function vl_help(topic, varargin) % VL_HELP VLFeat toolbox builtin help % VL_HELP('doc') displays the HTML documentation in MATLAB % web-browser. VL_HELP('vl_function') displays the HTML % documentation relative to the specified funtion. VL_HELP('topic') % displays the HTML documentation relative to a particular 'topic'. % % VL_HELP(..., 'ONLINE', true) uses the online documentation instead of % the local copy. % % Example:: % To get information about the library, a topic such as Fisher vectors, % or a function such as VL_FISHER(), use: % vl_help doc % vl_help fisher % vl_help vl_fisher % % See also the core VLFeat % documentation. % Author: Andrea Vedaldi % Copyright (C) 2013 Andrea Vedaldi % All rights reserved. % % This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under % the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file). if nargin == 0 help vl_help ; return ; end = false ; opts = vl_argparse(opts, varargin) ; local = fullfile(vl_root, 'doc') ; if prefix = '' ; else prefix = local ; end if strcmp(topic, 'doc') asFunction = 'index.html' ; asTopic = 'index.html' ; else asFunction = fullfile('mdoc', [lower(topic) '.html']) ; asTopic = fullfile('api', [lower(topic) '.html']) ; end if exist(fullfile(local, asFunction), 'file') web(fullfile(prefix, asFunction)) ; elseif exist(fullfile(local, asTopic), 'file') web(fullfile(prefix, asTopic)) ; else error('''%s'' is not a valid function or topic.', topic) ; end