/* % install lOSMesa % compile % mex WarpMeshColor.cpp -lGLU -lOSMesa % or % mex WarpMeshColor.cpp -lGLU -lOSMesa -I/media/Data/usr/Mesa-9.1.2/include % on mac: % mex WarpMeshColor.cpp -lGLU -lOSMesa -I/opt/X11/include/ -L/opt/X11/lib/ */ /* This code is to render a Mesh given a 3x4 camera matrix with an image resolution widthxheight. The rendering result is an ID map for facets, edges and vertices. This can usually used for occlusion testing in texture mapping a model from an image, such as the texture mapping in the following two papers. --Jianxiong Xiao http://mit.edu/jxiao/ Citation: [1] J. Xiao, T. Fang, P. Zhao, M. Lhuillier, and L. Quan Image-based Street-side City Modeling ACM Transaction on Graphics (TOG), Volume 28, Number 5 Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 [2] J. Xiao, T. Fang, P. Tan, P. Zhao, E. Ofek, and L. Quan Image-based Facade Modeling ACM Transaction on Graphics (TOG), Volume 27, Number 5 Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 */ #include "mex.h" #include #include #include #include unsigned int uchar2uint(unsigned char* in){ unsigned int out = (((unsigned int)(in[0])) << 16) + (((unsigned int)(in[1])) << 8) + ((unsigned int)(in[2])); return out; } void uint2uchar(unsigned int in, unsigned char* out){ out[0] = (in & 0x00ff0000) >> 16; out[1] = (in & 0x0000ff00) >> 8; out[2] = in & 0x000000ff; //mexPrintf("%d=>[%d,%d,%d]=>%d\n",in,out[0],out[1],out[2], uchar2uint(out)); } // Input: // arg0: 3x4 Projection matrix, // arg1: image width, // arg2: image height, // arg3: width*height*4 double matrix, // Output: you will need to transpose the result in Matlab manually. see the demo void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { //mexPrintf("RenderMex\n"); float m_near = 0.3; float m_far = 1e8; int m_level = 0; double* projection = mxGetPr(prhs[0]); // arg0: 3x4 Projection matrix, int m_width = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[1]); // arg1: image width, int m_height = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]); // arg2: image height, double* vertex = mxGetPr(prhs[3]); // num_rows x num_cols x 4 double vertices matrix unsigned int num_cols = mxGetN(prhs[3])/4; unsigned int num_rows = mxGetM(prhs[3]); //mexPrintf("output size:\nm_width=%d\nm_height=%d\n", m_width,m_height); // Step 1: setup off-screen binding OSMesaContext ctx; ctx = OSMesaCreateContextExt(OSMESA_BGR, 32, 0, 0, NULL ); // strange hack not sure why it is not OSMESA_RGB unsigned char * pbuffer = new unsigned char [3 * m_width * m_height]; // Bind the buffer to the context and make it current if (!OSMesaMakeCurrent(ctx, (void*)pbuffer, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, m_width, m_height)) { mexErrMsgTxt("OSMesaMakeCurrent failed!: "); } OSMesaPixelStore(OSMESA_Y_UP, 0); // Step 2: Setup basic OpenGL setting glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); glCullFace(GL_BACK); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_FILL); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); //glClearColor(m_clearColor[0], m_clearColor[1], m_clearColor[2], 1.0f); // this line seems useless glViewport(0, 0, m_width, m_height); // Step 3: Set projection matrices double scale = (0x0001) << m_level; double final_matrix[16]; // new way: faster way by reuse computation and symbolic derive. See sym_derive.m to check the math. double inv_width_scale = 1.0/(m_width*scale); double inv_height_scale = 1.0/(m_height*scale); double inv_width_scale_1 =inv_width_scale - 1.0; double inv_height_scale_1_s = -(inv_height_scale - 1.0); double inv_width_scale_2 = inv_width_scale*2.0; double inv_height_scale_2_s = -inv_height_scale*2.0; double m_far_a_m_near = m_far + m_near; double m_far_s_m_near = m_far - m_near; double m_far_d_m_near = m_far_a_m_near/m_far_s_m_near; final_matrix[ 0]= projection[2+0*3]*inv_width_scale_1 + projection[0+0*3]*inv_width_scale_2; final_matrix[ 1]= projection[2+0*3]*inv_height_scale_1_s + projection[1+0*3]*inv_height_scale_2_s; final_matrix[ 2]= projection[2+0*3]*m_far_d_m_near; final_matrix[ 3]= projection[2+0*3]; final_matrix[ 4]= projection[2+1*3]*inv_width_scale_1 + projection[0+1*3]*inv_width_scale_2; final_matrix[ 5]= projection[2+1*3]*inv_height_scale_1_s + projection[1+1*3]*inv_height_scale_2_s; final_matrix[ 6]= projection[2+1*3]*m_far_d_m_near; final_matrix[ 