function varargout = tps(varargin) % VL_TPS Compute the thin-plate spline basis % PHI=VL_TPS(X1,X2,Y) returns the basis PHI of a thin-plate spline % (TPS) defined on the domain X1,X2 with control points Y. % % X1 and X2 are MxN matrices specifying the grid vertices. When % warping images, these usually correspond to image pixels. % % Y is a 2xK matrix specifying the control points, one per % column. Ofthen Y is a subset of the domain X1,X2, but this is not % required. % % PHI is a (K+3)xNxM matrix, with one layer per basis element. Each % basis element is a function of the domain X1,X2. % % [PHI,S] = VL_TPS(X1,X2,Y) additionally returns the stiffness matrix S % of the TPS. % % See also: VL_WTPS(), VL_HELP(). [varargout{1:nargout}] = vl_tps(varargin{:});