function varargout = det(varargin) % VL_DET Compute DET curve % [MISSRATE, FALSEALRAM] = VL_DET(LABELS, SCORES) computes the % Detection Error Trade-off (DET) curve for the given set LABELS and % SCORES. The function is a simple wrapper to VL_ROC(LABELS, % SCORES). In fact, MISSRATE is simply the false positive rate and % FALSEARALM the false negative rate returned by VL_ROC(). % % VL_DET(...) without output arguments plots the curves in the % current axis. Note that the DET curves use logarithmic axis. % % VL_DET(..., OPT, ARG, ...) accepts the same options as VL_ROC(). % % REFERENCES: % [1] A. Martin, G. Doddington, T. Kamm, M. Ordowski, and % M. Przybocki. The DET curve in assessment of detection task % performance. In Proc. Conf. on Speech Communication and Technology, % 1997. [varargout{1:nargout}] = vl_det(varargin{:});