/** @file generic.c ** @brief Generic - Definition ** @author Andrea Vedaldi **/ /* Copyright (C) 2007-12 Andrea Vedaldi and Brian Fulkerson. Copyright (C) 2013 Andrea Vedaldi. All rights reserved. This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file). */ /** @mainpage Vision Lab Features Library (VLFeat) @version __VLFEAT_VERSION__ @author The VLFeat Team @par Copyright © 2007-11 Andrea Vedaldi and Brian Fulkerson @par Copyright © 2012-13 The VLFeat Authors The VLFeat C library implements common computer vision algorithms, with a special focus on visual features, as used in state-of-the-art object recognition and image matching applications. VLFeat strives to be clutter-free, simple, portable, and well documented. @section main-contents Contents - **Visual feature detectors and descriptors** - @subpage sift - @subpage dsift - @subpage mser - @subpage covdet - @subpage scalespace - @subpage hog - @subpage fisher - @subpage vlad - @subpage liop - **Clustering and indexing** - @subpage kmeans - @subpage ikmeans.h "Integer K-means (IKM)" - @subpage hikmeans.h "Hierarchical Integer K-means (HIKM)" - @subpage gmm - @subpage aib - @subpage kdtree - **Segmentation** - @subpage slic - @subpage quickshift - **Statistical methods** - @subpage aib - @subpage homkermap - @subpage svm - **Utilities** - @subpage random - @subpage mathop.h "Math operations" - @subpage stringop.h "String operations" - @subpage imopv.h "Image operations" - @subpage pgm.h "PGM image format" - @subpage heap-def.h "Generic heap object (priority queue)" - @subpage rodrigues.h "Rodrigues formula" - @subpage mexutils.h "MATLAB MEX helper functions" - @subpage getopt_long.h "Drop-in @c getopt_long replacement" - **General support functionalities** - @subpage generic - @subpage portability - @ref resources - @subpage objects - @ref threads - @subpage matlab - @subpage metaprogram - @subpage dev - @subpage glossary **/ /** @page resources Memory and resource handling @author Andrea Vedaldi Some VLFeat functions return pointers to memory blocks or objects. Only ::vl_malloc, ::vl_calloc, ::vl_realloc and functions whose name contains either the keywords @c new or @c copy transfer the ownership of the memory block or object to the caller. The caller must dispose explicitly of all the resources it owns (by calling ::vl_free for a memory block, or the appropriate deletion function for an object). The memory allocation functions can be customized by ::vl_set_alloc_func (which sets the implementations of ::vl_malloc, ::vl_realloc, ::vl_calloc and ::vl_free). Remapping the memory allocation functions can be done only if there are no currently allocated VLFeat memory blocks or objects -- thus typically at the very beginning of a program. The memory allocation functions are a global property, shared by all threads. VLFeat uses three rules that simplify handling exceptions when used in combination which certain environment such as MATLAB. - The library allocates local memory only through the reprogrammable ::vl_malloc, ::vl_calloc, and ::vl_realloc functions. - The only resource referenced by VLFeat objects is memory (for instance, it is illegal for an object to reference an open file). Other resources such as files or threads may be allocated within a VLFeat function call, but they are all released before the function ends, or their ownership is directly transferred to the caller. - The global library state is an exception. It cannot reference any local object created by the caller and uses the standard C memory allocation functions. In this way, the VLFeat local state can be reset at any time simply by disposing of all the memory allocated by the library so far. The latter can be done easily by mapping the memory allocation functions to implementations that track the memory blocks allocated, and then disposing of all such blocks. Since the global state does not reference any local object nor uses the remapped memory functions, it is unaffected by such an operation; conversely, since no VLFeat object references anything but memory, this guarantees that all allocated resources are properly disposed (avoiding leaking resource). This is used extensively in the design of MATLAB MEX files (see @ref matlab). **/ /** @page objects Objects @author Andrea Vedaldi @tableofcontents Many VLFeat algorithms are available in the form of *objects*. The C language, used by VLFeat, does not support objects explicitly. Here an object is intended a C structure along with a number of functions (the object member functions or methods) operating on it. Ideally, the object data structure is kept opaque to the user, for example by defining it in the @c .c implementation files which are not accessible to the library user. Object names are capitalized and start with the Vl prefix (for example @c VlExampleObject). Object methods are lowercase and start with the vl__ suffix (e.g. @c vl_example_object_new). @section objects-lifecycle Object lifecycle Conceptually, an object undergoes four phases during its lifecylce: allocation, initialization, finalization, and deallocation: - **Allocation.** The memory to hold the object structure is allocated. This is usually done by calling a memory allocation function such as ::vl_calloc to reserve an object of the required size @c sizeof(VlExampleObject). Alternatively, the object can simply by allocated on the stack by declaring a local variable of type VlExampleObject. - **Initialization.** The object is initialized by assigning a value to its data members and potentially allocating a number of resources, including other objects or memory buffers. Initialization is done by methods containing the @c init keyword, e.g. @c vl_example_object_init. Several such methods may be provided. - **Finalization.