function [frames, descrs] = vl_phow(im, varargin) % VL_PHOW Extract PHOW features % [FRAMES, DESCRS] = VL_PHOW(IM) extracts PHOW features from the % image IM. This function is a wrapper around VL_DSIFT() and % VL_IMSMOOTH(). % % The PHOW descriptors where introduced in [1]. By default, % VL_PHOW() computes the gray-scale variant of the descriptor. The % COLOR option can be used to compute the color variant instead. % % Verbose:: [false] % Set to true to turn on verbose output. % % Sizes:: [[4 6 8 10]] % Scales at which the dense SIFT features are extracted. Each % value is used as bin size for the VL_DSIFT() function. % % Fast:: [true] % Set to false to turn off the fast SIFT features computation by % VL_DSIFT(). % % Step:: [2] % Step (in pixels) of the grid at which the dense SIFT features % are extracted. % % Color:: [GRAY] % Choose between GRAY (PHOW-gray), RGB, HSV, and OPPONENT % (PHOW-color). % % ContrastThreshold:: [0.005] % Contrast threshold below which SIFT features are mapped to % zero. The input image is scaled to have intensity range in [0,1] % (rather than [0,255]) and this value is compared to the % descriptor norm as returned by VL_DSIFT(). % % WindowSize:: [1.5] % Size of the Gaussian window in units of spatial bins. % % Magnif:: [6] % The image is smoothed by a Gaussian kernel of standard deviation % SIZE / MAGNIF. % % FloatDescriptors:: [false] % If set to TRUE, the descriptors are returned in floating point % format. % % See also: VL_DSIFT(), VL_HELP(). % Copyright (C) 2007-12 Andrea Vedaldi and Brian Fulkerson. % All rights reserved. % % This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under % the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file). % ------------------------------------------------------------------- % Parse the arguments % ------------------------------------------------------------------- opts.verbose = false ; = true ; opts.sizes = [4 6 8 10] ; opts.step = 2 ; opts.color = 'gray' ; opts.floatdescriptors = false ; opts.magnif = 6 ; opts.windowsize = 1.5 ; opts.contrastthreshold = 0.005 ; opts = vl_argparse(opts,varargin) ; dsiftOpts = {'norm', 'windowsize', opts.windowsize} ; if opts.verbose, dsiftOpts{end+1} = 'verbose' ; end if, dsiftOpts{end+1} = 'fast' ; end if opts.floatdescriptors, dsiftOpts{end+1} = 'floatdescriptors' ; end dsiftOpts(end+(1:2)) = {'step', opts.step} ; % ------------------------------------------------------------------- % Extract the features % ------------------------------------------------------------------- % standarize the image imageSize = [size(im,2) ; size(im,1)] ; if strcmp(lower(opts.color), 'gray') numChannels = 1 ; if size(im,3) > 1, im = rgb2gray(im) ; end else numChannels = 3 ; if size(im,3) == 1, im = cat(3, im, im, im) ; end switch lower(opts.color) case 'rgb' case 'opponent' % Note that the mean differs from the standard definition of opponent % space and is the regular intesity (for compatibility with % the contrast thresholding). % % Note also that the mean is added pack to the other two % components with a small multipliers for monochromatic % regions. mu = 0.3*im(:,:,1) + 0.59*im(:,:,2) + 0.11*im(:,:,3) ; alpha = 0.01 ; im = cat(3, mu, ... (im(:,:,1) - im(:,:,2))/sqrt(2) + alpha*mu, ... (im(:,:,1) + im(:,:,2) - 2*im(:,:,3))/sqrt(6) + alpha*mu) ; case 'hsv' im = rgb2hsv(im) ; otherwise opts.color = 'hsv' ; warning('Color space not recongized, defaulting to HSV color space.') ; end end if opts.verbose fprintf('%s: color space: %s\n', mfilename, opts.color) ; fprintf('%s: image size: %d x %d\n', mfilename, imageSize(1), imageSize(2)) ; fprintf('%s: sizes: [%s]\n', mfilename, sprintf(' %d', opts.sizes)) ; end for si = 1:length(opts.sizes) % Recall from VL_DSIFT() that the first descriptor for scale SIZE has % center located at XC = XMIN + 3/2 SIZE (the Y coordinate is % similar). It is convenient to align the descriptors at different % scales so that they have the same geometric centers. For the % maximum size we pick XMIN = 1 and we get centers starting from % XC = 1 + 3/2 MAX(OPTS.SIZES). For any other scale we pick XMIN so % that XMIN + 3/2 SIZE = 1 + 3/2 MAX(OPTS.SIZES). % % In pracrice, the offset must be integer ('bounds'), so the % alignment works properly only if all OPTS.SZES are even or odd. off = floor(1 + 3/2 * (max(opts.sizes) - opts.sizes(si))) ; % smooth the image to the appropriate scale based on the size % of the SIFT bins sigma = opts.sizes(si) / opts.magnif ; ims = vl_imsmooth(im, sigma) ; % extract dense SIFT features from all channels for k = 1:numChannels [f{k}, d{k}] = vl_dsift(... ims(:,:,k), ... dsiftOpts{:}, ... 'size', opts.sizes(si), ... 'bounds', [off off +inf +inf]) ; end % remove low contrast descriptors % note that for color descriptors the V component is % thresholded switch opts.color case {'gray', 'opponent'} contrast = f{1}(3,:) ; case 'rgb' contrast = mean([f{1}(3,:) ; f{2}(3,:) ; f{3}(3,:)],1) ; otherwise % hsv contrast = f{3}(3,:) ; end for k = 1:numChannels d{k}(:, contrast < opts.contrastthreshold) = 0 ; end % save only x,y, and the scale frames{si} = [f{1}(1:3, :) ; opts.sizes(si) * ones(1,size(f{1},2))] ; descrs{si} = cat(1, d{:}) ; end descrs = cell2mat(descrs) ; frames = cell2mat(frames) ; end