% VL_SLIC SLIC superpixels % SEGMENTS = VL_SLIC(IM, REGIONSIZE, REGULARIZER) extracts the SLIC % superpixes [1] from image IM. REGIONSIZE is the starting size of % the superpixels and REGULARIZER is the trades-off appearance for % spatial regularity when clustering (a larger value results in more % spatial regularization). SEGMENTS is a UINT32 array containing the % superpixel identifier for each image pixel. % % The image IM is a SINGLE array with two or three dimensions. The % third dimension is arbitrary, but it is usually three for RGB or % LAB images. % % VL_SLIC() accepts the following options: % % Verbose:: % Be verbose. % % MinRegionSize:: (1/6 of REGIONSIZE)^2 % The minimum size (in pixel area) of the extracted % superpixels. % % Example:: % If IM contains an RGB images, the SLIC superpixels can be % extracted as: % % REFERENCES:: % [1] R. Achanta, A. Shaji, K. Smith, A. Lucchi, P. Fua, and % S. Susstrunk. SLIC superpixels. Technical report, EPFL, 2010. % % See also:: http://www.vlfeat.org/doc/api/slic.html, VL_HELP().