** Initialization is undone by finalization, whose main purpose is to release any resource allocated and still owned by the object. Finalization is done by the @c vl_example_object_finalize method. - **Deallocation.** The memory holding the object structure is disposed of, for example by calling ::vl_free or automatically when the corresponding local variable is popped from the stack. In practice, most VlFeat object are supposed to be created on the heap. To this end, allocation/initialization and finalization/deallocation are combined into two operations: - **Creating a new object.** This allocates a new object on the heap and initializes it, combining allocation and initialization in a single operation. It is done by methods containing the @c new keyword, e.g. @c vl_example_object_new. - **Deleting an object.** This disposes of an object created by a @c new method, combining finalization and deallocation, for example @c vl_example_object_delete. @section objects-getters-setters Getters and setters Most objects contain a number of methods to get (getters) and set (setters) properties. These should contain the @c get and @c set keywords in their name, for example @code double x = vl_example_object_get_property () ; vl_example_object_set_property(x) ; @endcode **/ /** @page matlab MATLAB integration @author Andrea Vedaldi The VLFeat C library is designed to integrate seamlessly with MATLAB. Binary compatibility is simplified by the use of the C language (rather than C++). In addition, the library design follows certain restrictions that make it compatible with the MATLAB MEX interface. The main issue in calling a library function from a MATLAB MEX function is that MATLAB can abort the execution of the MEX function at any point, either due to an error, or directly upon a user request (Ctrl-C) (empirically, however, a MEX function seems to be incorruptible only during the invocation of certain functions of the MEX API such as @c mexErrMsgTxt). When a MEX function is interrupted, resources (memory blocks or objects) whose ownership was transferred from VLFeat to the MEX function may be leaked. Notice that interrupting a MEX function would similarly leak any memory block allocated within the MEX function. To solve this issue, MATLAB provides his own memory manager (@c mxMalloc, @c mxRealloc, ...). When a MEX file is interrupted or ends, all memory blocks allocated by using one of such functions are released, preventing leakage. In order to integrate VLFeat with this model in the most seamless way, VLFeat memory allocation functions (::vl_malloc, ::vl_realloc, ::vl_calloc) are mapped to the corresponding MEX memory allocation functions. Such functions automatically dispose of all the memory allocated by a MEX function when the function ends (even because of an exception). Because of the restrictions of the library design illustrated in @ref resources, this operation is safe and correctly dispose of VLFeat local state. As a consequence, it is possible to call @c mexErrMsgTxt at any point in the MEX function without worring about leaking resources. This however comes at the price of some limitations. Beyond the restrictions illustred in @ref resources, here we note that no VLFeat local resoruce (memory blocks or objects) can persist across MEX file invocations. This implies that any result produced by a VLFeat MEX function must be converted back to a MATLAB object such as a vector or a structure. In particular, there is no direct way of creating an object within a MEX file, returning it to MATLAB, and passing it again to another MEX file. **/ /** @page metaprogram Preprocessor metaprogramming @author Andrea Vedaldi Part of VLFeat code uses a simple form of perprocessor metaprogramming. This technique is used, similarly to C++ templates, to instantiate multiple version of a given algorithm for different data types (e.g. @c float and @c double). In most cases preprocessor metaprogramming is invisible to the library user, as it is used only internally. **/ /** @page glossary Glossary - Column-major. A M x N matrix A is stacked with column-major order as the sequence \f$(A_{11}, A_{21}, \dots, A_{12}, \dots)\f$. More in general, when stacking a multi dimensional array this indicates that the first index is the one varying most quickly, with the other followed in the natural order. - Opaque structure. A structure is opaque if the user is not supposed to access its member directly, but through appropriate interface functions. Opaque structures are commonly used to define objects. - Row-major. A M x N matrix A is stacked with row-major order as the sequence \f$(A_{11}, A_{12}, \dots, A_{21}, \dots)\f$. More in general, when stacking a multi dimensional array this indicates that the last index is the one varying most quickly, with the other followed in reverse order. - Feature frame. A feature frame is the geometrical description of a visual features. For instance, the frame of a @ref sift.h "SIFT feature" is oriented disk and the frame of @ref mser.h "MSER feature" is either a compact and connected set or a disk. - Feature descriptor. A feature descriptor is a quantity (usually a vector) which describes compactly the appearance of an image region (usually corresponding to a feature frame). **/ /** @page dev Developing the library @tableofcontents This page contains information useful to the developer of VLFeat. @section dev-copy Copyright A short copyright notice is added at the beginning of each file. For example:
Copyright (C) 2013 Milan Sulc
Copyright (C) 2012 Daniele Perrone.
Copyright (C) 2011-13 Andrea Vedaldi.
All rights reserved.

This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under
the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file).
