% RANSAC - Robustly fits a model to data with the RANSAC algorithm % % Usage: % % [M, inliers] = ransac(x, fittingfn, distfn, degenfn s, t, feedback, ... % maxDataTrials, maxTrials) % % Arguments: % x - Data sets to which we are seeking to fit a model M % It is assumed that x is of size [d x Npts] % where d is the dimensionality of the data and Npts is % the number of data points. % % fittingfn - Handle to a function that fits a model to s % data from x. It is assumed that the function is of the % form: % M = fittingfn(x) % Note it is possible that the fitting function can return % multiple models (for example up to 3 fundamental matrices % can be fitted to 7 matched points). In this case it is % assumed that the fitting function returns a cell array of % models. % If this function cannot fit a model it should return M as % an empty matrix. % % distfn - Handle to a function that evaluates the % distances from the model to data x. % It is assumed that the function is of the form: % [inliers, M] = distfn(M, x, t) % This function must evaluate the distances between points % and the model returning the indices of elements in x that % are inliers, that is, the points that are within distance % 't' of the model. Additionally, if M is a cell array of % possible models 'distfn' will return the model that has the % most inliers. If there is only one model this function % must still copy the model to the output. After this call M % will be a non-cell object representing only one model. % % degenfn - Handle to a function that determines whether a % set of datapoints will produce a degenerate model. % This is used to discard random samples that do not % result in useful models. % It is assumed that degenfn is a boolean function of % the form: % r = degenfn(x) % It may be that you cannot devise a test for degeneracy in % which case you should write a dummy function that always % returns a value of 1 (true) and rely on 'fittingfn' to return % an empty model should the data set be degenerate. % % s - The minimum number of samples from x required by % fittingfn to fit a model. % % t - The distance threshold between a data point and the model % used to decide whether the point is an inlier or not. % % feedback - An optional flag 0/1. If set to one the trial count and the % estimated total number of trials required is printed out at % each step. Defaults to 0. % % maxDataTrials - Maximum number of attempts to select a non-degenerate % data set. This parameter is optional and defaults to 100. % % maxTrials - Maximum number of iterations. This parameter is optional and % defaults to 1000. % % Returns: % M - The model having the greatest number of inliers. % inliers - An array of indices of the elements of x that were % the inliers for the best model. % % For an example of the use of this function see RANSACFITHOMOGRAPHY or % RANSACFITPLANE % References: % M.A. Fishler and R.C. Boles. "Random sample concensus: A paradigm % for model fitting with applications to image analysis and automated % cartography". Comm. Assoc. Comp, Mach., Vol 24, No 6, pp 381-395, 1981 % % Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman. "Multiple View Geometry in % Computer Vision". pp 101-113. Cambridge University Press, 2001 % Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Peter Kovesi % School of Computer Science & Software Engineering % The University of Western Australia % pk at csse uwa edu au % http://www.csse.uwa.edu.au/~pk % % Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy % of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal % in the Software without restriction, subject to the following conditions: % % The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in % all copies or substantial portions of the Software. % % The Software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind. % % May 2003 - Original version % February 2004 - Tidied up. % August 2005 - Specification of distfn changed to allow model fitter to % return multiple models from which the best must be selected % Sept 2006 - Random selection of data points changed to ensure duplicate % points are not selected. % February 2007 - Jordi Ferrer: Arranged warning printout. % Allow maximum trials as optional parameters. % Patch the problem when non-generated data % set is not given in the first iteration. % August 2008 - 'feedback' parameter restored to argument list and other % breaks in code introduced in last update fixed. % December 2008 - Octave compatibility mods % June 2009 - Argument 'MaxTrials' corrected to 'maxTrials'! function [M, inliers] = ransac(x, fittingfn, distfn, degenfn, s, t, feedback, ... maxDataTrials, maxTrials) Octave = exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') ~= 0; % Test number of parameters error ( nargchk ( 6, 9, nargin ) ); if nargin < 9; maxTrials = 50000; end; if nargin < 8; maxDataTrials = 1000; end; if nargin < 7; feedback = 0; end; [rows, npts] = size(x); p = 0.99; % Desired probability of choosing at least one sample % free from outliers bestM = NaN; % Sentinel value allowing detection of solution failure. trialcount = 0; bestscore = 0; N = 1; % Dummy initialisation for number of trials. % for debugging, we fix the set stream = RandStream.getGlobalStream; reset(stream); while N > trialcount % Select at random s datapoints to form a trial model, M. % In selecting these points we have to check that they are not in % a degenerate configuration. degenerate = 1; count = 1; while degenerate % Generate s random indicies in the range 1..npts % (If you do not have the statistics toolbox, or are using Octave, % use the function RANDOMSAMPLE from my webpage) if Octave | ~exist('randsample.m') ind = randomsample(npts, s); else ind = randsample(npts, s); end % Test that these points are not a degenerate configuration. degenerate = feval(degenfn, x(:,ind)); if ~degenerate % Fit model to this random selection of data points. % Note that M may represent a set of models that fit the data in % this case M will be a cell array of models M = feval(fittingfn, x(:,ind)); % Depending on your problem it might be that the only way you % can determine whether a data set is degenerate or not is to % try to fit a model and see if it succeeds. If it fails we % reset degenerate to true. if isempty(M) degenerate = 1; end end % Safeguard against being stuck in this loop forever count = count + 1; if count > maxDataTrials warning('Unable to select a nondegenerate data set'); break end end % Once we are out here we should have some kind of model... % Evaluate distances between points and model returning the indices % of elements in x that are inliers. Additionally, if M is a cell % array of possible models 'distfn' will return the model that has % the most inliers. After this call M will be a non-cell object % representing only one model. [inliers, M] = feval(distfn, M, x, t); % Find the number of inliers to this model. ninliers = length(inliers); % Jianxiong: I change it from > to >= if ninliers >= bestscore % Largest set of inliers so far... bestscore = ninliers; % Record data for this model bestinliers = inliers; bestM = M; % Update estimate of N, the number of trials to ensure we pick, % with probability p, a data set with no outliers. fracinliers = ninliers/npts; pNoOutliers = 1 - fracinliers^s; pNoOutliers = max(eps, pNoOutliers); % Avoid division by -Inf pNoOutliers = min(1-eps, pNoOutliers);% Avoid division by 0. N = log(1-p)/log(pNoOutliers); N = max(N,10); % at least try 20 times end trialcount = trialcount+1; if feedback fprintf('trial %d out of %d \r',trialcount, ceil(N)); end % Safeguard against being stuck in this loop forever if trialcount > maxTrials warning( ... sprintf('ransac reached the maximum number of %d trials',... maxTrials)); break end end %fprintf('\n'); if ~isnan(bestM) % We got a solution M = bestM; inliers = bestinliers; else M = []; inliers = []; error('ransac was unable to find a useful solution'); end