function mesh2off(OFFfilename, faces,vertices) % output a mesh into an OFF file % input: % OFFfilename is the file name for the off file % faces is Nx3 matrix for vertex index % vertices is KxD matrix. D is the number of polygon size. =3 if triangles file = fopen(OFFfilename,'w'); fprintf (file, 'OFF %d %d 0\n', size(vertices,1), size(faces,1)); for v=1:size(vertices,1) fprintf(file, '%f %f %f\n', vertices(v,1), vertices(v,2), vertices(v,3)); end faces = faces -1; % matlab starts from 1, office starts from 0 for f=1:size(faces,1) fprintf(file, '%d', size(faces,2)); for i=1:size(faces,2) fprintf(file, ' %d', faces(f,i)); end fprintf(file, '\n'); end fclose(file);