function varargout = aibcuthist(varargin) % VL_AIBCUTHIST Compute a histogram by using an AIB compressed alphabet % HIST = VL_AIBCUTHIST(MAP, X) computes the histogram of the data X % using the compressed alphabet specified by a cut MAP of the AIB % tree (as returned by VL_AIBCUT()). Each element of HIST counts how % many elements of X are projected to the corresponding cut node % (encoding the compressed alphabet). % % Data are mapped to bins as specified by VL_AIBCUTPUSH(). Data mapped % to the null node are dropped. % % VL_AIBCUTHIST() accepts the following options: % % Nulls:: [drop] % What to do of null nodes: drop ('drop'), accumulate to an % extra bin at the end of HIST ('append'), or accumulate to % the first bin ('first') % % See also: VL_AIB(), VL_HELP(). [varargout{1:nargout}] = vl_aibcuthist(varargin{:});