function varargout = imwhiten(varargin) % VL_IMWHITEN Whiten image % J = VL_IMWHITEN(I,ALPHA) approximatively whitens the power spectrum % of the natural image I. The algorithm assumes that the modulus of % the spectrum decays as 1/f^ALPHA (f is the frequency). % % VL_IMWHITEN(I) uses ALPHA=1 (a typical value for natural images). % % VL_IMWHITEN(I,ALPHA,CUTOFF) also applies a low-pass filter with % cutoff frequency equal to CUTOFF x FN, where FN is the Nyquist % frequency (half of the sampling frequency). % % See also: VL_HELP(). [varargout{1:nargout}] = vl_imwhiten(varargin{:});