The copyright of each file is assigned to the authors of the file. Every author making a substantial contribution to a file should note its copyright by adding a line to the copyright list with the year of the modification. Year ranges are acceptable. Lines are never deleted, only appended, or potentially modified to list more years. @section dev-style Coding style @subsection dev-style-matlab MATLAB coding style @section dev-doc Documenting the code The VLFeat C library code contains its own in documentation Doxygen format. The documentation consists in generic pages, such as the @ref index "index" and the page you are reading, and documentations for each library module, usually corresponding to a certain header file. - **Inline comments.** Inline Doxygen comments are discouraged except in the documentation of data members of structures. They start with a capital letter and end with a period. For example: @code struct VlExampleStructure { int aMember ; /\*\*< A useful data member. } @endcode - **Brief comments.** Brief Doxygen comments starts by a capital and end with a period. The documentation of all functions start with a brief comment. @subsection devl-doc-modules Documenting the library modules A library module groups a number of data types and functions that implement a certain functionaltiy of VLFeat. The documentation of a library module is generally organized as follows: 1. A page introducing the module and including a getting started section (3.g. @ref svm-starting) containing a short tutorial to quickly familiarize the user with the module (e.g. @ref svm). 2. One or more pages of detailed technical background discussing the algorithms implemented. These sections are used not just as part of the C API, but also as documentation for other APIs such as MATLAB (e.g. @ref svm-fundamentals). 3. One or more pages with the structure and function documentation (e.g. @ref svm.h). More in detail, consider a module called Example Module. Then one would typically have: @subsection devl-doc-functions Documenting functions @subsection devl-doc-structures Documenting structures @subsection devl-doc-structures Documenting objects As seen in @ref objects, VLFeat treats certain structures with an object-like semantics. Usually, a module defines exactly one such objects. In this case, the object member functions should be grouped (by using Doxygen grouping functionality) as - **Construct and destroy** for the @c vl_object_new, @c vl_object_delete and similar member functions. - **Set parameters** for setter functions. - **Retrieve parameters and data** for getter functions. - **Process data** for functions processing data. @subsection devl-doc-bib Bibliographic references Since version 0.9.14, the VLFeat C library documentation makes use of a proper bibliographic reference in BibTeX format (see the file @c docsrc/vlfeat.bib). Doxygen uses this file when it sees instances of the @@cite{xyz} command. Here @c xyz is a BibTeX key. For example, @c vlfeat.bib file contains the entry:
	Author = {A. Martin and G. Doddington and T. Kamm and M. Ordowski and M. Przybocki},
	Booktitle = {Proc. Conf. on Speech Communication and Technology},
	Title = {The {DET} curve in assessment of detection task performance},
	Year = {1997}}
For example, the Doxygen directive @@cite{martin97the-det-curve} generates the output @cite{martin97the-det-curve}, which is a link to the corresponding entry in the bibliography. **/ /** @file generic.h @page generic General support functionalities @author Andrea Vedaldi VLFeat contains several support functionalities addressing the C preprocessors, using multiple threads (including parallel computations), handling errors, allocating memory, etc. These are described in the following pages: - @subpage resources - @subpage threads - @subpage misc **/ /** @page misc Preprocssor, library state, etc. @author Andrea Vedaldi @tableofcontents @section misc-preproc C preprocessor helpers VLFeat provides a few C preprocessor macros of general utility. These include stringification (::VL_STRINGIFY, ::VL_XSTRINGIFY) and concatenation (::VL_CAT, ::VL_XCAT) of symbols. @section misc-state VLFeat state and configuration parameters VLFeat has some global configuration parameters that can changed. Changing the configuration is thread unsave (@ref threads). Use ::vl_set_simd_enabled to toggle the use of a SIMD unit (Intel SSE code), ::vl_set_alloc_func to change the memory allocation functions, and ::vl_set_printf_func to change the logging function. @section misc-error Error handling Some VLFeat functions signal errors in a way similar to the standard C library. In case of error, a VLFeat function may return an error code directly, or an invalid result (for instance a negative file descriptor or a null pointer). Then ::vl_get_last_error and ::vl_get_last_error_message can be used to retrieve further details about the error (these functions should be used right after an error has occurred, before any other VLFeat call). @section misc-memory Memory allocation VLFeat uses the ::vl_malloc, ::vl_realloc, ::vl_calloc and ::vl_free functions to allocate memory. Normally these functions are mapped to the