function J = vl_imarray(A,varargin) % VL_IMARRAY Flattens image array % J=VL_IMARRAY(A) creates a mosaic J from the array of images A. A % can be either a M*N*K array, storing one gray-scale image per % slice, or a M*N*3*K or M*N*K*3 array, storing a true color RGB % image per slice. The function returns an image J which is a tiling % of the images in the array. Tiles are filled from left to right % and top to bottom. % % VL_IMARRAY(...) displays the image J rather than returning it. % % VL_IMARRAY() accepts the following options: % % Spacing:: 0 % Separate the images by a border of the specified width (the % border is assigned 0 value, which usually corresponds to black). % % Layout:: empty % Specify a vector [TM TN] with the number of rows and columns of % the tiling. If equal to [] the layout is computed automatically. % % Movie:: false % Display or return a movie instead of generating a tiling. % % CMap:: [] % Specify a colormap to construct a movie when the input is an % indexed image array. If not specified, MATLAB default colormap % is used. % % Reverse:: true % Start filling the mosaic tiles from the bottom rather than from % the top. % % See also:VL_IMARRAYSC(), VL_HELP(). % Copyright (C) 2007-12 Andrea Vedaldi and Brian Fulkerson. % All rights reserved. % % This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under % the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file). opts.reverse = false ; opts.spacing = 0 ; opts.layout = [] ; = false ; opts.cmap = [] ; opts = vl_argparse(opts, varargin) ; swap3 = false ; % retrieve image dimensions if ndims(A) <= 3 numChannels = 1 ; [height,width,numImages] = size(A) ; else if ndims(A) == 4 && size(A,3) == 3 [height,width,numChannels,numImages] = size(A) ; elseif ndims(A) == 4 && size(A,4) == 3 ; swap3 = true ; [height,width,numImages,numChannels] = size(A) ; else error('A is neither M*N*K, nor M*N*3*K, nor M*N*K*3.') ; end end % compute layout if isempty(opts.layout) N = ceil(sqrt(numImages)) ; M = ceil(numImages / N) ; else M = opts.layout(1) ; N = opts.layout(2) ; numImages = min(numImages, M*N) ; end % make storage for composite image if ~ cdata = zeros(height * M + opts.spacing * (M-1), ... width * N + opts.spacing * (N-1), ... numChannels, ... class(A)) ; end % add one image per time for k = 1:numImages % retrieve k-th image if numChannels == 1 tmp = A(:,:,k) ; else if swap3 tmp = A(:,:,k,:) ; else tmp = A(:,:,:,k) ; end end if ~ p = k - 1 ; i = floor(p/N) ; if opts.reverse i = M - 1 - i ; end j = mod(p,N) ; ir = i * (height + opts.spacing) + (1:height) ; jr = j * (width + opts.spacing) + (1:width) ; cdata(ir,jr,:) = tmp ; else if isempty(opts.cmap) opts.cmap = get(0, 'DefaultFigureColormap') ; end MOV(k) = im2frame(tmp, opts.cmap) ; end end if ~ if nargout == 0 image(cdata) ; colormap(opts.cmap) ; return ; else J = cdata ; end else if nargout == 0 movie(MOV) ; return ; else J = MOV ; end end