function imdb = setupScene67(datasetDir, varargin) % SETUPSCENE67 Setup MIT Scene 67 dataset % This is similar to SETUPGENERIC(), with modifications to setup % MIT Scene 67 according to the standard evaluation protocols. The % function supports only the LITE option. % % See: SETUPGENERIC(). % Author: Andrea Vedaldi % Copyright (C) 2013 Andrea Vedaldi % All rights reserved. % % This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under % the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file). opts.lite = false ; opts = vl_argparse(opts, varargin) ; % Download and unpack vl_xmkdir(datasetDir) ; if exist(fullfile(datasetDir, 'Images', 'airport_inside')) % ok else url = '' ; trainImagesUrl = '' ; testImagesUrl = '' ; fprintf('Downloading MIT Scene 67 data to ''%s''. This will take a while.', datasetDir) ; urlwrite(trainImagesUrl, fullfile(datasetDir, 'TrainImages.txt')) ; urlwrite(testImagesUrl, fullfile(datasetDir, 'TestImages.txt')) ; untar(url, datasetDir) ; end % Construct image database imdb structure imdb.meta.sets = {'train', 'val', 'test'} ; trainNames = textread(fullfile(datasetDir, 'TrainImages.txt'),'%s','delimiter','\n') ; testNames = textread(fullfile(datasetDir, 'TestImages.txt'),'%s','delimiter','\n') ; names = [trainNames; testNames]' ; sets = [ones(1,numel(trainNames)), 3*ones(1,numel(testNames))] ; = 1:numel(names) ; [,perm] = sort(names) ; imdb.images.set = sets(perm) ; a = regexp(, '^([^/]+)*/.*$', 'tokens') ; for i = 1:numel(names) a{i} = a{i}{1}{1} ; end [imdb.meta.classes, ~, imdb.images.class] = unique(a) ; imdb.images.class = imdb.images.class(:)' ; imdb.imageDir = fullfile(datasetDir, 'Images') ; if opts.lite ok = {} ; for c = 1:3 ok{end+1} = vl_colsubset(find(imdb.images.class == c & imdb.images.set == 1), 5) ; ok{end+1} = vl_colsubset(find(imdb.images.class == c & imdb.images.set == 3), 5) ; end ok = cat(2, ok{:}) ; imdb.meta.classes = imdb.meta.classes(1:3) ; = ; = ; imdb.images.set = imdb.images.set(ok) ; imdb.images.class = imdb.images.class(ok) ; end