underlying standard C library implementations. However ::vl_set_alloc_func can be used to map them to other implementations. For instance, in MATALB MEX files these functions are mapped to the MATLAB equivalent which has a garbage collection mechanism to cope with interruptions during execution. @section misc-logging Logging VLFeat uses the macros ::VL_PRINT and ::VL_PRINTF to print progress or debug informations. These functions are normally mapped to the @c printf function of the underlying standard C library. However ::vl_set_printf_func can be used to map it to a different implementation. For instance, in MATLAB MEX files this function is mapped to @c mexPrintf. Setting the function to @c NULL disables logging. @section misc-time Measuring time VLFeat provides ::vl_tic and ::vl_toc as an easy way of measuring elapsed time. **/ /** @page threads Threading @tableofcontents VLFeat supports for threaded computations can be used to take advantage of multi-core architectures. Threading support includes: - Supporting using VLFeat functions and objects from multiple threads simultaneously. This is discussed in @ref threads-multiple. - Using multiple cores to accelerate computations. This is discussed in @ref threads-parallel. @section threads-multiple Using VLFeat from multiple threads VLFeat can be used from multiple threads simultaneously if proper rules are followed. - A VLFeat object instance is accessed only from one thread at any given time. Functions operating on objects (member functions) are conditionally thread safe: the same function may be called simultaneously from multiple threads provided that it operates on different, independent objects. However, modifying the same object from multiple threads (using the same or different member functions) is possible only from one thread at any given time, and should therefore be synchronized. Certain VLFeat objects may contain features specific to simplify multi-threaded operations (e.g. ::VlKDForest). - Thread-safe global functions are used. These include thread-specific operations such as retrieving the last error by ::vl_get_last_error and obtaining the thread-specific random number generator instance by ::vl_get_rand. In these cases, the functions operate on thread-specific data that VLFeat creates and maintains. Note in particular that each thread has an independent default random number generator (as returned by ::vl_get_rand). VLFeat objects that involve using random numbers will typically use the random number generator of the thread currently accessing the object (although an object-specific generator can be often be specified instead). - Any other global function is considered non-thread safe and is accessed exclusively by one thread at a time. A small number of operations are non-reentrant and affect all threads simultaneously. These are restricted to changing certain global configuration parameters, such as the memory allocation functions by ::vl_set_alloc_func. These operations are not thread safe and are preferably executed before multiple threads start to operate with the library. @section threads-parallel Parallel computations VLFeat uses OpenMP to implement parallel computations. VLFeat avoids changing OpenMP global state, such as the desired number of computational threads, as this may affect the rest of the application (e.g. MATLAB) in undesriable ways. Instead, it duplicates OpenMP controls when appropriate (this is similar to the method used by other libraries such as Intel MKL). The maximum number of threads available to the application can be obtained by ::vl_get_thread_limit. This limit is controlled by the OpenMP library (the function is a wrapper around @c omp_get_thread_limit), which in turn may determined that based on the number of computational cores or the value of the @c OMP_THREAD_LIMIT variable when the program is launched. The desired number of computational threads is set by ::vl_set_num_threads() and retrieved by ::vl_get_max_threads(). This number is a target value as well as an upper bound to the number of threads used by VLFeat. @c vl_set_num_threads(1) disables the use of multiple threads and @c vl_set_num_threads(0) uses OpenMP value (retrieved by calling @c omp_get_max_threads()). The actual number used in a specific computation is decided by OpenMP based on the number of threads available, accounting for example for nested parallelism when appropriate. @sa http://software.intel.com/sites/products/documentation/doclib/mkl_sa/11/mkl_userguide_win/GUID-C2295BC8-DD22-466B-94C9-5FAA79D4F56D.htm http://software.intel.com/sites/products/documentation/doclib/mkl_sa/11/mkl_userguide_win/index.htm#GUID-DEEF0363-2B34-4BAB-87FA-A75DBE842040.htm http://software.intel.com/sites/products/documentation/hpc/mkl/lin/MKL_UG_managing_performance/Using_Additional_Threading_Control.htm **/ #include "generic.