descriptor of each cell which contains four copies of the original HOG, with four different normalization factors. @remark By stacking together the cell descriptors for a large retangular block of cells, one effectively stacks together the block descriptors of an equal number of blocks (except for the boundaries, for which blocks are only partially included). Since blocks are L2 normalized (up to truncation), this implies that the L2 norm of the resulting vector is approximately equal to the area of the region. */ { float const * iter = self->hog ; for (y = 0 ; y < (signed)self->hogHeight ; ++y) { for (x = 0 ; x < (signed)self->hogWidth ; ++x) { /* norm of upper-left, upper-right, ... blocks */ vl_index xm = VL_MAX(x - 1, 0) ; vl_index xp = VL_MIN(x + 1, (signed)self->hogWidth - 1) ; vl_index ym = VL_MAX(y - 1, 0) ; vl_index yp = VL_MIN(y + 1, (signed)self->hogHeight - 1) ; double norm1 = atNorm(xm,ym) ; double norm2 = atNorm(x,ym) ; double norm3 = atNorm(xp,ym) ; double norm4 = atNorm(xm,y) ; double norm5 = atNorm(x,y) ; double norm6 = atNorm(xp,y) ; double norm7 = atNorm(xm,yp) ; double norm8 = atNorm(x,yp) ; double norm9 = atNorm(xp,yp) ; double factor1, factor2, factor3, factor4 ; double t1 = 0 ; double t2 = 0 ; double t3 = 0 ; double t4 = 0 ; float * oiter = features + x + self->hogWidth * y ; /* each factor is the inverse of the l2 norm of one of the 2x2 blocks surrounding cell x,y */ #if 0 if (self->transposed) { /* if the image is transposed, y and x are swapped */ factor1 = 1.0 / VL_MAX(sqrt(norm1 + norm2 + norm4 + norm5), 1e-10) ; factor3 = 1.0 / VL_MAX(sqrt(norm2 + norm3 + norm5 + norm6), 1e-10) ; factor2 = 1.0 / VL_MAX(sqrt(norm4 + norm5 + norm7 + norm8), 1e-10) ; factor4 = 1.0 / VL_MAX(sqrt(norm5 + norm6 + norm8 + norm9), 1e-10) ; } else { factor1 = 1.0 / VL_MAX(sqrt(norm1 + norm2 + norm4 + norm5), 1e-10) ; factor2 = 1.0 / VL_MAX(sqrt(norm2 + norm3 + norm5 + norm6), 1e-10) ; factor3 = 1.0 / VL_MAX(sqrt(norm4 + norm5 + norm7 + norm8), 1e-10) ; factor4 = 1.0 / VL_MAX(sqrt(norm5 + norm6 + norm8 + norm9), 1e-10) ; } #else /* as implemented in UOCTTI code */ if (self->transposed) { /* if the image is transposed, y and x are swapped */ factor1 = 1.0 / sqrt(norm1 + norm2 + norm4 + norm5 + 1e-4) ; factor3 = 1.0 / sqrt(norm2 + norm3 + norm5 + norm6 + 1e-4) ; factor2 = 1.0 / sqrt(norm4 + norm5 + norm7 + norm8 + 1e-4) ; factor4 = 1.0 / sqrt(norm5 + norm6 + norm8 + norm9 + 1e-4) ; } else { factor1 = 1.0 / sqrt(norm1 + norm2 + norm4 + norm5 + 1e-4) ; factor2 = 1.0 / sqrt(norm2 + norm3 + norm5 + norm6 + 1e-4) ; factor3 = 1.0 / sqrt(norm4 + norm5 + norm7 + norm8 + 1e-4) ; factor4 = 1.0 / sqrt(norm5 + norm6 + norm8 + norm9 + 1e-4) ; } #endif for (k = 0 ; k < self->numOrientations ; ++k) { double ha = iter[hogStride * k] ; double hb = iter[hogStride * (k + self->numOrientations)] ; double hc ; double ha1 = factor1 * ha ; double ha2 = factor2 * ha ; double ha3 = factor3 * ha ; double ha4 = factor4 * ha ; double hb1 = factor1 * hb ; double hb2 = factor2 * hb ; double hb3 = factor3 * hb ; double hb4 = factor4 * hb ; double hc1 = ha1 + hb1 ; double hc2 = ha2 + hb2 ; double hc3 = ha3 + hb3 ; double hc4 = ha4 + hb4 ; ha1 = VL_MIN(0.2, ha1) ; ha2 = VL_MIN(0.2, ha2) ; ha3 = VL_MIN(0.2, ha3) ; ha4 = VL_MIN(0.2, ha4) ; hb1 = VL_MIN(0.2, hb1) ; hb2 = VL_MIN(0.2, hb2) ; hb3 = VL_MIN(0.2, hb3) ; hb4 = VL_MIN(0.2, hb4) ; hc1 = VL_MIN(0.2, hc1) ; hc2 = VL_MIN(0.2, hc2) ; hc3 = VL_MIN(0.2, hc3) ; hc4 = VL_MIN(0.2, hc4) ; t1 += hc1 ; t2 += hc2 ; t3 += hc3 ; t4 += hc4 ; switch (self->variant) { case VlHogVariantUoctti : ha = 0.5 * (ha1 + ha2 + ha3 + ha4) ; hb = 0.5 * (hb1 + hb2 + hb3 + hb4) ; hc = 0.5 * (hc1 + hc2 + hc3 + hc4) ; *oiter = ha ; *(oiter + hogStride * self->numOrientations) = hb ; *(oiter + 2 * hogStride * self->numOrientations) = hc ; break ; case VlHogVariantDalalTriggs : *oiter = hc1 ; *(oiter + hogStride * self->numOrientations) = hc2 ; *(oiter + 2 * hogStride * self->numOrientations) = hc3 ; *(oiter + 3 * hogStride * self->numOrientations) = hc4 ; break ; } oiter += hogStride ; } /* next orientation */ switch (self->variant) { case VlHogVariantUoctti : oiter += 2 * hogStride * self->numOrientations ; *oiter = (1.0f/sqrtf(18.0f)) * t1 ; oiter += hogStride ; *oiter = (1.0f/sqrtf(18.0f)) * t2 ; oiter += hogStride ; *oiter = (1.0f/sqrtf(18.0f)) * t3 ; oiter += hogStride ; *oiter = (1.0f/sqrtf(18.0f)) * t4 ; oiter += hogStride ; break ; case VlHogVariantDalalTriggs : break ; } ++iter ; } /* next x */ } /* next y */ } /* block normalization */ }