function recognition_demo(varargin) % RECOGNITION_DEMO Demonstrates using VLFeat for image classification if ~exist('vl_version') run(fullfile(fileparts(which(mfilename)), ... '..', '..', 'toolbox', 'vl_setup.m')) ; end opts.dataset = 'caltech101' ; opts.prefix = 'bovw' ; opts.encoderParams = {'type', 'bovw'} ; opts.seed = 1 ; opts.lite = true ; opts.C = 1 ; opts.kernel = 'linear' ; opts.dataDir = 'data'; for pass = 1:2 opts.datasetDir = fullfile(opts.dataDir, opts.dataset) ; opts.resultDir = fullfile(opts.dataDir, opts.prefix) ; opts.imdbPath = fullfile(opts.resultDir, 'imdb.mat') ; opts.encoderPath = fullfile(opts.resultDir, 'encoder.mat') ; opts.modelPath = fullfile(opts.resultDir, 'model.mat') ; opts.diaryPath = fullfile(opts.resultDir, 'diary.txt') ; opts.cacheDir = fullfile(opts.resultDir, 'cache') ; opts = vl_argparse(opts,varargin) ; end % do not do anything if the result data already exist if exist(fullfile(opts.resultDir,'result.mat')), load(fullfile(opts.resultDir,'result.mat'), 'ap', 'confusion') ; fprintf('%35s mAP = %04.1f, mean acc = %04.1f\n', opts.prefix, ... 100*mean(ap), 100*mean(diag(confusion))) ; return ; end vl_xmkdir(opts.cacheDir) ; diary(opts.diaryPath) ; diary on ; disp('options:' ); disp(opts) ; % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Get image database % -------------------------------------------------------------------- if exist(opts.imdbPath) imdb = load(opts.imdbPath); else switch opts.dataset case 'scene67', imdb = setupScene67(opts.datasetDir, 'lite', opts.lite) ; case 'caltech101', imdb = setupCaltech256(opts.datasetDir, 'lite', opts.lite, ... 'variant', 'caltech101', 'seed', opts.seed) ; case 'caltech256', imdb = setupCaltech256(opts.datasetDir, 'lite', opts.lite) ; case 'voc07', imdb = setupVoc(opts.datasetDir, 'lite', opts.lite, 'edition', '2007') ; case 'fmd', imdb = setupFMD(opts.datasetDir, 'lite', opts.lite) ; otherwise, error('Unknown dataset type.') ; end save(opts.imdbPath, '-struct', 'imdb') ; end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Train encoder and encode images % -------------------------------------------------------------------- if exist(opts.encoderPath) encoder = load(opts.encoderPath) ; else numTrain = 5000 ; if opts.lite, numTrain = 10 ; end train = vl_colsubset(find(imdb.images.set <= 2), numTrain, 'uniform') ; encoder = trainEncoder(fullfile(imdb.imageDir,, ... opts.encoderParams{:}, ... 'lite', opts.lite) ; save(opts.encoderPath, '-struct', 'encoder') ; diary off ; diary on ; end descrs = encodeImage(encoder, fullfile(imdb.imageDir,, ... 'cacheDir', opts.cacheDir) ; diary off ; diary on ; % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Train and evaluate models % -------------------------------------------------------------------- if isfield(imdb.images, 'class') classRange = unique(imdb.images.class) ; else classRange = 1:numel(imdb.classes.imageIds) ; end numClasses = numel(classRange) ; % apply kernel maps switch opts.kernel case 'linear' case 'hell' descrs = sign(descrs) .* sqrt(abs(descrs)) ; case 'chi2' descrs = vl_homkermap(descrs,1,'kchi2') ; otherwise assert(false) ; end descrs = bsxfun(@times, descrs, 1./sqrt(sum(descrs.^2))) ; % train and test train = find(imdb.images.set <= 2) ; test = find(imdb.images.set == 3) ; lambda = 1 / (opts.C*numel(train)) ; par = {'Solver', 'sdca', 'Verbose', ... 'BiasMultiplier', 1, ... 'Epsilon', 0.001, ... 'MaxNumIterations', 100 * numel(train)} ; scores = cell(1, numel(classRange)) ; ap = zeros(1, numel(classRange)) ; ap11 = zeros(1, numel(classRange)) ; w = cell(1, numel(classRange)) ; b = cell(1, numel(classRange)) ; for c = 1:numel(classRange) if isfield(imdb.images, 'class') y = 2 * (imdb.images.class == classRange(c)) - 1 ; else y = - ones(1, numel( ; [~,loc] = ismember(imdb.classes.imageIds{classRange(c)}, ; y(loc) = 1 - imdb.classes.difficult{classRange(c)} ; end if all(y <= 0), continue ; end [w{c},b{c}] = vl_svmtrain(descrs(:,train), y(train), lambda, par{:}) ; scores{c} = w{c}' * descrs + b{c} ; [~,~,info] = vl_pr(y(test), scores{c}(test)) ; ap(c) = info.ap ; ap11(c) = info.ap_interp_11 ; fprintf('class %s AP %.2f; AP 11 %.2f\n', imdb.meta.classes{classRange(c)}, ... ap(c) * 100, ap11(c)*100) ; end scores = cat(1,scores{:}) ; diary off ; diary on ; % confusion matrix (can be computed only if each image has only one label) if isfield(imdb.images, 'class') [~,preds] = max(scores, [], 1) ; confusion = zeros(numClasses) ; for c = 1:numClasses sel = find(imdb.images.class == classRange(c) & imdb.images.set == 3) ; tmp = accumarray(preds(sel)', 1, [numClasses 1]) ; tmp = tmp / max(sum(tmp),1e-10) ; confusion(c,:) = tmp(:)' ; end else confusion = NaN ; end % save results save(opts.modelPath, 'w', 'b') ; save(fullfile(opts.resultDir,'result.mat'), ... 'scores', 'ap', 'ap11', 'confusion', 'classRange', 'opts') ; % figures meanAccuracy = sprintf('mean accuracy: %f\n', mean(diag(confusion))); mAP = sprintf('mAP: %.2f %%; mAP 11: %.2f', mean(ap) * 100, mean(ap11) * 100) ; figure(1) ; clf ; imagesc(confusion) ; axis square ; title([opts.prefix ' - ' meanAccuracy]) ; vl_printsize(1) ; print('-dpdf', fullfile(opts.resultDir, 'result-confusion.pdf')) ; print('-djpeg', fullfile(opts.resultDir, 'result-confusion.jpg')) ; figure(2) ; clf ; bar(ap * 100) ; title([opts.prefix ' - ' mAP]) ; ylabel('AP %%') ; xlabel('class') ; grid on ; vl_printsize(1) ; ylim([0 100]) ; print('-dpdf', fullfile(opts.resultDir,'result-ap.pdf')) ; disp(meanAccuracy) ; disp(mAP) ; diary off ; end