- If some images are not displayed properly, please let us know and do NOT continue working.
- Although the task is not adult-oriented, some images are automatically crawled from the Internet, and in some rare situations, they may be disturbing due to nude, violent or scary photos.
For each of the N images, answer yes or no to the above question. Only answer Yes to real photos. Always answer No to cartoon, drawing, or CG rendering. Here are some examples:
- Keep the right arrow [→] key (or [d] key) pressed down to move continuously from an image to the next. Release the key when you see an image for which the answer should be YES.
- Use [space] key to toggle the answer to YES. The default answer is NO.
- Use the left arrow [←] key (or [a] key) to go back to the previously seen images, if you skipped an image accidentaly.
- After you answer all the images, the [submit] button will be enabled.
- If your accuracy is too low, it won't allow you to submit. You will have to improve your answers first.
By making judgments about these images, you are participating in a study being performed by Princeton University. You may decline further participation, at any time, without adverse consequences. Your anonymity is assured; the researchers who have requested your participation will not receive any personal information about you.