function warped_im = imgLookAt(im, CENTERx, CENTERy, new_imgH, fov ) %{ Citation: J. Xiao, K. A. Ehinger, A. Oliva and A. Torralba. Recognizing Scene Viewpoint using Panoramic Place Representation. Proceedings of 25th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2012. %} sphereW = size(im,2); sphereH = size(im,1); warped_im = zeros(new_imgH,new_imgH,3); [TXwarp TYwarp] = meshgrid(1:new_imgH, 1:new_imgH); TX = TXwarp(:); TY = TYwarp(:); TX = (TX -0.5 - new_imgH/2); TY = (TY -0.5 - new_imgH/2); % new_imgH = tan(fov/2) * R * 2 % TX = tan(ang/2) * R r = new_imgH/2 / tan(fov/2); % convert to 3D R = sqrt(TY .^ 2 + r ^ 2); ANGy = atan(- TY/r); ANGy = ANGy + CENTERy; X = sin(ANGy) .* R; Y = - cos(ANGy) .* R; Z = TX; INDn = find(abs(ANGy) > pi/2); % project back to sphere ANGx = atan(Z ./ -Y); RZY = sqrt(Z .^2 + Y .^2); ANGy = atan(X ./ RZY); ANGx(INDn) = ANGx(INDn)+pi; ANGx = ANGx + CENTERx; INDy = find(ANGy < -pi/2); ANGy(INDy) = - pi - ANGy(INDy) ; ANGx(INDy) = ANGx(INDy) + pi; INDx = find(ANGx <= -pi); ANGx(INDx) = ANGx(INDx) + 2 * pi; INDx = find(ANGx > pi); ANGx(INDx) = ANGx(INDx) - 2 * pi; INDx = find(ANGx > pi); ANGx(INDx) = ANGx(INDx) - 2 * pi; INDx = find(ANGx > pi); ANGx(INDx) = ANGx(INDx) - 2 * pi; % debug % X: [-pi pi] % Y: [-pi/2 pi/2] Px = (ANGx+pi) / (2*pi) * sphereW + 0.5; Py = ((- ANGy) + pi/2) / pi * sphereH + 0.5; %Px(INDn)=1; %Py(INDn)=1; INDxx = find(Px<1); Px(INDxx) = Px(INDxx) + sphereW; im(:,sphereW+(1:2),:) = im(:,1:2,:); % debug % hold on % plot(Px, Py, 'r.'); Px = reshape(Px, new_imgH, new_imgH); Py = reshape(Py, new_imgH, new_imgH); % finally warp image warped_im = warpImageFast(im, Px, Py);