function [x1,x2]=vl_witps(xp1,xp2,Y,Yp) % VL_WITPS Inverse thin-plate spline warping % [X1,X2]=VL_WITPS(XP1,XP2,Y,Yp) computes the inverse thin-plate spline % (TPS) warp of the points XP1,XP2. % % Remark:: % The inverse of a thin-plate spline in general is NOT a % thin-plate spline and some splines do not have an inverse. This % function uses Gauss-Newton to compute a set of points (X1,X2) % such that [XP1,XP2]=VL_WTPS(X1,X2,Y,Yp). % % See also: VL_WTPS(), VL_HELP(). % Copyright (C) 2007-12 Andrea Vedaldi and Brian Fulkerson. % All rights reserved. % % This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under % the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file). % Initial guess by inverting the control points [x1,x2] = vl_wtps(vl_tps(xp1,xp2,Yp),Y) ; X = [x1(:)';x2(:)'] ; Xp = [xp1(:)',;xp2(:)'] ; % Gauss-Newton K = size(Y,2) ; N = size(X,2) ; U = vl_tpsu(Y,Y) ; L = [[ones(1,K); Y], zeros(3) ; U, ones(K,1), Y'] ; invL = inv(L) ; A = [Yp, zeros(2,3)] * invL ; for t=1:5 [U,dU] = vl_tpsu(Y,X); W = A * [repmat([0 0;1 0;0 1],1,N); reshape(dU, K, 2*N)] ; err = Xp - A * [ ones(1,N) ; X(1,:) ; X(2,:) ; U ] ; W = reshape(W,4,N) ; dets = W(1,:).*W(4,:) - W(3,:).*W(2,:) ; dX = [ ( W(4,:).*err(1,:) - W(3,:).*err(2,:) ) ./ dets ; ... (- W(2,:).*err(1,:) + W(1,:).*err(2,:) ) ./ dets ] ; X = X + dX ; end [M,N] = size(xp1) ; x1 = reshape(X(1,:),M,N) ; x2 = reshape(X(2,:),M,N) ;