function varargout = fisher(varargin) % VL_FISHER Fisher vector feature encoding % ENC = VL_FISHER(X, MEANS, COVARIANCES, PRIORS) computes the % Fisher vector encoding of the vectors X relative to the Gaussian % mixture model with means MEANS, covariances COVARIANCES, and pror % mode probabilities PRIORS. % % X has one column per data vector (e.g. a SIFT descriptor), and % MEANS and COVARIANCES one column per GMM component (covariance % matrices are assumed diagonal). PRIORS has size equal to the % number of GMM components. All data must be of the smae class, % either SINGLE or DOUBLE. % % ENC is a vector of the same class of X of size equal to the % product of the data dimension and the number of components. % % By default, the standard Fisher vector is computed. VL_FISHER() % accepts the following options: % % Normalized:: % If specified, L2 normalize the Fisher vector. % % SquareRoot:: % If specified, the signed square root function is applied to % ENC before normalization. % % Verbose:: % Increase the verbosity level (may be specified multiple times). % % See: Fisher vectors, VL_HELP(). [varargout{1:nargout}] = vl_fisher(varargin{:});