/** @file vl_alldist.c ** @brief vl_alldist - MEX implementation ** @author Andrea Vedaldi **/ /* Copyright (C) 2007-12 Andrea Vedaldi and Brian Fulkerson. All rights reserved. This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file). */ #include "mexutils.h" #include enum { opt_LINF, opt_L2, opt_L1, opt_L0, opt_CHI2, opt_HELL, opt_JS, opt_KL2, opt_KL1, opt_KCHI2, opt_KHELL, opt_KJS } ; vlmxOption options [] = { {"linf", 0, opt_LINF }, {"l2", 0, opt_L2 }, {"l1", 0, opt_L1 }, {"l0", 0, opt_L0 }, {"chi2", 0, opt_CHI2 }, {"hell", 0, opt_HELL }, {"js", 0, opt_JS }, {"kl2", 0, opt_KL2 }, {"kl1", 0, opt_KL1 }, {"kchi2", 0, opt_KCHI2 }, {"khell", 0, opt_KHELL }, {"kjs", 0, opt_KJS }, {0, 0, 0 } } ; /* driver */ void mexFunction(int nout, mxArray *out[], int nin, const mxArray *in[]) { typedef int unsigned data_t ; vl_bool autoComparison = VL_TRUE ; VlVectorComparisonType comparisonType = VlDistanceL2 ; enum {IN_X = 0, IN_Y} ; enum {OUT_D = 0} ; mwSize numDataX = 0 ; mwSize numDataY = 0 ; mwSize dimension ; mxClassID classId ; /* for option parsing */ int opt ; int next ; mxArray const *optarg ; VL_USE_MATLAB_ENV ; if (nout > 1) { vlmxError(vlmxErrTooManyOutputArguments, NULL) ; } if (nin < 1) { vlmxError(vlmxErrNotEnoughInputArguments, NULL) ; } if (! (vlmxIsMatrix (in[IN_X],-1,-1) && vlmxIsReal(in[IN_X]))) { vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "X must be a real matrix.") ; } next = 1 ; classId = mxGetClassID(in[IN_X]) ; dimension = mxGetM(in[IN_X]) ; numDataX = mxGetN(in[IN_X]) ; if (nin > 1 && vlmxIsMatrix (in[IN_Y],-1,-1) && vlmxIsReal(in[IN_Y])) { next = 2 ; autoComparison = VL_FALSE ; numDataY = mxGetN(in[IN_Y]) ; if (mxGetClassID(in[IN_Y]) != classId) { vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "X and Y must have the same class.") ; } if (dimension != mxGetM(in[IN_Y])) { vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "X and Y must have the same number of rows.") ; } } if (classId != mxSINGLE_CLASS && classId != mxDOUBLE_CLASS) { vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "X must be either of class SINGLE or DOUBLE."); } while ((opt = vlmxNextOption (in, nin, options, &next, &optarg)) >= 0) { switch (opt) { case opt_L2 : comparisonType = VlDistanceL2 ; break ; case opt_L1 : comparisonType = VlDistanceL1 ; break ; case opt_CHI2 : comparisonType = VlDistanceChi2 ; break ; case opt_HELL : comparisonType = VlDistanceHellinger ; break ; case opt_JS : comparisonType = VlDistanceJS ; break ; case opt_KL2 : comparisonType = VlKernelL2 ; break ; case opt_KL1 : comparisonType = VlKernelL1 ; break ; case opt_KCHI2 : comparisonType = VlKernelChi2 ; break ; case opt_KHELL : comparisonType = VlKernelHellinger ; break ; case opt_KJS : comparisonType = VlKernelJS ; break ; default: abort() ; } } /* allocate output */ { mwSize dims [2] ; dims[0] = numDataX ; dims[1] = autoComparison ? numDataX : numDataY ; out[OUT_D] = mxCreateNumericArray (2, dims, classId, mxREAL) ; } /* If either numDataX or numDataY are null, their data pointers are null as well. This may confuse vl_eval_vector_comparison_on_all_pairs_*, so we intercept this as a special case. The same is true if dimension is null. */ if (numDataX == 0 || (! autoComparison && numDataY == 0)) { return ; } if (dimension == 0) { return ; } /* make calculation */ switch (classId) { case mxSINGLE_CLASS: { VlFloatVectorComparisonFunction f = vl_get_vector_comparison_function_f (comparisonType) ; if (autoComparison) { vl_eval_vector_comparison_on_all_pairs_f ((float*)mxGetData(out[OUT_D]), dimension, (float*)mxGetData(in[IN_X]), numDataX, 0, 0, f) ; } else { vl_eval_vector_comparison_on_all_pairs_f ((float*)mxGetData(out[OUT_D]), dimension, (float*)mxGetData(in[IN_X]), numDataX, (float*)mxGetData(in[IN_Y]), numDataY, f) ; } } break ; case mxDOUBLE_CLASS: { VlDoubleVectorComparisonFunction f = vl_get_vector_comparison_function_d (comparisonType) ; if (autoComparison) { vl_eval_vector_comparison_on_all_pairs_d ((double*)mxGetData(out[OUT_D]), dimension, (double*)mxGetData(in[IN_X]), numDataX, 0, 0, f) ; } else { vl_eval_vector_comparison_on_all_pairs_d ((double*)mxGetData(out[OUT_D]), dimension, (double*)mxGetData(in[IN_X]), numDataX, (double*)mxGetData(in[IN_Y]), numDataY, f) ; } } break ; default: abort() ; } }