function varargout = inthist(varargin) % VL_INTHIST Calculate Integral Histogram % INTHIST = VL_INTHIST(LABELS) computes the integral histogram for % the label map(s) LABELS. % % LABELS is a [M,N,L] UINT32 array containing L label maps (one for % each MxN layer). Each label map associates to each of the MxN % pixels one of K labels (a value of 0 denotes no association) with % unitary mass. % % INTHIST is the [M,N,K] integral histogram obtained by integrating % the label maps (an integral histogram is just an array of K % integral images, one for each of the K labels). All layers of % labels are accumulated to the same integral histogram. % % The total number of labels K is obtained as the maximum value of % LABELS. VL_INTHIST(..., 'NUMLABELS', K) specifies the number of % labels explicitly. % % VL_INTHIST(..., 'MASS', MASSES) specifies a mass MASSES for each % entry of LABELS. MASSES can be either of class UINT32 or DOUBLE, % and the class of INTHIST varies accordingly. % % See also: VL_IMINTEGRAL(), VL_SAMPLEINTHIST(), VL_HELP(). [varargout{1:nargout}] = vl_inthist(varargin{:});