function varargout = clickpoint(varargin) % VL_CLICKPOINT Select a point by clicking % SEL = VL_CLICKPOINT(V) let the user vl_click a point in the current % figure and returns the index v of the closest point (in Euclidean % norm) in the collection V. The 2xK matrix V has a a column for % each point. % % The user can abort the operation by pressing any key. In this case % the function returns the empty matrix. % % VL_CLICKPOINT(V,N) selects N points in a row. The user can stop the % selection at any time by pressing any key. In this case the % partial selection is returned. This can be used in combination % with N=inf to get an arbitrary number of points. % % VL_CLICKPOINT() accepts the following options: % % PlotMarker:: [0] % Put a marker as points are selected. The markers are deleted on % exiting the function. % % See also: VL_CLICK(), VL_HELP(). [varargout{1:nargout}] = vl_clickpoint(varargin{:});