function show3DModel(faces,vertices,showNormal) % % this function draws a 3D CG model with the normal of their faces % the normal is computed by left-hand-rule % % i.e. vertices are ordered clockwise with respect to its outward normal % % input: % faces is Nx3 matrix for vertex index % vertices is Kx3 matrix % % demo: % load model; % show3DModel(faces,vertices); X = reshape(vertices(faces(:),1),size(faces))'; Y = reshape(vertices(faces(:),2),size(faces))'; Z = reshape(vertices(faces(:),3),size(faces))'; fill3(X,Y,Z,'y'); cX = mean(X(1:3,:)); cY = mean(Y(1:3,:)); cZ = mean(Z(1:3,:)); p21= [X(2,:) - X(1,:); Y(2,:) - Y(1,:); Z(2,:) - Z(1,:)]; p31= [X(3,:) - X(1,:); Y(3,:) - Y(1,:); Z(3,:) - Z(1,:)]; nXYZ = cross(p21,p31); lXYZ = sqrt(sum(nXYZ.^2,1)); nXYZ = nXYZ ./ repmat(lXYZ,3,1); hold on; if ~exist('showNormal','var') || showNormal quiver3(cX,cY,cZ,nXYZ(1,:),nXYZ(2,:),nXYZ(3,:)); end axis equal