/* file: imwbackward.c ** author: Andrea Vedaldi ** description: Backward projection of an image. **/ /* Copyright (C) 2007-12 Andrea Vedaldi and Brian Fulkerson. All rights reserved. This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file). */ /* TODO. * - Make a faster version for the uniform grid case. * - Rename variables. */ #include #include #include #include /** Matlab driver. **/ #define greater(a,b) (a) > (b) #define getM(arg) mxGetM(in[arg]) #define getN(arg) mxGetN(in[arg]) #define getPr(arg) mxGetPr(in[arg]) VL_INLINE int findNeighbor(double x, const double* X, int K) { int i = 0 ; int j = K - 1 ; int pivot = 0 ; double y = 0 ; if(x < X[i]) return i-1 ; if(x >= X[j]) return j ; while(i < j - 1) { pivot = (i+j) >> 1 ; y = X[pivot] ; /*mexPrintf("%d %d %d %f %f\n",i,j,pivot,x,y) ;*/ if(x < y) { j = pivot ; } else { i = pivot ; } } return i ; } void mexFunction(int nout, mxArray *out[], int nin, const mxArray *in[]) { enum { X=0,Y,I,iwXp,iwYp } ; enum { wI=0, wIx, wIy } ; int M, N, Mp, Np, ip, jp ; double *X_pt, *Y_pt, *I_pt, *iwXp_pt, *iwYp_pt, *wI_pt, *wIx_pt = 0, *wIy_pt = 0 ; double Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax ; const double NaN = mxGetNaN() ; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- * Check the arguments * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (nin < 5) { vlmxError (vlmxErrNotEnoughInputArguments, NULL) ; } if (nin > 5) { vlmxError (vlmxErrTooManyOutputArguments, NULL) ; } if (nout > 3) { vlmxError (vlmxErrTooManyOutputArguments, NULL) ; } if (! vlmxIsPlainMatrix(in[I], -1, -1)) { vlmxError (vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "I is not a plain matrix.") ; } if (! vlmxIsPlainMatrix(in[iwXp], -1, -1)) { vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "iwXp is not a plain matrix.") ; } M = getM(I) ; N = getN(I) ; Mp = getM(iwXp) ; Np = getN(iwXp) ; if(!vlmxIsPlainMatrix(in[iwYp], Mp, Np)) { vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "iwXp is not a plain matrix of the same idmension of iwYp.") ; } if(!vlmxIsPlainVector(in[X],N) || !vlmxIsPlainVector(in[Y],M)) { vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, "X and Y are not plain vectors with a length equal to the" " number of columns and rows of I.") ; } X_pt = getPr(X); Y_pt = getPr(Y) ; I_pt = getPr(I) ; iwXp_pt = getPr(iwXp) ; iwYp_pt = getPr(iwYp) ; /* Allocate the result. */ out[wI] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(Mp, Np, mxREAL) ; wI_pt = mxGetPr(out[wI]) ; if (nout > 1) { out[wIx] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(Mp, Np, mxREAL) ; out[wIy] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(Mp, Np, mxREAL) ; wIx_pt = mxGetPr (out[wIx]) ; wIy_pt = mxGetPr (out[wIy]) ; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- * Do the job * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ Xmin = X_pt [0] ; Xmax = X_pt [N - 1] ; Ymin = Y_pt [0] ; Ymax = Y_pt [M - 1] ; if (nout <= 1) { /* optimized for only image output */ for(jp = 0 ; jp < Np ; ++jp) { for(ip = 0 ; ip < Mp ; ++ip) { /* Search for the four neighbors of the backprojected point. */ double x = *iwXp_pt++ ; double y = *iwYp_pt++ ; double z = NaN ; /* This messy code allows the identity transformation * to be processed as expected. */ if(x >= Xmin && x <= Xmax && y >= Ymin && y <= Ymax) { int j = findNeighbor(x, X_pt, N) ; int i = findNeighbor(y, Y_pt, M) ; double* pt = I_pt + j*M + i ; /* Weights. */ double x0 = X_pt[j] ; double x1 = (j < N-1) ? X_pt[j+1] : x0 + 1; double y0 = Y_pt[i] ; double y1 = (i < M-1) ? Y_pt[i+1] : y0 + 1; double wx = (x-x0)/(x1-x0) ; double wy = (y-y0)/(y1-y0) ; /* Load all possible neighbors. */ double z00 = 0.0 ; double z10 = 0.0 ; double z01 = 0.0 ; double z11 = 0.0 ; if(j > -1) { if(i > -1 ) z00 = *pt ; pt++ ; if(i < M-1) z10 = *pt ; } else { pt++ ; } pt += M - 1; if(j < N-1) { if(i > -1 ) z01 = *pt ; pt++ ; if(i < M-1) z11 = *pt ; } /* Bilinear interpolation. */ z = (1 - wy) * ((1-wx) * z00 + wx * z01) + ( wy) * ((1-wx) * z10 + wx * z11) ; } *(wI_pt + jp*Mp + ip) = z ; } } } /* do also the derivatives */ else { /* optimized for only image output */ for(jp = 0 ; jp < Np ; ++jp) { for(ip = 0 ; ip < Mp ; ++ip) { /* Search for the four neighbors of the backprojected point. */ double x = *iwXp_pt++ ; double y = *iwYp_pt++ ; double z = NaN, zx = NaN, zy = NaN ; /* This messy code allows the identity transformation * to be processed as expected. */ if(x >= Xmin && x <= Xmax && y >= Ymin && y <= Ymax) { int j = findNeighbor(x, X_pt, N) ; int i = findNeighbor(y, Y_pt, M) ; double* pt = I_pt + j*M + i ; /* Weights. */ double x0 = X_pt[j] ; double x1 = X_pt[j+1] ; double y0 = Y_pt[i] ; double y1 = Y_pt[i+1] ; double wx = (x-x0)/(x1-x0) ; double wy = (y-y0)/(y1-y0) ; /* Load all possible neighbors. */ double z00 = 0.0 ; double z10 = 0.0 ; double z01 = 0.0 ; double z11 = 0.0 ; if(j > -1) { if(i > -1 ) z00 = *pt ; pt++ ; if(i < M-1) z10 = *pt ; } else { pt++ ; } pt += M - 1; if(j < N-1) { if(i > -1 ) z01 = *pt ; pt++ ; if(i < M-1) z11 = *pt ; } /* Bilinear interpolation. */ z = (1-wy)*( (1-wx) * z00 + wx * z01) + wy*( (1-wx) * z10 + wx * z11) ; zx = (1-wy) * (z01 - z00) + wy * (z11 - z10) ; zy = (1-wx) * (z10 - z00) + wx * (z11 - z01) ; } *(wI_pt + jp*Mp + ip) = z ; *(wIx_pt + jp*Mp + ip) = zx ; *(wIy_pt + jp*Mp + ip) = zy ; } } } }