function [U,dU,delta]=vl_tpsu(X,Y) % VL_TPSU Compute the U matrix of a thin-plate spline transformation % U=VL_TPSU(X,Y) returns the matrix % % [ U(|X(:,1) - Y(:,1)|) ... U(|X(:,1) - Y(:,N)|) ] % [ ] % [ U(|X(:,M) - Y(:,1)|) ... U(|X(:,M) - Y(:,N)|) ] % % where X is a 2xM matrix and Y a 2xN matrix of points and U(r) is % the opposite -r^2 log(r^2) of the radial basis function of the % thin plate spline specified by X and Y. % % [U,dU]=vl_tpsu(x,y) returns the derivatives of the columns of U with % respect to the parameters Y. The derivatives are arranged in a % Mx2xN array, one layer per column of U. % % See also: VL_TPS(), VL_HELP(). % Copyright (C) 2007-12 Andrea Vedaldi and Brian Fulkerson. % All rights reserved. % % This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under % the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file). if exist('tpsumx') U = tpsumx(X,Y) ; else M=size(X,2) ; N=size(Y,2) ; % Faster than repmat, but still fairly slow r2 = ... (X( ones(N,1), :)' - Y( ones(1,M), :)).^2 + ... (X( 1+ones(N,1), :)' - Y(1+ones(1,M), :)).^2 ; U = - rb(r2) ; end if nargout > 1 M=size(X,2) ; N=size(Y,2) ; dx = X( ones(N,1), :)' - Y( ones(1,M), :) ; dy = X(1+ones(N,1), :)' - Y(1+ones(1,M), :) ; r2 = (dx.^2 + dy.^2) ; r = sqrt(r2) ; coeff = drb(r)./(r+eps) ; dU = reshape( [coeff .* dx ; coeff .* dy], M, 2, N) ; end % The radial basis function function y = rb(r2) y = zeros(size(r2)) ; sel = find(r2 ~= 0) ; y(sel) = - r2(sel) .* log(r2(sel)) ; % The derivative of the radial basis function function y = drb(r) y = zeros(size(r)) ; sel = find(r ~= 0) ; y(sel) = - 4 * r(sel) .* log(r(sel)) - 2 * r(sel) ;