function result = queryGoogleWeb(original_keywords,data_from, data_to) % example usage: result = queryGoogleWeb(); if ~exist('original_keywords','var') original_keywords = 'wedding room'; data_from = '1/1/2000'; data_to = '2/1/2010'; end keywords = regexprep(original_keywords,' ','+'); url_template = ''; % example %url_template = [url_template '&tbs=cdr:1,cd_min:1/1/2013,cd_max:2/1/2013']; if exist('data_from','var') url_template = [url_template '&tbs=cdr:1,cd_min:' data_from ',cd_max:' data_to]; end % add this to add the time % &tbs=cdr:1,cd_min:4/28/2014,cd_max:4/2/2014 is the time: % tbm=isch means to search image. See % ijn=2 or &ijn=sbg % sa=X <== safe search % hl=en <== english? %,cd_min:4/28/2014,cd_max:4/2/2014&biw=1826&bih=714&tbm=isch&ijn=2&ei=bOFjU87KM8ilyASd0IGICg&start=200 result = []; for first = 0:100:900 url = sprintf(url_template,keywords,first/100,first); % directly call Matlab function % html = urlread(url); html = wgetRead(url); resultNow = parseGoogle(html,keywords); fprintf('%d: length = %d entries = %d\n',first,length(html), size(resultNow,1)); %first = first+size(resultNow,1); result = [result; resultNow]; end %{ first = 979; url = sprintf(url_template,keywords,first); %html = urlread(url); html = wgetRead(url); resultNow = parseGoogle(html,keywords); fprintf('%d: length = %d entries = %d\n',first,length(html), size(resultNow,1)); result = [result; resultNow]; %} %result = parseGoogle(myStr,keywords); [~, uID ]=unique(result(:,2)); result = result(uID,:); end function str = wgetRead(url) % wgetTemplate = '/usr/local/bin/wget --tries=2 --timeout=5 "%s" --user-agent=\"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070725 Firefox/\" -O \"%s\"'; wgetTemplate = '/usr/local/bin/wget --tries=2 --timeout=5 "%s" --referer="" --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.0.1847.131 Safari/537.36" -O "%s"'; fname = tempname; system(sprintf(wgetTemplate,url,fname)); try str = file2string(fname); catch str = ''; end delete(fname); end function fileStr = file2string(fname) fileStr = ''; fid = fopen(fname,'r'); tline = fgetl(fid); while ischar(tline) fileStr = [fileStr sprintf('\n') tline]; tline = fgetl(fid); end fclose(fid); end function result = parseGoogle(myStr,keywords) % googleReg = '(title=")[^"]+(")'; googleReg = '('); meta = regexprep(meta,' ',' '); meta = regexprep(meta,'×','×'); urlEscape = strrep(strrep(url,'\','\\'),'''','\'''); %'"tbnid": "' strrep(strrep(strrep(tbn,'\','\\'),'"','\"'),'''','\''') '", ' ... info = [ '{' ... '"keywrods": "' strrep(strrep(strrep(keywords,'\','\\'),'"','\"'),'''','\''') '", ' ... '"engine": "' 'google' '", ' ... '"url": "' urlEscape '", ' ... '"refurl": "' strrep(strrep(strrep(refurl,'\','\\'),'"','\"'),'''','\''') '", ' ... meta '}']; cnt = cnt + 1; result{cnt,1} = info; result{cnt,2} = urlEscape; result{cnt,3} = ['' tbn]; end end