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(VL_OS_WIN) #include #endif #if ! defined(VL_DISABLE_THREADS) && defined(VL_THREADS_POSIX) #include #endif #if defined(VL_OS_MACOSX) || defined(VL_OS_LINUX) #include #endif #if defined(_OPENMP) #include #endif /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Global and thread states */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Thread state */ typedef struct _VlThreadState { /* errors */ int lastError ; char lastErrorMessage [VL_ERR_MSG_LEN] ; /* random number generator */ VlRand rand ; /* time */ #if defined(VL_OS_WIN) LARGE_INTEGER ticFreq ; LARGE_INTEGER ticMark ; #else clock_t ticMark ; #endif } VlThreadState ; /* Gobal state */ typedef struct _VlState { /* The thread state uses either a mutex (POSIX) or a critical section (Win) */ #if defined(VL_DISABLE_THREADS) VlThreadState * threadState ; #else #if defined(VL_THREADS_POSIX) pthread_key_t threadKey ; pthread_mutex_t mutex ; pthread_t mutexOwner ; pthread_cond_t mutexCondition ; size_t mutexCount ; #elif defined(VL_THREADS_WIN) DWORD tlsIndex ; CRITICAL_SECTION mutex ; #endif #endif /* VL_DISABLE_THREADS */ /* Configurable functions */ int (*printf_func) (char const * format, ...) ; void *(*malloc_func) (size_t) ; void *(*realloc_func) (void*,size_t) ; void *(*calloc_func) (size_t, size_t) ; void (*free_func) (void*) ; #if defined(VL_ARCH_IX86) || defined(VL_ARCH_X64) || defined(VL_ARCH_IA64) VlX86CpuInfo cpuInfo ; #endif vl_size numCPUs ; vl_bool simdEnabled ; vl_size numThreads ; } VlState ; /* Global state instance */ VlState _vl_state ; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ VL_INLINE VlState * vl_get_state () ; VL_INLINE VlThreadState * vl_get_thread_specific_state () ; static void vl_lock_state (void) ; static void vl_unlock_state (void) ; static VlThreadState * vl_thread_specific_state_new (void) ; static void vl_thread_specific_state_delete (VlThreadState * self) ; /** @brief Get VLFeat version string ** @return the library version string. **/ char const * vl_get_version_string () { return VL_VERSION_STRING ; } /** @brief Get VLFeat configuration string. ** @return a new configuration string. ** ** The function returns a new string containing a human readable ** description of the library configuration. **/ char * vl_configuration_to_string_copy () { char * string = 0 ; int length = 0 ; char * staticString = vl_static_configuration_to_string_copy() ; char * cpuString = #if defined(VL_ARCH_IX86) || defined(VL_ARCH_X64) || defined(VL_ARCH_IA64) _vl_x86cpu_info_to_string_copy(&vl_get_state()->cpuInfo) ; #else "Generic CPU" ; #endif #if defined(DEBUG) int const debug = 1 ; #else int const debug = 0 ; #endif while (string == 0) { if (length > 0) { string = vl_malloc(sizeof(char) * length) ; if (string == NULL) break ; } length = snprintf(string, length, "VLFeat version %s\n" " Static config: %s\n" " %" VL_FMT_SIZE " CPU(s): %s\n" #if defined(_OPENMP) " OpenMP: max threads: %d (library: %" VL_FMT_SIZE ")\n" #endif " Debug: %s\n", vl_get_version_string (), staticString, vl_get_num_cpus(), cpuString, #if defined(_OPENMP) omp_get_max_threads(), vl_get_max_threads(), #endif VL_YESNO(debug)) ; length += 1 ; } if (staticString) vl_free(staticString) ; if (cpuString) vl_free(cpuString) ; return string ; } /** @internal @brief A printf that does not do anything */ static int do_nothing_printf (char const* format VL_UNUSED, ...) { return 0 ; } /** @internal@brief Lock VLFeat state ** ** The function locks VLFeat global state mutex. ** ** The mutex is recursive: locking multiple times from the same thread ** is a valid operations, but requires an equivalent number ** of calls to ::vl_unlock_state. ** ** @sa ::vl_unlock_state **/ static void vl_lock_state (void) { #if ! defined(VL_DISABLE_THREADS) #if defined(VL_THREADS_POSIX) VlState * state = vl_get_state () ; pthread_t thisThread = pthread_self () ; pthread_mutex_lock (&state->mutex) ; if (state->mutexCount >= 1 && pthread_equal (state->mutexOwner, thisThread)) { state->mutexCount ++ ; } else { while (state->mutexCount >= 1) { pthread_cond_wait (&state->mutexCondition, &state->mutex) ; } state->mutexOwner = thisThread ; state->mutexCount = 1 ; } pthread_mutex_unlock (&state->mutex) ; #elif defined(VL_THREADS_WIN) EnterCriticalSection (&vl_get_state()->mutex) ; #endif #endif } /** @internal@brief Unlock VLFeat state ** ** The function unlocks VLFeat global state mutex. ** ** @sa ::vl_lock_state **/ static void vl_unlock_state (void) { #if ! defined(VL_DISABLE_THREADS) #if defined(VL_THREADS_POSIX) VlState * state = vl_get_state () ; pthread_mutex_lock (&state->mutex) ; -- state->mutexCount ; if (state->mutexCount == 0) { pthread_cond_signal (&state->mutexCondition) ; } pthread_mutex_unlock (&state->mutex) ; #elif defined(VL_THREADS_WIN) LeaveCriticalSection (&vl_get_state()->mutex) ; #endif #endif } /** @internal@brief Return VLFeat global state ** ** The function returns a pointer to VLFeat global state. ** ** @return pointer to the global state structure. **/ VL_INLINE VlState * vl_get_state (void) { return &_vl_state ; } /** @internal@brief Get VLFeat thread state ** @return pointer to the thread state structure. ** ** The function returns a pointer to VLFeat thread state. **/ VL_INLINE VlThreadState * vl_get_thread_specific_state (void) { #ifdef VL_DISABLE_THREADS return vl_get_state()->threadState ; #else VlState * state ; VlThreadState * threadState ; vl_lock_state() ; state = vl_get_state() ; #if