function [C,K,mu]=autocalibration_lin(PP); % Function: % Assuming K_i = diag([fi fi 1]), perform metric upgrade by solving a % linear system of equation using singular value decomposition. % % Input Parameters: % PP = Vector of P_i % % Return Values: % C = The absolute conic % K = Vector of K_i % mu = Vector of mu_i % % Notation: % P_i * C * P_i' = mu_i*K_i*K_i' = diag([a_i a_i b_i]) % a_i = mu_i * f_i * f_i % b_i = mu_i % C = [ c1 c2 c3 c4 ] % [ c2 c5 c6 c7 ] % [ c3 c6 c8 c9 ] % [ c4 c7 c9 c10 ] % % Authors: % Original By % Mathematical Imaging Group, % Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund university, SWEDEN. % E-mail: % % Modified By % XIAO Jianxiong % Homepage: % Vision and Graphics Laboratory, % Department of Computer Science and Engineering, % The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, % Hong Kong % Make up the system of equation Ax=0 % where x = [ c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10 a1 a2 ... a_nn b1 b2 ... b_nn]' E=eye(10); nn=size(PP,3); % number of cameras for i=1:nn, ii = (1:6) + (i-1)*6; P=PP(:,:,i); for j=1:10; A( ii , j ) = m2v( P*v2m(E(:,j))*P' ); end; A(ii,10 + i) = - [1 0 1 0 0 0]'; A(ii,10 + nn + i) = - [0 0 0 0 0 1]'; end; % singular value decomposition [u,s,v]=svd(A); % Check that the singular values permit a solution by two conditions: % 1. Is the smallest singular value small? % 2. Is the next larger one sufficiently large? ss = diag(s); % singular value N = size(ss,1); ok = (ss(N-1) > 10^(-6)) & (ss(N-1)/ss(N) > 10); if ok % Select scale of x so that norm(C,'fro')=1. x = v(:,size(v,2)); % x is equal to the last column of v C = v2m(x(1:10)); factor = sign(sum(trace(C)))/norm(C,'fro'); x = x*factor; % Calculate C C = v2m(x(1:10)); [u,s,v]=svd(C); s(4,4)=0; C = u*s*v'; % Calculate K and mu mu = zeros(1,nn); K = zeros(3,3,nn); for i = 1:nn; ai=x(10+i); bi=x(10+nn+i); mu(i) = bi; fi = sqrt(ai/bi); K(:,:,i) = diag([fi fi 1]); end; else error('The singular values are not good enough to be used to perform auto-calibration'); K = NaN*zeros(3,3,nn); C = NaN*zeros(4,4); mu = NaN*zeros(1,nn); end;