function varargout = imdisttf(varargin) % VL_IMDISTTF Image distance transform % DT = VL_IMDISTTF(I) computes the distance transform of image I. % The distance transform is defined as % % DT(x,y) = min_{u,v} I(u,v) + (u - x)^2 + (v - y)^2. % % [D, INDEXES] = VL_IMDISTTF(...) returns a matrix INDEXES that % contains for each pixel (x,y) the index of the pixel (u,v) which % is the minimizer of the distance transform objective. % % VL_IMDSITTF(I, PARAM) uses differenet parameters for the % transform: % % DT(u,v) = min_{u,v} I(u,v) + PARAM(1) (u - x - PARAM(2))^2 % + PARAM(3) (v - y - PARAM(4))^2 % % The function uses the fast algorithm from [1]. % % REFERENCES:: % [1] P. F. Felzenszwalb and D. P. Huttenlocher. Distance transforms % of sampled functions. Technical report, Cornell University, 2004. % % See also: VL_HELP(). [varargout{1:nargout}] = vl_imdisttf(varargin{:});