7]= projection[2+1*3]; final_matrix[ 8]= projection[2+2*3]*inv_width_scale_1 + projection[0+2*3]*inv_width_scale_2; final_matrix[ 9]= projection[2+2*3]*inv_height_scale_1_s + projection[1+2*3]*inv_height_scale_2_s; final_matrix[10]= projection[2+2*3]*m_far_d_m_near; final_matrix[11]= projection[2+2*3]; final_matrix[12]= projection[2+3*3]*inv_width_scale_1 + projection[0+3*3]*inv_width_scale_2; final_matrix[13]= projection[2+3*3]*inv_height_scale_1_s + projection[1+3*3]*inv_height_scale_2_s; final_matrix[14]= projection[2+3*3]*m_far_d_m_near - (2*m_far*m_near)/m_far_s_m_near; final_matrix[15]= projection[2+3*3]; // matrix is ready. use it glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadMatrixd(final_matrix); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); // Step 3: render the mesh with encoded color from their ID unsigned char colorBytes[3]; unsigned int layerSize = num_cols* num_rows; //mexPrintf("input size:\nnum_cols=%d\nnum_rows=%d\n", num_cols,num_rows); double zThreshold = 0.1; for (unsigned int c = 0; c < num_cols-1; ++c) { double* x00 = vertex+ num_rows*c; double* x01 = x00 + num_rows; double* x10 = x00 + 1; double* x11 = x01 + 1; for (unsigned int r = 0; r < num_rows-1; ++r) { double* y00 = x00+layerSize; double* y01 = x01+layerSize; double* y10 = x10+layerSize; double* y11 = x11+layerSize; double* z00 = y00+layerSize; double* z10 = y10+layerSize; double* z01 = y01+layerSize; double* z11 = y11+layerSize; double* l00 = z00+layerSize; double* l10 = z10+layerSize; double* l01 = z01+layerSize; double* l11 = z11+layerSize; if (*z00 == 0.0){ if (*z01 != 0.0 && *z10 != 0.0 && *z11 != 0.0 && fabs(*z01-*z10)(*l11),colorBytes); glColor3ubv(colorBytes); glVertex3d(*x11,*y11,*z11); uint2uchar(static_cast(*l10),colorBytes); glColor3ubv(colorBytes); glVertex3d(*x10,*y10,*z10); uint2uchar(static_cast(*l01),colorBytes); glColor3ubv(colorBytes); glVertex3d(*x01,*y01,*z01); glEnd(); //mexPrintf("[%f,%d]\n", *l01,static_cast(*l01)); //mexPrintf("[%d,%d]: 1\n", r,c); } }else{ if (*z11 == 0.0){ if (*z01!= 0.0 && *z10!= 0.0 && *z00!= 0.0 && fabs(*z00-*z01)(*l00),colorBytes); glColor3ubv(colorBytes); glVertex3d(*x00,*y00,*z00); uint2uchar(static_cast(*l01),colorBytes); glColor3ubv(colorBytes); glVertex3d(*x01,*y01,*z01); uint2uchar(static_cast(*l10),colorBytes); glColor3ubv(colorBytes); glVertex3d(*x10,*y10,*z10); glEnd(); //mexPrintf("[%f,%d]\n", *l00,static_cast(*l00)); //mexPrintf("[%d,%d]: 2\n", r,c); } }else{ if (*z01!=0.0 && fabs(*z00-*z01)(*l00),colorBytes); glColor3ubv(colorBytes); glVertex3d(*x00,*y00,*z00); uint2uchar(static_cast(*l01),colorBytes); glColor3ubv(colorBytes); glVertex3d(*x01,*y01,*z01); uint2uchar(static_cast(*l11),colorBytes); glColor3ubv(colorBytes); glVertex3d(*x11,*y11,*z11); glEnd(); //mexPrintf("[%f,%d]\n", *l00,static_cast(*l00)); //mexPrintf("[%d,%d]: 3\n", r,c); } if (*z10!=0.0 && fabs(*z00-*z11)(*l00),colorBytes); glColor3ubv(colorBytes); glVertex3d(*x00,*y00,*z00); uint2uchar(static_cast(*l11),colorBytes); glColor3ubv(colorBytes); glVertex3d(*x11,*y11,*z11); uint2uchar(static_cast(*l10),colorBytes); glColor3ubv(colorBytes); glVertex3d(*x10,*y10,*z10); glEnd(); //mexPrintf("[%f,%d]\n", *l00,static_cast(*l00)); //mexPrintf("[%d,%d]: 4\n", r,c); } } } // update x00 = x10++; x01 = x11++; } } glFinish(); // done rendering // Step 5: convert the result from color to interger array plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(m_width, m_height, mxUINT32_CLASS, mxREAL); unsigned int* result = (unsigned int*) mxGetData(plhs[0]); unsigned int* resultCur = result; unsigned int* resultEnd = result + m_width * m_height; unsigned char * pbufferCur = pbuffer; while(resultCur != resultEnd){ *resultCur = uchar2uint(pbufferCur); //if (*resultCur!=0){ // mexPrintf("%d=[%d,%d,%d]\n",*resultCur,pbufferCur[0],pbufferCur[1],pbufferCur[2]); //} pbufferCur += 3; ++resultCur; } unsigned int* pDepthBuffer; GLint outWidth, outHeight, bitPerDepth; OSMesaGetDepthBuffer(ctx, &outWidth, &outHeight, &bitPerDepth, (void**)&pDepthBuffer); // mexPrintf("w = %d, h = %d, bitPerDepth = %d\n", outWidth, outHeight, bitPerDepth); plhs[1] = mxCreateNumericMatrix((int)outWidth, (int)outHeight, mxUINT32_CLASS, mxREAL); memcpy((unsigned int*) mxGetData(plhs[1]),pDepthBuffer,sizeof(unsigned int)*outWidth*outHeight); OSMesaDestroyContext(ctx); delete [] pbuffer; }