function imdb = setupVoc(datasetDir, varargin) % SETUPVOC Setup PASCAL VOC data % IMDB = SETUPVOC(DATASETDIR, 'EDITION', '2007') setups the % PASCAL VOC 2007 data. This is similar to SETUPGENERIC(), but adapted % to the peculiarities of this dataset. In particular, the % difficult image flag and the fact that multiple labels apply to % each image are supported. % % Note that only the PASCAL VOC 2007 data comes with test images % and labels. For the other editions, setting up the test images % cannot be automatized due to restrictions in the distribution. % % See also: SETUPGENERIC(). % Author: Andrea Vedaldi % Copyright (C) 2013 Andrea Vedaldi % All rights reserved. % % This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under % the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file). opts.edition = '2007' ; opts.autoDownload = true ; opts.lite = false ; opts = vl_argparse(opts, varargin) ; switch opts.edition case '2007' urls = {'', ... ''} ; case '2008' urls = {''} ; case '2009' urls = {''} ; case '2010' urls = {''} ; case '2011' urls = {''} ; case '2012' urls = {''} ; otherwise error('Unknown PASCAL VOC edition ''%s''.', opts.edition) ; end % Download and unpack vl_xmkdir(datasetDir) ; if exist(fullfile(datasetDir, ['VOC' opts.edition], 'Annotations')) % ok elseif exist(fullfile(datasetDir, 'VOCdevkit', ['VOC' opts.edition], 'Annotations')) % ok datasetDir = fullfile(datasetDir, 'VOCdevkit') ; elseif opts.autoDownload for i = 1:length(urls) fprintf('Downloading VOC data ''%s'' to ''%s''. This will take a while.', urls{i}, datasetDir) ; untar(urls{i}, datasetDir) ; end datasetDir = fullfile(datasetDir, 'VOCdevkit') ; else error('VOC data not found in %s', datasetDir) ; end = [] ; imdb.images.set = uint8([]) ; = {} ; imdb.images.size = zeros(2,0) ; imdb.meta.sets = {'train', 'val', 'test'} ; imdb.meta.classes = {'aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'boat', 'bottle', 'bus', 'car', ... 'cat', 'chair', 'cow', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'horse', 'motorbike', ... 'person', 'pottedplant', 'sheep', 'sofa', 'train', 'tvmonitor'} ; imdb.imageDir = fullfile(datasetDir, ['VOC', opts.edition], 'JPEGImages') ; % Get the list of images map = containers.Map() ; j = 0 ; for si = 1:numel(imdb.meta.sets) setName = imdb.meta.sets{si} ; annoPath = fullfile(datasetDir, ['VOC' opts.edition], ... 'ImageSets', 'Main', ... [setName '.txt']) ; fprintf('%s: reading %s\n', mfilename, annoPath) ; [names,labels] = textread(annoPath, '%s %f') ; for i=1:length(names) j = j + 1 ; map(names{i}) = j ; = j ; imdb.images.set(j) = si ;{j} = [names{i} '.jpg'] ; %info = imfinfo(fullfile(imdb.imageDir,{j})) ; %imdb.images.size(:,j) = [info.Width ; info.Height] ; %fprintf('\radded %s',{j}) ; end end % Get class labels for ci = 1:length(imdb.meta.classes) imdb.classes.imageIds{ci} = [] ; imdb.classes.difficult{ci} = false(0) ; end for si = 1:numel(imdb.meta.sets) for ci = 1:length(imdb.meta.classes) setName = imdb.meta.sets{si} ; className = imdb.meta.classes{ci} ; annoPath = fullfile(datasetDir, ['VOC' opts.edition], ... 'ImageSets', 'Main', ... [className '_' setName '.txt']) ; fprintf('%s: reading %s\n', mfilename, annoPath) ; [names,labels] = textread(annoPath, '%s %f') ; for i = 1:numel(names) j = map(names{i}) ; if labels(i) >= 0 imdb.classes.imageIds{ci}(end+1) = j ; imdb.classes.difficult{ci}(end+1) = (labels(i) == 0) ; end end end end if opts.lite ok = {} ; for c = 1:3 trainIds = intersect( == 1), imdb.classes.imageIds{c}) ; testIds = intersect( == 3), imdb.classes.imageIds{c}) ; ok{end+1} = vl_colsubset(find(ismember(, trainIds)), 5) ; ok{end+1} = vl_colsubset(find(ismember(, testIds)), 5) ; end ok = unique(cat(2, ok{:})) ; imdb.meta.classes = imdb.meta.classes(1:3) ; imdb.classes.imageIds = imdb.classes.imageIds(1:3) ; imdb.classes.difficult = imdb.classes.difficult(1:3) ; = ; = ; imdb.images.set = imdb.images.set(ok) ; for c = 1:3 ok = ismember(imdb.classes.imageIds{c}, ; imdb.classes.imageIds{c} = imdb.classes.imageIds{c}(ok) ; imdb.classes.difficult{c} = imdb.classes.difficult{c}(ok) ; end end