function im = imreadAutoRot(filename) % This is a replacement of imread in Matlab to handle auto-rotation in JPEG. % Matlab seems not able to handle automatic rotation of image in imread % (at least until R2012a version). % Therefore, I wrote this file to automatically rotate the image into the % write direction based on EXIF orientation. % I have tested this function on iPhone 5 with iOS 6. % Jianxiong Xiao % Reference: JPEG image format at im = imread(filename); try info = imfinfo(filename); switch info.Orientation case 1 case 2 im = im(:,end:-1:1,:); case 3 im = imrotate(im,180); im = im(:,end:-1:1,:); case 4 im = im(:,end:-1:1,:); case 6 im = imrotate(im,-90); case 5 im = im(:,end:-1:1,:); im = imrotate(im,-90); case 8 im = imrotate(im,90); case 7 im = imrotate(im,90); im = im(:,end:-1:1,:); end catch end