function [im, scale] = readImage(imagePath) % READIMAGE Read and standardize image % [IM, SCALE] = READIMAGE(IMAGEPATH) reads the specified image file, % converts the result to SINGLE class, and rescales the image % to have a maximum height of 480 pixels, returing the corresponding % scaling factor SCALE. % % READIMAGE(IM) where IM is already an image applies only the % standardization to it. % Author: Andrea Vedaldi % Copyright (C) 2013 Andrea Vedaldi % All rights reserved. % % This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under % the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file). if ischar(imagePath) try im = imread(imagePath) ; catch error('Corrupted image %s', imagePath) ; end else im = imagePath ; end im = im2single(im) ; scale = 1 ; if (size(im,1) > 480) scale = 480 / size(im,1) ; im = imresize(im, scale) ; im = min(max(im,0),1) ; end