function [sphereImg validMap] = imNormal2Sphere(im, imHoriFOV, sphereW, sphereH) %{ Citation: J. Xiao, K. A. Ehinger, A. Oliva and A. Torralba. Recognizing Scene Viewpoint using Panoramic Place Representation. Proceedings of 25th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2012. %} [TX TY] = meshgrid(1:sphereW, 1:sphereH); TX = TX(:); TY = TY(:); ANGx = (TX- sphereW/2 -0.5)/sphereW * pi *2 ; ANGy = -(TY- sphereH/2 -0.5)/sphereH * pi; % clip ANGx INDx = find(ANGx <= -pi/4); ANGx(INDx) = -pi/4; INDx = find(ANGx >= pi/4); ANGx(INDx) = pi/4; % convert angle to pixel of normal image imW = size(im,2); imH = size(im,1); f = (imW/2) / tan(imHoriFOV/2); Px = f * tan(ANGx); d = sqrt(Px .^2 + f ^2); Py = d .* tan(ANGy); Px = Px + imW/2 + 1; Py = -Py + imH/2 + 1; % outside range? validMap = (Px<1 ) | (Px>imW) | (Py<1 ) | (Py>imH); validMap = reshape(validMap, sphereH, sphereW); validMap = ~validMap; INDout = find(Px<1 ); Px(INDout) = 1; Py(INDout) = 1; INDout = find(Px>imW); Px(INDout) = 1; Py(INDout) = 1; INDout = find(Py<1 ); Px(INDout) = 1; Py(INDout) = 1; INDout = find(Py>imH); Px(INDout) = 1; Py(INDout) = 1; Px = reshape(Px, sphereH, sphereW); Py = reshape(Py, sphereH, sphereW); % finally warp image sphereImg = warpImageFast(im, Px, Py);