defined(VL_THREADS_POSIX) threadState = (VlThreadState *) pthread_getspecific(state->threadKey) ; #elif defined(VL_THREADS_WIN) threadState = (VlThreadState *) TlsGetValue(state->tlsIndex) ; #endif if (! threadState) { threadState = vl_thread_specific_state_new () ; } #if defined(VL_THREADS_POSIX) pthread_setspecific(state->threadKey, threadState) ; #elif defined(VL_THREADS_WIN) TlsSetValue(state->tlsIndex, threadState) ; #endif vl_unlock_state() ; return threadState ; #endif } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @brief Get the number of CPU cores of the host ** @return number of CPU cores. **/ vl_size vl_get_num_cpus (void) { return vl_get_state()->numCPUs ; } /** @fn ::vl_set_simd_enabled(vl_bool) ** @brief Toggle usage of SIMD instructions ** @param x @c true if SIMD instructions are used. ** ** Notice that SIMD instructions are used only if the CPU model ** supports them. Note alsoc that data alignment may restrict the use ** of such instructions. ** ** @see ::vl_cpu_has_sse2(), ::vl_cpu_has_sse3(), etc. **/ void vl_set_simd_enabled (vl_bool x) { vl_get_state()->simdEnabled = x ; } /** @brief Are SIMD instructons enabled? ** @return @c true if SIMD instructions are enabled. **/ vl_bool vl_get_simd_enabled (void) { return vl_get_state()->simdEnabled ; } /** @brief Check for AVX instruction set ** @return @c true if AVX is present. **/ vl_bool vl_cpu_has_avx (void) { #if defined(VL_ARCH_IX86) || defined(VL_ARCH_X64) || defined(VL_ARCH_IA64) return vl_get_state()->cpuInfo.hasAVX ; #else return VL_FALSE ; #endif } /** @brief Check for SSE3 instruction set ** @return @c true if SSE3 is present. **/ vl_bool vl_cpu_has_sse3 (void) { #if defined(VL_ARCH_IX86) || defined(VL_ARCH_X64) || defined(VL_ARCH_IA64) return vl_get_state()->cpuInfo.hasSSE3 ; #else return VL_FALSE ; #endif } /** @brief Check for SSE2 instruction set ** @return @c true if SSE2 is present. **/ vl_bool vl_cpu_has_sse2 (void) { #if defined(VL_ARCH_IX86) || defined(VL_ARCH_X64) || defined(VL_ARCH_IA64) return vl_get_state()->cpuInfo.hasSSE2 ; #else return VL_FALSE ; #endif } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if 0 /** @brief Get the number of computational threads available. ** @return number of threads. ** @sa @ref threads-parallel **/ vl_size vl_get_thread_limit (void) { #if defined(_OPENMP) return omp_get_thread_limit() ; #else return 1 ; #endif } #endif /** @brief Get the maximum number of computational threads. ** @return number of threads. ** @sa vl_set_num_threads(), @ref threads-parallel **/ vl_size vl_get_max_threads (void) { #if defined(_OPENMP) return vl_get_state()->numThreads ; #else return 1 ; #endif } /** @brief Set the number of threads targeted for parallel computations. ** @param numThreads number of threads to use. ** @sa vl_get_max_threads(), @ref threads-parallel **/ void vl_set_num_threads ( #if defined(_OPENMP) vl_size numThreads) #else vl_size numThreads VL_UNUSED) #endif { #if defined(_OPENMP) if (numThreads == 0) { numThreads = omp_get_max_threads() ; } vl_get_state()->numThreads = numThreads ; #else return ; #endif } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @brief Set last VLFeat error ** @param error error code. ** @param errorMessage error message format string. ** @param ... format string arguments. ** @return error code. ** ** The function sets the code and optionally the error message ** of the last encountered error. @a errorMessage is the message ** format. It uses the @c printf convention and is followed by ** the format arguments. The maximum lenght of the error message is ** given by ::VL_ERR_MSG_LEN (longer messages are truncated). ** ** Passing @c NULL as @a errorMessage ** sets the error message to the empty string. **/ int vl_set_last_error (int error, char const * errorMessage, ...) { VlThreadState * state = vl_get_thread_specific_state() ; va_list args; va_start(args, errorMessage) ; if (errorMessage) { #ifdef VL_COMPILER_LCC vsprintf(state->lastErrorMessage, errorMessage, args) ; #else vsnprintf(state->lastErrorMessage, sizeof(state->lastErrorMessage)/sizeof(char), errorMessage, args) ; #endif } else { state->lastErrorMessage[0] = 0 ; } state->lastError = error ; va_end(args) ; return error ; } /** @brief Get the code of the last error ** @return error code. ** @sa ::vl_get_last_error_message. **/ int vl_get_last_error (void) { return vl_get_thread_specific_state()->lastError ; } /** @brief Get the last error message ** @return pointer to the error message. ** @sa ::vl_get_last_error. **/ char const * vl_get_last_error_message (void) { return vl_get_thread_specific_state()->lastErrorMessage ; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @brief Set memory allocation functions ** @param malloc_func pointer to @c malloc. ** @param realloc_func pointer to @c realloc. ** @param calloc_func pointer to @c calloc. ** @param free_func pointer to @c free. **/ void vl_set_alloc_func (void *(*malloc_func) (size_t), void *(*realloc_func) (void*, size_t), void *(*calloc_func) (size_t, size_t), void (*free_func) (void*)) { VlState * state ; vl_lock_state () ; state = vl_get_state() ; state->malloc_func = malloc_func ; state->realloc_func = realloc_func ; state->calloc_func = calloc_func ; state->free_func = free_func ; vl_unlock_state () ; } /** @brief Allocate a memory block ** @param n size in bytes of the new block. ** @return pointer to the allocated block. ** ** This function allocates a memory block of the specified size. ** The synopsis is the same as the POSIX @c malloc function. **/ void * vl_malloc (size_t n) { return (vl_get_state()->malloc_func)(n) ; //return (memalign)(32,n) ; } /** @brief Reallocate a memory block ** @param ptr pointer to a memory block previously allocated. ** @param n size in bytes of the new block. ** @return pointer to the new block. ** ** This function reallocates a memory block to change its size. ** The synopsis is the same as the POSIX @c realloc function. **/ void * vl_realloc (void* ptr, size_t n) { return (vl_get_state()->realloc_func)(ptr, n) ; } /** @brief Free and clear a memory block ** @param n number of items to allocate. ** @param size size in bytes of an item. ** @return pointer to the new block. ** ** This function allocates and clears a memory block. ** The synopsis is the same as the POSIX @c calloc function. **/ void * vl_calloc (size_t n, size_t size) { return (vl_get_state()->calloc_func)(n, size) ; } /** @brief Free a memory block ** @param ptr pointer to the memory block. ** ** This function frees a memory block allocated by ::vl_malloc, ** ::vl_calloc, or ::vl_realloc. The synopsis is the same as the POSIX ** @c malloc function. **/ void vl_free (void *ptr) { (vl_get_state()->free_func)(ptr) ; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @brief Set the printf function ** @param printf_func pointer to a @c printf implementation. ** Set @c print_func to NULL to disable printf. **/ void vl_set_printf_func (printf_func_t printf_func) { vl_get_state()->printf_func = printf_func ? printf_func : do_nothing_printf ; } /** @brief Get the printf function ** @return printf_func pointer to the @c printf implementation. ** @sa ::vl_set_printf_func. **/ printf_func_t vl_get_printf_func (void) { return vl_get_state()->printf_func ; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @brief Get processor time ** @return processor time in seconds. ** @sa ::vl_tic, ::vl_toc **/ double vl_get_cpu_time () { #ifdef VL_OS_WIN VlThreadState * threadState = vl_get_thread_specific_state() ; LARGE_INTEGER mark ; QueryPerformanceCounter (&mark) ; return (double)mark.QuadPart / (double)threadState->ticFreq.QuadPart ; #else return (double)clock() / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC ; #endif } /** @brief Reset processor time reference ** The function resets VLFeat TIC/TOC time reference. There is one ** such reference per thread. ** @sa ::vl_get_cpu_time, ::vl_toc. **/ void vl_tic (void) { VlThreadState * threadState = vl_get_thread_specific_state() ; #ifdef VL_OS_WIN QueryPerformanceCounter (&threadState->ticMark) ; #else threadState->ticMark = clock() ; #endif } /** @brief Get elapsed time since tic ** @return elapsed time in seconds. ** ** The function ** returns the processor time elapsed since ::vl_tic was called last. ** ** @remark In multi-threaded applications, there is an independent ** timer for each execution thread. ** ** @remark On UNIX, this function uses the @c clock() system call. ** On Windows, it uses the @c QueryPerformanceCounter() system call, ** which is more accurate than @c clock() on this platform. **/ double vl_toc (void) { VlThreadState * threadState = vl_get_thread_specific_state() ; #ifdef VL_OS_WIN LARGE_INTEGER tocMark ; QueryPerformanceCounter(&tocMark) ; return (double) (tocMark.QuadPart - threadState->ticMark.QuadPart) / threadState->ticFreq.QuadPart ; #else return (double) (clock() - threadState->ticMark) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ; #endif } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @brief Get the default random number generator. ** @return random number generator. ** ** The function returns a pointer to the default ** random number genrator. ** There is one such generator per thread. **/ VL_EXPORT VlRand * vl_get_rand (void) { return &vl_get_thread_specific_state()->rand ; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Library construction and destruction routines */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @internal@brief Construct a new thread state object ** @return new state structure. **/ static VlThreadState * vl_thread_specific_state_new (void) { VlThreadState * self ; #if defined(DEBUG) printf("VLFeat DEBUG: thread constructor begins.\n") ; #endif self = malloc(sizeof(VlThreadState)) ; self->lastError = 0 ; self->lastErrorMessage[0] = 0 ; #if defined(VL_OS_WIN) QueryPerformanceFrequency (&self->ticFreq) ; self->ticMark.QuadPart = 0 ; #else self->ticMark = 0 ; #endif vl_rand_init (&self->rand) ; return self ; } /** @internal@brief Delete a thread state structure ** @param self thread state object. **/ static void vl_thread_specific_state_delete (VlThreadState * self) { #if defined(DEBUG) printf("VLFeat DEBUG: thread destructor begins.