function normals = points2normals(points) % estimating a normal vector based on nearby 100 points % points is 3 * n matrix for n points if size(points,2)==3 && size(points,1)~=3 points = points'; end normals = lsqnormest(points, 100); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % functions from % Least squares normal estimation from point clouds using PCA % % H. Hoppe, T. DeRose, T. Duchamp, J. McDonald, and W. Stuetzle. % Surface reconstruction from unorganized points. % In Proceedings of ACM Siggraph, pages 71:78, 1992. % % p should be a matrix containing the horizontally concatenated column % vectors with points. k is a scalar indicating how many neighbors the % normal estimation is based upon. % % Note that for large point sets, the function performs significantly % faster if Statistics Toolbox >= v. 7.3 is installed. % % Jakob Wilm 2010 function n = lsqnormest(p, k) m = size(p,2); n = zeros(3,m); v = ver('stats'); if str2double(v.Version) >= 7.5 neighbors = transpose(knnsearch(transpose(p), transpose(p), 'k', k+1)); else neighbors = k_nearest_neighbors(p, p, k+1); end for i = 1:m x = p(:,neighbors(2:end, i)); p_bar = 1/k * sum(x,2); P = (x - repmat(p_bar,1,k)) * transpose(x - repmat(p_bar,1,k)); %spd matrix P %P = 2*cov(x); [V,D] = eig(P); [~, idx] = min(diag(D)); % choses the smallest eigenvalue n(:,i) = V(:,idx); % returns the corresponding eigenvector end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Program to find the k - nearest neighbors (kNN) within a set of points. % Distance metric used: Euclidean distance % % Note that this function makes repetitive use of min(), which seems to be % more efficient than sort() for k < 30. function [neighborIds,neighborDistances] = k_nearest_neighbors(dataMatrix, queryMatrix, k) numDataPoints = size(dataMatrix,2); numQueryPoints = size(queryMatrix,2); neighborIds = zeros(k,numQueryPoints); neighborDistances = zeros(k,numQueryPoints); D = size(dataMatrix, 1); %dimensionality of points for i=1:numQueryPoints d=zeros(1,numDataPoints); for t=1:D % this is to avoid slow repmat() d=d+(dataMatrix(t,:)-queryMatrix(t,i)).^2; end for j=1:k [s,t] = min(d); neighborIds(j,i)=t; neighborDistances(j,i)=sqrt(s); d(t) = NaN; % remove found number from d end end