function varargout = plot3D(varargin) % downloaded from % PLOT3D Draws a collection of voxel points in 3 -Dimensional space. % PLOT3D(A) Draws the voxels contained in A. A is a 3-dimensional matrix % of zeros and ones, where 1-valued elements of the matrix will be % drawn and 0-elements will be left blank. The (I,J,K) element of the % matrix will be drawn at the coordinates (I,J,K). Alternatively, A % can be a Mx3 vector of vertex points [ x y z ]. % PLOT3D(A,SIZE) as above. SIZE defines the drawing voxels edge length. % PLOT3D(A,SIZE,C) as above. C defines the drawing colour of the voxels. % PLOT3D(A,SIZE,C,STYLE) as above. STYLE defines the style of marker to be % used. % % Possible marker styles are: % . point % o circle % x x-mark % * star % s square % d diamond % v triangle (down) % ^ triangle (up) % < triangle (left) % > triangle (right) % p pentagram % h hexagram % vox voxel % % PLOT3D(A,SIZE,C,STYLE,ALPHA) as above. ALPHA defines the transparenciy % of the voxels. % PLOT3D(...,MODE) MODE defines the interactive drawing mode to be used. % This is intended to aid visualization. Available modes are: % % pasive Draws all in one go % timed Draws next interval every X seconds. Time interval X % is set is passed as an additional parameter. % keyboard Draws next layer when keyboard is hit % % h = PLOT3D(...) Returns a vector containing the handles of all drawn % voxels. % % Example 1 % --------- % Creates the occupancy matrix of a discretized sphere with radius 10. % % r = 10; % side = 30; % sphere = zeros(side,side,side); % for i=1:side; x = i-side/2; % for j=1:side; y = j-side/2; % for k=1:side; z = k-side/2; % if sum([ x y z ].^2)<=r^2; sphere(i,j,k) = 1; end; % end % end % end % plot3D(sphere,'pasive'); % plot3D(Sphere_1,'timed', 0.1); % plot3D(Sphere_1,'keyboard'); % % See also VOXEL % Constants MODE_1 = 'pasive'; MODE_2 = 'timed'; MODE_3 = 'keyboard'; c2 = 'c'; timed_t = 3; VOXEL = 'vox'; axis vis3d; view([30 30]); % Default values vox_size = 1; c = 'm'; alpha = 1; style = VOXEL; mode = MODE_2; if nargin>=1 tmp_mode = varargin{length(varargin)}; tmp_t = NaN; if nargin>=2 && isnumeric(tmp_mode) tmp_t = tmp_mode; tmp_mode = varargin{length(varargin)-1}; end if strcmpi(tmp_mode,MODE_1) || strcmpi(tmp_mode,MODE_2) || ... strcmpi(tmp_mode,MODE_3) varargin(length(varargin)) = []; mode = tmp_mode; if ~isnan(tmp_t) varargin(length(varargin)) = []; timed_t = tmp_t; end end end if isempty(varargin) disp('Self test!!'); a = zeros(10,10,10); for i=1:11; x = i-6; for j=1:11; y = j-6; for k=1:11; z = k-6; if sum([ x y z ].^2)<=25; a(i,j,k) = 1; end; end end end end if length(varargin)>=1; a = varargin{1}; end; if length(varargin)>=2; vox_size = varargin{2}; end; if length(varargin)>=3; c = varargin{3}; end; if length(varargin)>=4; style = varargin{4}; end; if length(varargin)>=5; alpha = varargin{5}; end; if ndims(a)==2 % Already in coordinate format if strcmp(mode,MODE_2) || strcmp(mode,MODE_3) S = a; else S = []; end S2 = S; % optimization required for coord format case elseif ndims(a)==3 % 3D occupancy matrix --> convert to coordinate format if strcmp(mode,MODE_2) || strcmp(mode,MODE_3) S = sparse3D(a); else S = []; end if license('test','image_toolbox') b = bwperim(a); S2 = sparse3D(b); else S2 = sparse3D(a); end else error('Missmatching numer of dimensions: must be 2 or 3'); end % Start drawing box = [ 1 1 1 ] * vox_size; hold on; h = []; zs = unique(S2(:,3)); for i=1:length(zs) % Pre-draw if strcmp(mode,MODE_2) || strcmp(mode,MODE_3) idx = find(S(:,3)==zs(i)); hd1 = []; if strcmpi(style, VOXEL) for j=1:size(idx,1) hd2 = voxel(S(idx(j),:),box,c2,alpha); hd1 = vertcat(hd1,hd2); end else hd1 = plot3(S(idx,1), S(idx,2), S(idx,3), [c2 style]); end if strcmp(mode,MODE_2) pause(timed_t); else pause; end delete(hd1); end idx2 = find(S2(:,3)==zs(i)); h1 = []; if strcmpi(style, VOXEL) for j=1:size(idx2,1) h2 = voxel(S2(idx2(j),:),box,c,alpha); h1 = vertcat(h1,h2); end else h1 = plot3(S2(idx,1), S2(idx,2), S2(idx,3), [c style]); end h = vertcat(h1,h); end if nargout>0 varargout{1} = h; end