function vl_compile(compiler) % VL_COMPILE Compile VLFeat MEX files % VL_COMPILE() uses MEX() to compile VLFeat MEX files. This command % works only under Windows and is used to re-build problematic % binaries. The preferred method of compiling VLFeat on both UNIX % and Windows is through the provided Makefiles. % % VL_COMPILE() only compiles the MEX files and assumes that the % VLFeat DLL (i.e. the file VLFEATROOT/bin/win{32,64}/vl.dll) has % already been built. This file is built by the Makefiles. % % By default VL_COMPILE() assumes that Visual C++ is the active % MATLAB compiler. VL_COMPILE('lcc') assumes that the active % compiler is LCC instead (see MEX -SETUP). Unfortunately LCC does % not seem to be able to compile the latest versions of VLFeat due % to bugs in the support of 64-bit integers. Therefore it is % recommended to use Visual C++ instead. % % See also: VL_NOPREFIX(), VL_HELP(). % Authors: Andrea Vedadli, Jonghyun Choi % Copyright (C) 2007-12 Andrea Vedaldi and Brian Fulkerson. % All rights reserved. % % This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under % the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file). if nargin < 1, compiler = 'visualc' ; end switch lower(compiler) case 'visualc' fprintf('%s: assuming that Visual C++ is the active compiler\n', mfilename) ; useLcc = false ; case 'lcc' fprintf('%s: assuming that LCC is the active compiler\n', mfilename) ; warning('LCC may fail to compile VLFeat. See help vl_compile.') ; useLcc = true ; otherwise error('Unknown compiler ''%s''.', compiler) end vlDir = vl_root ; toolboxDir = fullfile(vlDir, 'toolbox') ; switch computer case 'PCWIN' fprintf('%s: compiling for PCWIN (32 bit)\n', mfilename); mexwDir = fullfile(toolboxDir, 'mex', 'mexw32') ; binwDir = fullfile(vlDir, 'bin', 'win32') ; case 'PCWIN64' fprintf('%s: compiling for PCWIN64 (64 bit)\n', mfilename); mexwDir = fullfile(toolboxDir, 'mex', 'mexw64') ; binwDir = fullfile(vlDir, 'bin', 'win64') ; otherwise error('The architecture is neither PCWIN nor PCWIN64. See help vl_compile.') ; end impLibPath = fullfile(binwDir, 'vl.lib') ; libDir = fullfile(binwDir, 'vl.dll') ; mkd(mexwDir) ; % find the subdirectories of toolbox that we should process subDirs = dir(toolboxDir) ; subDirs = subDirs([subDirs.isdir]) ; discard = regexp({}, '^(.|..|noprefix|mex.*)$', 'start') ; keep = cellfun('isempty', discard) ; subDirs = subDirs(keep) ; subDirs = {} ; % Copy support files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if ~exist(fullfile(binwDir, 'vl.dll')) error('The VLFeat DLL (%s) could not be found. See help vl_compile.', ... fullfile(binwDir, 'vl.dll')) ; end tmp = dir(fullfile(binwDir, '*.dll')) ; supportFileNames = {} ; for fi = 1:length(supportFileNames) name = supportFileNames{fi} ; cp(fullfile(binwDir, name), ... fullfile(mexwDir, name) ) ; end % Ensure implib for LCC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if useLcc lccImpLibDir = fullfile(mexwDir, 'lcc') ; lccImpLibPath = fullfile(lccImpLibDir, 'VL.lib') ; lccRoot = fullfile(matlabroot, 'sys', 'lcc', 'bin') ; lccImpExePath = fullfile(lccRoot, 'lcc_implib.exe') ; mkd(lccImpLibDir) ; cp(fullfile(binwDir, 'vl.dll'), fullfile(lccImpLibDir, 'vl.dll')) ; cmd = ['"' lccImpExePath '"', ' -u ', '"' fullfile(lccImpLibDir, 'vl.dll') '"'] ; fprintf('Running:\n> %s\n', cmd) ; curPath = pwd ; try cd(lccImpLibDir) ; [d,w] = system(cmd) ; if d, error(w); end cd(curPath) ; catch cd(curPath) ; error(lasterr) ; end end % Compile each mex file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for i = 1:length(subDirs) thisDir = fullfile(toolboxDir, subDirs{i}) ; fileNames = ls(fullfile(thisDir, '*.c')); for f = 1:size(fileNames,1) fileName = fileNames(f, :) ; sp = strfind(fileName, ' '); if length(sp) > 0, fileName = fileName(1:sp-1); end filePath = fullfile(thisDir, fileName); fprintf('MEX %s\n', filePath); dot = strfind(fileName, '.'); mexFile = fullfile(mexwDir, [fileName(1:dot) 'dll']); if exist(mexFile) delete(mexFile) end cmd = {['-I' toolboxDir], ... ['-I' vlDir], ... '-O', ... '-outdir', mexwDir, ... filePath } ; if useLcc cmd{end+1} = lccImpLibPath ; else cmd{end+1} = impLibPath ; end mex(cmd{:}) ; end end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function cp(src,dst) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- if ~exist(dst,'file') fprintf('Copying ''%s'' to ''%s''.\n', src,dst) ; copyfile(src,dst) ; end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function mkd(dst) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- if ~exist(dst, 'dir') fprintf('Creating directory ''%s''.', dst) ; mkdir(dst) ; end