function h=vl_plotpoint(V,varargin) % VL_PLOTPOINT Plot 2 or 3 dimensional points % VL_PLOTPOINT(V) plots the 2 or 3 dimensional points V. V is a 2xK or % 3xK array, with one point per column. % % H=VL_PLOTPOINT(...) returns the handle H of the plot. % % VL_PLOTPOINT() is a simple wrapper around the PLOT() and PLOT3() % functions. By default, VL_PLOTPOINT(V) plots the points with line % style '.'. VL_PLOTPOINT(V,...) does not use the default line style; % rather it passess any extra argument to the underlying plot % function. % % See also: PLOT(), PLOT3(), VL_HELP(). % Copyright (C) 2007-12 Andrea Vedaldi and Brian Fulkerson. % All rights reserved. % % This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under % the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file). if length(varargin) == 0 varargin = {'.'}; end switch size(V,1) case 2 h=plot(V(1,:),V(2,:),varargin{:}) ; case 3 h=plot3(V(1,:),V(2,:),V(3,:),varargin{:}) ; otherwise error(['V must be either 2xK or 3xK.']) ; end