\n") ; #endif free (self) ; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* DLL entry and exit points */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* A constructor and a destructor must be called to initalize or dispose of VLFeat * state when the DLL is loaded or unloaded. This is obtained * in different ways depending on the operating system. */ #if (defined(VL_OS_LINUX) || defined(VL_OS_MACOSX)) && defined(VL_COMPILER_GNUC) static void vl_constructor () __attribute__ ((constructor)) ; static void vl_destructor () __attribute__ ((destructor)) ; #endif #if defined(VL_OS_WIN) static void vl_constructor () ; static void vl_destructor () ; BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hinstDLL, // handle to DLL module DWORD fdwReason, // reason for calling function LPVOID lpReserved ) // reserved { VlState * state ; VlThreadState * threadState ; switch (fdwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: /* Initialize once for each new process */ vl_constructor () ; break ; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: /* Do thread-specific initialization */ break ; case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: /* Do thread-specific cleanup */ #if ! defined(VL_DISABLE_THREADS) && defined(VL_THREADS_WIN) state = vl_get_state() ; threadState = (VlThreadState*) TlsGetValue(state->tlsIndex) ; if (threadState) { vl_thread_specific_state_delete (threadState) ; } #endif break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: /* Perform any necessary cleanup */ vl_destructor () ; break; } return TRUE ; /* Successful DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH */ } #endif /* VL_OS_WIN */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Library constructor and destructor */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @internal @brief Initialize VLFeat state */ static void vl_constructor (void) { VlState * state ; #if defined(DEBUG) printf("VLFeat DEBUG: constructor begins.\n") ; #endif state = vl_get_state() ; #if ! defined(VL_DISABLE_THREADS) #if defined(DEBUG) printf("VLFeat DEBUG: constructing thread specific state.\n") ; #endif #if defined(VL_THREADS_POSIX) { typedef void (*destructorType)(void * ); pthread_key_create (&state->threadKey, (destructorType) vl_thread_specific_state_delete) ; pthread_mutex_init (&state->mutex, NULL) ; pthread_cond_init (&state->mutexCondition, NULL) ; } #elif defined(VL_THREADS_WIN) InitializeCriticalSection (&state->mutex) ; state->tlsIndex = TlsAlloc () ; #endif #else /* threading support disabled */ #if defined(DEBUG) printf("VLFeat DEBUG: constructing the generic thread state instance (threading support disabled).\n") ; #endif vl_get_state()->threadState = vl_thread_specific_state_new() ; #endif state->malloc_func = malloc ; state->realloc_func = realloc ; state->calloc_func = calloc ; state->free_func = free ; state->printf_func = printf ; /* on x86 platforms read the CPUID register */ #if defined(VL_ARCH_IX86) || defined(VL_ARCH_X64) || defined(VL_ARCH_IA64) _vl_x86cpu_info_init (&state->cpuInfo) ; #endif /* get the number of CPUs */ #if defined(VL_OS_WIN) { SYSTEM_INFO info; GetSystemInfo (&info) ; state->numCPUs = info.dwNumberOfProcessors ; } #elif defined(VL_OS_MACOSX) || defined(VL_OS_LINUX) state->numCPUs = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) ; #else state->numCPUs = 1 ; #endif state->simdEnabled = VL_TRUE ; /* get the number of (OpenMP) threads used by the library */ #if defined(_OPENMP) state->numThreads = omp_get_max_threads() ; #else state->numThreads = 1 ; #endif #if defined(DEBUG) printf("VLFeat DEBUG: constructor ends.\n") ; #endif } /** @internal @brief Destruct VLFeat */ static void vl_destructor () { VlState * state ; #if defined(DEBUG) printf("VLFeat DEBUG: destructor begins.\n") ; #endif state = vl_get_state() ; #if ! defined(VL_DISABLE_THREADS) #if defined(DEBUG) printf("VLFeat DEBUG: destroying a thread specific state instance.\n") ; #endif #if defined(VL_THREADS_POSIX) { /* Delete the thread state of this thread as the destructor is not called by pthread_key_delete or after the key is deleted. When the library is unloaded, this thread should also be the last one using the library, so this is fine. */ VlThreadState * threadState = pthread_getspecific(state->threadKey) ; if (threadState) { vl_thread_specific_state_delete (threadState) ; pthread_setspecific(state->threadKey, NULL) ; } } pthread_cond_destroy (&state->mutexCondition) ; pthread_mutex_destroy (&state->mutex) ; pthread_key_delete (state->threadKey) ; #elif defined(VL_THREADS_WIN) { /* Delete the thread state of this thread as the destructor is not called by pthread_key_delete or after the key is deleted. When the library is unloaded, this thread should also be the last one using the library, so this is fine. */ VlThreadState * threadState = TlsGetValue(state->tlsIndex) ; if (threadState) { vl_thread_specific_state_delete (threadState) ; TlsSetValue(state->tlsIndex, NULL) ; } } TlsFree (state->tlsIndex) ; DeleteCriticalSection (&state->mutex) ; #endif #else #if defined(DEBUG) printf("VLFeat DEBUG: destroying the generic thread state instance (threading support disabled).\n") ; #endif vl_thread_specific_state_delete(vl_get_state()->threadState) ; #endif #if defined(DEBUG) printf("VLFeat DEBUG: destructor ends.\n") ; #endif }