/* file: erfill.mex.c ** description: Extremal Regions filling ** author: Andrea Vedaldi **/ /* Copyright (C) 2007-12 Andrea Vedaldi and Brian Fulkerson. All rights reserved. This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file). */ /** @file ** @brief Maximally Stable Extremal Regions - MEX implementation **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MIN(x,y) (((x)<(y))?(x):(y)) #define MAX(x,y) (((x)>(y))?(x):(y)) typedef char unsigned val_t ; typedef int idx_t ; typedef vl_uint64 acc_t ; /* advance N-dimensional subscript */ void adv(mwSize const* dims, int ndims, int* subs_pt) { int d = 0 ; while(d < ndims) { if( ++subs_pt[d] < (signed) dims[d] ) return ; subs_pt[d++] = 0 ; } } /* driver */ void mexFunction(int nout, mxArray *out[], int nin, const mxArray *in[]) { enum {IN_I=0, IN_ER} ; enum {OUT_MEMBERS} ; idx_t i ; int k, nel, ndims ; mwSize const * dims ; val_t const * I_pt ; int last = 0 ; int last_expanded = 0 ; val_t value = 0 ; double const * er_pt ; int* subs_pt ; /* N-dimensional subscript */ int* nsubs_pt ; /* diff-subscript to point to neigh. */ idx_t* strides_pt ; /* strides to move in image array */ val_t* visited_pt ; /* flag */ idx_t* members_pt ; /* region members */ bool invert = VL_FALSE ; /** ----------------------------------------------------------------- ** Check the arguments ** -------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (nin != 2) { mexErrMsgTxt("Two arguments required.") ; } else if (nout > 4) { mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments."); } if(mxGetClassID(in[IN_I]) != mxUINT8_CLASS) { mexErrMsgTxt("I must be of class UINT8.") ; } if(!vlmxIsPlainScalar(in[IN_ER])) { mexErrMsgTxt("ER must be a DOUBLE scalar.") ; } /* get dimensions */ nel = mxGetNumberOfElements(in[IN_I]) ; ndims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(in[IN_I]) ; dims = mxGetDimensions(in[IN_I]) ; I_pt = mxGetData(in[IN_I]) ; /* allocate stuff */ subs_pt = mxMalloc( sizeof(int) * ndims ) ; nsubs_pt = mxMalloc( sizeof(int) * ndims ) ; strides_pt = mxMalloc( sizeof(idx_t) * ndims ) ; visited_pt = mxMalloc( sizeof(val_t) * nel ) ; members_pt = mxMalloc( sizeof(idx_t) * nel ) ; er_pt = mxGetPr(in[IN_ER]) ; /* compute strides to move into the N-dimensional image array */ strides_pt [0] = 1 ; for(k = 1 ; k < ndims ; ++k) { strides_pt [k] = strides_pt [k-1] * dims [k-1] ; } /* load first pixel */ memset(visited_pt, 0, sizeof(val_t) * nel) ; { idx_t idx = (idx_t) *er_pt ; if (idx < 0) { idx = -idx; invert = VL_TRUE ; } if( idx < 1 || idx > nel ) { char buff[80] ; snprintf(buff,80,"ER=%d out of range [1,%d]",idx,nel) ; mexErrMsgTxt(buff) ; } members_pt [last++] = idx - 1 ; } value = I_pt[ members_pt[0] ] ; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- * Fill region * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ while(last_expanded < last) { /* pop next node xi */ idx_t index = members_pt[last_expanded++] ; /* convert index into a subscript sub; also initialize nsubs to (-1,-1,...,-1) */ { idx_t temp = index ; for(k = ndims-1 ; k >=0 ; --k) { nsubs_pt [k] = -1 ; subs_pt [k] = temp / strides_pt [k] ; temp = temp % strides_pt [k] ; } } /* process neighbors of xi */ while(VL_TRUE) { int good = VL_TRUE ; idx_t nindex = 0 ; /* compute NSUBS+SUB, the correspoinding neighbor index NINDEX and check that the pixel is within image boundaries. */ for(k = 0 ; k < ndims && good ; ++k) { int temp = nsubs_pt [k] + subs_pt [k] ; good &= 0 <= temp && temp < (signed) dims[k] ; nindex += temp * strides_pt [k] ; } /* process neighbor 1 - the pixel is within image boundaries; 2 - the pixel is indeed different from the current node (this happens when nsub=(0,0,...,0)); 3 - the pixel has value not greather than val is a pixel older than xi 4 - the pixel has not been visited yet */ if(good && nindex != index && ((!invert && I_pt [nindex] <= value) || ( invert && I_pt [nindex] >= value)) && ! visited_pt [nindex] ) { /* mark as visited */ visited_pt [nindex] = 1 ; /* add to list */ members_pt [last++] = nindex ; } /* move to next neighbor */ k = 0 ; while(++ nsubs_pt [k] > 1) { nsubs_pt [k++] = -1 ; if(k == ndims) goto done_all_neighbors ; } } /* next neighbor */ done_all_neighbors : ; } /* goto pop next member */ /* * Save results */ { mwSize dims[2] ; int unsigned * pt ; dims[0] = last ; out[OUT_MEMBERS] = mxCreateNumericArray(1,dims,mxUINT32_CLASS,mxREAL); pt = mxGetData(out[OUT_MEMBERS]) ; for (i = 0 ; i < last ; ++i) { *pt++ = members_pt[i] + 1 ; } } /* free stuff */ mxFree( members_pt ) ; mxFree( visited_pt ) ; mxFree( strides_pt ) ; mxFree( nsubs_pt ) ; mxFree( subs_pt ) ; }