% VL_QUICKSHIFT Quick shift image segmentation % Quick shift is a mode seeking algorithm which links each pixel to % its nearest neighbor which has an increase in the estimate of the % density. These links form a tree, where the root of the tree is % the pixel which correspond to the highest mode in the image. % % [MAP,GAPS] = VL_QUICKSHIFT(I, KERNELSIZE, MAXDIST) computes quick shift on the % image I. KERNELSIZE is the bandwidth of the Parzen window estimator of % the density. Since searching over all pixels for the nearest % neighbor which increases the density would be prohibitively % expensive, MAXDIST controls the maximum L2 distance between neighbors % that should be linked. MAP and GAP represent the resulting forest % of trees. They are array of the same size of I. Each element % (pixel) of MAP is and index to the parent elemen in the forest and % GAP contains the corresponding branch length. Pixels which are at % the root of their respective tree have MAP(x) = x and GAPS(x) = % inf. % % [MAP,GAPS,E] = VL_QUICKSHIFT(I, KERNELSIZE, MAXDIST) also returns the estimate % of the density E. % % [MAP,GAPS] = VL_QUICKSHIFT(I, KERNELSIZE) uses a default MAXDIST of 3 * KERNELSIZE. % % Notes:: % The distance between pixels is always measured in image % coordinates (not normalized), so the importance of the color % component should be weighted accordingly before calling this % function. % % Options: % % Verbose:: % Toggles verbose output. % % Medoid:: % Run medoid shift instead of quick shift. % % See also: VL_HELP(). % Copyright (C) 2007-12 Andrea Vedaldi and Brian Fulkerson. % All rights reserved. % % This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under % the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file).