function P = vl_click(N,varargin) ; % VL_CLICK Click a point % P=VL_CLICK() let the user click a point in the current figure and % returns its coordinates in P. P is a two dimensiona vectors where % P(1) is the point X-coordinate and P(2) the point Y-coordinate. The % user can abort the operation by pressing any key, in which case the % empty matrix is returned. % % P=VL_CLICK(N) lets the user select N points in a row. The user can % stop inserting points by pressing any key, in which case the % partial list is returned. % % VL_CLICK() accepts the following options: % % PlotMarker:: [0] % Plot a marker as points are selected. The markers are deleted on % exiting the function. % % See also: VL_CLICKPOINT(), VL_HELP(). % Copyright (C) 2007-12 Andrea Vedaldi and Brian Fulkerson. % All rights reserved. % % This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under % the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file). plot_marker = 0 ; for k=1:2:length(varargin) switch lower(varargin{k}) case 'plotmarker' plot_marker = varargin{k+1} ; otherwise error(['Uknown option ''', varargin{k}, '''.']) ; end end if nargin < 1 N=1; end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Do job % -------------------------------------------------------------------- fig = gcf ; is_hold = ishold ; hold on ; bhandler = get(fig,'WindowButtonDownFcn') ; khandler = get(fig,'KeyPressFcn') ; pointer = get(fig,'Pointer') ; set(fig,'WindowButtonDownFcn',@click_handler) ; set(fig,'KeyPressFcn',@key_handler) ; set(fig,'Pointer','crosshair') ; P=[] ; h=[] ; data.exit=0; guidata(fig,data) ; while size(P,2) < N uiwait(fig) ; data = guidata(fig) ; if(data.exit) break ; end P = [P data.P] ; if( plot_marker ) h=[h plot(data.P(1),data.P(2),'rx')] ; end end if ~is_hold hold off ; end if( plot_marker ) pause(.1); delete(h) ; end set(fig,'WindowButtonDownFcn',bhandler) ; set(fig,'KeyPressFcn',khandler) ; set(fig,'Pointer',pointer) ; % ==================================================================== function click_handler(obj,event) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- data = guidata(gcbo) ; P = get(gca, 'CurrentPoint') ; P = [P(1,1); P(1,2)] ; data.P = P ; guidata(obj,data) ; uiresume(gcbo) ; % ==================================================================== function key_handler(obj,event) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- data = guidata(gcbo) ; data.exit = 1 ; guidata(obj,data) ; uiresume(gcbo) ;