function imdb = setupGeneric(datasetDir, varargin) % SETUPGENERIC Setup a Caltech-101-like dataset % IMDB = SETUPGENERIC(DATASETDIR) initializes a IMDB structure % representing the dataset located at DATASETDIR. The dataset % is supposed to be organized similarly to Caltech-101, i.e. % to have one directory per image class, with a number of % image files in each directory. % % SETUPGENERIC(..., 'OPT', VAL, ...) accepts the following % options: % % Lite:: false % If set to TRUE, use at most 3 classes and at most 5 images % in each of TRAIN, VAL, and TEST. % % Seed:: 1 % The random seed used to generate the partitions. % % NumTrain:: 50 % Maximum number of training images per class. % % NumVal:: 0 % Maximum number of validation images per class. % % NumTest:: 50 % Maximum number of test images per class. % % ExpectedNumClasses:: [] % If set to a number, generate an error if the number % of classes found in DATASETDIR differs. This is only % used as a sanity check. % % IMDB is a structure with the following fields: % % IMDB.IMAGES:: % A structure of arrays representing the images in the % dataset. % % IMDB.IMAGES.ID:: % Vector of image numeric IDs. % % IMDB.IMAGES.NAME:: % Cell array with the image names. % % IMDB.IMAGES.SET:: % Vector of subset IDs for each image (train, val, test). % % IMDB.IMAGES.CLASS:: % Vector of class IDs for each image. % % IMDB.META:: % A substructure with meta information on the data. % % IMDB.META.CLASSES:: % Cell array of class names. % % IMDB.IMAGEDIR:: % Image directory. Join the image name to this directory to % access an image file. % Author: Andrea Vedaldi % Copyright (C) 2013 Andrea Vedaldi % All rights reserved. % % This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under % the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file). opts.lite = false ; opts.numTrain = 50 ; opts.numVal = 0 ; opts.numTest = 50 ; opts.seed = 1 ; opts.expectedNumClasses = [] ; opts = vl_argparse(opts, varargin) ; % Construct image database imdb structure imdb.meta.sets = {'train', 'val', 'test'} ; names = dir(datasetDir) ; names = {names([names.isdir]).name} ; names = setdiff(names, {'.', '..'}) ; imdb.meta.classes = names ; names = {} ; classes = {} ; for c = 1:numel(imdb.meta.classes) class = imdb.meta.classes{c} ; tmp = dir(fullfile(datasetDir, [class filesep '*.jpg'])) ; names{c} = strcat([class filesep], {}) ; classes{c} = repmat(c, 1, numel(names{c})) ; end names = cat(2,names{:}) ; classes = cat(2,classes{:}) ; sets = zeros(1,numel(names)) ; ids = 1:numel(names) ; numClasses = numel(imdb.meta.classes) ; if ~isempty(opts.expectedNumClasses) && numClasses ~= opts.expectedNumClasses error('Expected %d classes in image database at %s.', opts.expectedNumClasses, datasetDir) ; end for c = 1:numClasses sel = find(classes == c) ; randn('state', opts.seed) ; rand('state', opts.seed) ; selTrain = vl_colsubset(sel, opts.numTrain) ; selVal = vl_colsubset(setdiff(sel, selTrain), opts.numVal) ; selTest = vl_colsubset(setdiff(sel, [selTrain selVal]), opts.numTest) ; sets(selTrain) = 1 ; sets(selVal) = 2 ; sets(selTest) = 3 ; end ok = find(sets ~= 0) ; = ids(ok) ; = names(ok) ; imdb.images.set = sets(ok) ; imdb.images.class = classes(ok) ; imdb.imageDir = datasetDir ; if opts.lite ok = {} ; for c = 1:3 ok{end+1} = vl_colsubset(find(imdb.images.class == c & imdb.images.set == 1), 5) ; ok{end+1} = vl_colsubset(find(imdb.images.class == c & imdb.images.set == 2), 5) ; ok{end+1} = vl_colsubset(find(imdb.images.class == c & imdb.images.set == 3), 5) ; end ok = cat(2, ok{:}) ; imdb.meta.classes = imdb.meta.classes(1:3) ; = ; = ; imdb.images.set = imdb.images.set(ok) ; imdb.images.class = imdb.images.class(ok) ; end