function Rt = align2RGBD(RGBD1, RGBD2, PC1, PC2, error3D_threshold,SmartRejection,DISicpRatioTol , DISicpDisTol) % given two RGBD image, we use SIFT + 3pt-RANSAC + ICP to estimate their relative location % input: % RGBD1(:,:,1) R [0,1] % RGBD1(:,:,2) G [0,1] % RGBD1(:,:,3) B [0,1] % RGBD1(:,:,4) D=Z unit=meter % RGBD1(:,:,5) X unit=meter % RGBD1(:,:,6) Y unit=meter % RGBD2(:,:,1) R [0,1] % RGBD2(:,:,2) G [0,1] % RGBD2(:,:,3) B [0,1] % RGBD2(:,:,4) D=Z unit=meter % RGBD2(:,:,5) X unit=meter % RGBD2(:,:,6) Y unit=meter % example usage: % load debug.mat; Rt = align2RGBD(frames(:,:,:,1), frames(:,:,:,2)); basicSetup; if ~exist('error3D_threshold','var') error3D_threshold = 0.05; end if ~exist('SmartRejection','var') SmartRejection = 2; end if ~exist('DISicpRatioTol','var') DISicpRatioTol = 2; end if ~exist('DISicpDisTol','var') DISicpDisTol = 0.1; end [Frame_i,SIFTdes_i] = up_sift(single(rgb2gray(RGBD1(:,:,1:3)))); SIFTloc_i = Frame_i([2,1],:); [Frame_j,SIFTdes_j] = up_sift(single(rgb2gray(RGBD2(:,:,1:3)))); SIFTloc_j = Frame_j([2,1],:); %% SIFT matching %[matchPointsID_i, matchPointsID_j] = matchSIFTdesImages(SIFTdes_i, SIFTdes_j); [matchPointsID_i, matchPointsID_j] = matchSIFTdesImagesBidirectional(SIFTdes_i, SIFTdes_j); minNeighboringFrame = 0; % used to be 3, hack to bypass matlab error minNeighboringMatching = 200; %if abs(frameID_i-frameID_j)<=minNeighboringFrame if length(matchPointsID_i) relax SIFT threhsold to 0.7 ', length(matchPointsID_i)); [matchPointsID_i, matchPointsID_j] = matchSIFTdesImagesBidirectional(SIFTdes_i, SIFTdes_j, 0.7^2); if length(matchPointsID_i) relax SIFT threhsold to 0.8 ', length(matchPointsID_i)); [matchPointsID_i, matchPointsID_j] = matchSIFTdesImagesBidirectional(SIFTdes_i, SIFTdes_j, 0.8^2); if length(matchPointsID_i) relax SIFT threhsold to 0.9 ', length(matchPointsID_i)); [matchPointsID_i, matchPointsID_j] = matchSIFTdesImagesBidirectional(SIFTdes_i, SIFTdes_j, 0.9^2); if length(matchPointsID_i) relax SIFT threhsold to 0.95 ', length(matchPointsID_i)); [matchPointsID_i, matchPointsID_j] = matchSIFTdesImagesBidirectional(SIFTdes_i, SIFTdes_j, 0.95^2); end end end fprintf('with %d matching \n', length(matchPointsID_i)); end %end SIFTloc_i = SIFTloc_i(:,matchPointsID_i); SIFTloc_j = SIFTloc_j(:,matchPointsID_j); posSIFT_i = round(SIFTloc_i); valid_i = (1<=posSIFT_i(1,:)) & (posSIFT_i(1,:)<=size(RGBD1,1)) & (1<=posSIFT_i(2,:)) & (posSIFT_i(2,:)<=size(RGBD1,2)); posSIFT_j = round(SIFTloc_j); valid_j = (1<=posSIFT_j(1,:)) & (posSIFT_j(1,:)<=size(RGBD2,1)) & (1<=posSIFT_j(2,:)) & (posSIFT_j(2,:)<=size(RGBD2,2)); valid = valid_i & valid_j; posSIFT_i = posSIFT_i(:,valid); SIFTloc_i = SIFTloc_i(:,valid); posSIFT_j = posSIFT_j(:,valid); SIFTloc_j = SIFTloc_j(:,valid); Xcam_i = RGBD1(:,:,5); Ycam_i = RGBD1(:,:,6); Zcam_i = RGBD1(:,:,4); validM_i = RGBD1(:,:,4)~=0; ind_i = sub2ind([size(RGBD1,1) size(RGBD1,2)],posSIFT_i(1,:),posSIFT_i(2,:)); valid_i = validM_i(ind_i); Xcam_j = RGBD2(:,:,5); Ycam_j = RGBD2(:,:,6); Zcam_j = RGBD2(:,:,4); validM_j = RGBD2(:,:,4)~=0; ind_j = sub2ind([size(RGBD2,1) size(RGBD2,2)],posSIFT_j(1,:),posSIFT_j(2,:)); valid_j = validM_j(ind_j); valid = valid_i & valid_j; ind_i = ind_i(valid); P3D_i = [Xcam_i(ind_i); Ycam_i(ind_i); Zcam_i(ind_i)]; ind_j = ind_j(valid); P3D_j = [Xcam_j(ind_j); Ycam_j(ind_j); Zcam_j(ind_j)]; SIFTloc_i = SIFTloc_i(:,valid); SIFTloc_j = SIFTloc_j(:,valid); %{ figure(1) imshow(RGBD1(:,:,1:3)); hold on plot(SIFTloc_i(2,:),SIFTloc_i(1,:),'+g'); drawnow figure(2) imshow(RGBD2(:,:,1:3)); hold on plot(SIFTloc_j(2,:),SIFTloc_j(1,:),'+g'); drawnow %} %% align RANSAC matchSIFT_threshold = 4; [RtRANSAC, inliers] = ransacfitRt([P3D_i; P3D_j], error3D_threshold, 0); if length(inliers) ICP %f (%f=>%f, %f=>%f)\n',DISransac,length(inliers),size(P3D_i,2),length(inliers)/size(P3D_i,2),DISicp,ER(1),ER(end),maxD(1),maxD(end)); if DISicp>DISransac && (DISicp > DISransac*DISicpRatioTol || DISicp > DISicpDisTol) Rt = RtRANSAC; disp('ICP is bad. Only using RANSAC'); else Rt = mulRt([TR TT],RtRANSAC); end % debug %points2ply('align2RGBD.ply', [dense3DFrom transformPointCloud(SIFTto,Rt)]); end