function varargout = hikmeanshist(varargin) % VL_HIKMEANSHIST Compute histogram of quantized data % H = VL_HIKMEANSHIST(TREE,PATH) computes the histogram of the HIKM tree % nodes activated by the root-to-leaf paths PATH. PATH is usually % obtained by quantizing data by means of VL_HIKMEANSPUSH(). % % The histogram H has one bin for each node of the HIKM tree TREE. % The tree has K = TREE.K nodes and depth D = TREE.DEPTH. Therefore % there are M = (K^(D+1) - 1) / (K - 1) nodes in the tree (not % counting the root which carries no information). Nodes are stacked % into a vector of bins in breadth first order. % % Example:: % The following relations illustrate the structure of PATH: % H(1) = # of paths such that PATH(1,:) = 1 % H(K) = # of paths such that PATH(1,:) = K % H(K+1) = # of paths such that PATH(1:2,:) = [1 ; 1] % H(K+K) = # of paths such that PATH(1:2,:) = [1 ; K] % % See also: VL_HIKMEANS(), VL_HIKMEANSPUSH(), VL_HELP(). [varargout{1:nargout}] = vl_hikmeanshist(varargin{:});